Mapping Tags to Content: Visibility and Reporting Options

The way curriculum tags are stored in Elentra does impact visibility on some pages and the available reporting options. This has grown more complex with the introduction of tags added through a Curriculum Framework for the purposes of Competency-Based Education.

Curriculum Management Reporting Tools

ToolWhat is DisplayedNotes

Curriculum Search

Learning Events that match the search term and filter requirements set by the user

When using a curriculum tag as a filter, indirect mappings will not be included in search results

Curriculum Explorer

Courses, Events, Gradebook Assessments (admin view only)

Shows direct and indirect mappings

Curriculum Matrix

Tags assigned to courses

Shows results for a hierarchical tag set; does not show indirect mappings

Mapping Tag to Tag

Mapping MethodView of Mapped Relationships

Hierarchical tag set imported through Admin > Manage Curriculum > Tag Sets

  • Curriculum Tag Mapping Report

  • Course Page will display any assigned children with their parents

Mapping from one tag set to another in Admin > Manage Curriculum

  • Admin > Manage Curriculum; when viewing a tag set, toggle to table view and add columns to see mapped relationships

  • Curriculum Tag Mapping Report

Curriculum Tag Mapping Report cannot show both paths if a parent tag is from a hierarchical tag set AND has a mapped relationship to another tag set (you lose visibility of the child tag from the hierarchical tag set)

Creating an Objective Tree using Competency-Based Education Tools

Available from a course CBME tab and in some cases in the EPA Encyclopedia

Curriculum Tag Mapping Report NOT supported unless manual mapping in Admin > Manage Curriculum also completed

Mapping Tags to Content

Tag Set StructureMapped to...Visibility and Reporting Options

Hierarchical tag set structure imported through Admin > Mange Curriculum > Tag Sets


  • Course Page (without website), assigned tag will display with all its parent tags also displaying

  • Course Website Learning Objectives Page (added tag will display with all its parent tags also displaying)

  • View tags mapped to courses in the Curriculum Matrix

  • Curriculum Explorer (direct and indirect mappings)


  • Unit Page (direct mappings only)


  • Learning Event Page (an assigned tag with no children will display on its own; if a tag with children is assigned to an event, the children alone will display without showing the parent tag)

  • Curriculum Explorer (direct and indirect mappings)

Gradebook Assessments

  • Curriculum Explorer (direct and indirect mappings)

  • Assessment Summary Report (direct mappings on assessments, displayed by course)

  • Student Objective Competency Report (limited to direct mappings)

Exam Items

  • Admin. view only - Exam Data blueprint of tags (direct mappings only) within a single exam

  • Learner Exam Report - performance per tag (optional to release)

Assessment and Evaluation Items

  • Admin. view only - use tags as a filter

Portfolio Artifacts

  • Adding tags from a hierarchical tag set requires numerous clicks and there is no search function in the tag selector

  • No reporting, view individual artifacts to see assigned tags

  • Only the tags assigned (whether a parent or a child) are displayed in the user interface

Learning Objects

  • Adding tags from a hierarchical set requires numerous clicks and there is no search function in the tag selector

  • No reporting, view individual learning objects to see assigned tags

  • Only the tags assigned (whether a parent or a child) are displayed in the user interface

Hierarchical curriculum structure created by importing flat lists of tags and mapping them to each other in Admin > Manage Curriculum


  • Course Page (without website), assigned tag will display (no mapped relationships display)

  • Course Website Learning Objectives Page (no mapped relationships display)

  • View tags mapped to courses in the Curriculum Matrix (only assigned tags display information, no indirect mappings will display in the Matrix)

  • Curriculum Explorer (direct and indirect mappings)


Information pending


  • Learning Event Page (only assigned tags display, no indirect mappings will display on an event page)

  • Curriculum Explorer (direct and indirect mappings)

Gradebook Assessments

Information pending

Exam Items

  • Admin. view only - Exam Data blueprint of tags (direct mappings only) within a single exam

  • Learner Exam Report - performance per tag (optional to release), direct mappings only

Assessment and Evaluation Items

  • Admin. view only - use tags as a filter, direct mappings only

Portfolio Artifacts

  • No reporting, view individual artifacts to see assigned tags

  • Direct mappings only

Learning Objects

  • No reporting, view individual learning objects to see assigned tags

  • Direct mappings only

Hierarchical curriculum structure created using a Curriculum Framework and a Course Objective Tree


  • Can be accessed to add to a course; will only show results on Curriculum Matrix if assigned on Course Curriculum Tab (in addition to being in Course Objective Tree) *currently tested with 1 version only


Information pending


  • Can be accessed to add to events; however, cannot access as filter on Curriculum Search

  • Tags assigned to events will return results in Curriculum Explorer, but only for direct mappings

*currently tested with 1 version only

Gradebook Assessments

Information pending

Exam Items

  • Tags are available to be selected and are displayed in Exam Data (direct mappings only)

*currently tested with 1 version only

Assessment and Evaluation Items

  • Tags are available to be selected, and can specify course and version to use

  • Admin view - use tag as filter

Portfolio Artifacts

  • No reporting, view individual learning objects to see assigned tags

Learning Objects

  • No reporting, view individual learning objects to see assigned tags

  • Tag selector includes a Course and Version filter so CBE tags are supported