Respondus Lockdown Browser

Please see Respondus Lockdown Browser for more information about their services.

Before administrative staff can enable Respondus in an exam post security step, some database configuration is required. A developer will need to add respondus to the exam_security_options database setting and provide information in the other required settings fields.

Database Setting


Use to control the visibility of exam security options. Defaults to basic,seb,rp_now,examity. You can optionally add respondus.


This is a 2 letter organisation-specific code. The Elentra prefix is set as default: na


This is the encryption key required by the browser; enter the information you were provided with your key.


This is the encryption key required by the browser; enter the information you were provided with your key.


These define the download URLs of the browser for each platform. By default, the download link from Respondus is set, but this should be hosted locally as they may be changed unexpectedly by Respondus.




Enable Respondus on an Exam Post

  • Create an exam post.

  • On Step 2: Settings, make sure the Exam Security Mode is set to Exam security options are required (i.e. password security, lockdown browser, etc.).

  • On Step 6: Security, select Respondus lockdown browser.

  • Save the post.

Taking the Exam as a Learner

It is recommended that you encourage learners to download the appropriate version of the browser for their operating system BEFORE the exam. This can make the exam taking experience smoother for everyone.

  • Access the exam from a Learning Event or from the Exams tab.

  • On an exam with the Respondus security option enabled, you will see a set of instructions to use the Lockdown browser. Download and install the version of the browser for your platform if not already up-to-date.

  • Click the Launch button. This should start the browser and direct you to a test page.

  • Use the Start new attempt button to start the exam. It should start the Respondus lockdown browser and the exam should start.

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