User Disclaimers

A user disclaimer can be set up to appear on the start page or your Elentra installation, when users try to access specific courses or communities, or when users access tasks in specific distributions. You must be a medtech:admin or staff:admin user to set up a disclaimer.

How to set a user disclaimer

  • Navigate to Admin>System Settings.

  • Click on the organisation you want to set a user disclaimer for.

  • Click 'User Disclaimers' from the left sidebar.

  • Click 'Add User Disclaimer'.

  • Complete the required information noting the following:

    • Effective Date: Set when the disclaimer will show up to users.

    • Trigger: Decide when this disclaimer should be applied.

      • When any page is accessed

      • When a specific course or courses are accessed

        • Set the course or courses

      • When a specific community or communities are accessed

        • Set the community or communities

        • Note you must be an administrator of a specific community to add a disclaimer to it.

      • When a specific distribution or distributions are accessed

        • Browse distributions and select one or more

  • When someone declines: Decide what should happen if someone declines the disclaimer. Click the checkbox to receive email notification of any declines. There is currently no user interface add additional emails in the case of a declined disclaimer.

    • This option will not display for distribution-based disclaimers. Distribution-based disclaimers will only offer the user the option to accept.

  • Audience: Click the down arrow beside Browse All Users and continue to click through to add your audience. Note that it is intentional that you can only drill down to the role level or user and not individuals. To delete any group from the list, click the small x beside the group.

    • This option will not display for distribution-based disclaimers since the audience is dictated by the assessors/evaluators in the distribution.

  • Click 'Save'.

  • Edit an existing disclaimer by clicking on the disclaimer title which will open an edit page.

  • Delete an existing disclaimer by clicking the trashcan icon in the last column.

After a user disclaimer has been accepted by at least one user you can no longer edit the content. If you need to replace the disclaimer, you must delete the existing disclaimer and create a new one.

How to report on user disclaimers

After a user disclaimer is active you can view who has accepted or declined the disclaimer.

  • Navigate to Admin>System Settings.

  • Click on the organisation you want to view a user disclaimer for.

  • Click 'User Disclaimers' from the left sidebar.

  • Find the name of the user disclaimer you wish to view and click the eye icon in the last column.

  • A list of users who have approved the disclaimer will be displayed. Click on 'Declined' to view users who have declined the disclaimer.

How users experience disclaimers

  • When users with an active disclaimer try to access the system or a course/community (depending on how you configure the disclaimer) they will be asked to accept or decline the disclaimer. They also have an option to print a copy of the disclaimer for their own records.