View and Report on Gradebooks

Elentra offers users a variety of ways to view and extract information about gradebook assessments and overall course grades. From viewing learner results to examining the use of curriculum tags applied to gradebook assessments, Elentra's tools and reports can help faculty make important decisions about student progress and their school wide assessment plan.

A database setting (gradebook_include_ungraded_assessments) introduced in Elentra ME 1.21 controls whether the administrator view of a gradebook ignores unentered grades or counts them as zero. Please speak to a developer to adjust the setting as per your needs.

With gradebook_include_ungraded_assessments set to 1, Elentra will treat all unentered grades as being zeroes for the purposes of calculating the learners' collection averages and final grades. This means that the gradebook spreadsheet will show different grades than what a learner sees in their My Gradebook overview. In the My Gradebook view for learners, unentered grades are ignored (this helps to prevent a situation where learners always start the year with an empty gradebook and 0%).

With gradebook_include_ungraded_assessments set to 0, Elentra will ignore unentered grades. Collection averages will adjust to show this. Learners with unentered grades will have a reduced gradebook weight total (i.e., less than 100%) unless you adjust other assessments. The gradebook spreadsheet will show the same grade as what a learner sees in their My Gradebook overview.

View Existing Gradebook Assessments

  • Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses and search for a course if needed.

  • Click the menu cog to the right of the course title and select Gradebook.

  • Adjust the curriculum period if needed. Using the period selector in the top right.

  • Click on the title of an assessment to access the grading page and view the assessment statistics and individual learner grades for that assessment.

    • Import or export grades as needed.

    • Filter your view by assigned grader or assessment audience (e.g. a specific course group).

    • Edit the assessment or view its existing settings from the Edit Assessment button in the top right.

    • Note that if learners submitted assignments through a drop box, the submitted column will show whether the submission has been made. Red text indicates a submission was made after the due date.

View Course Grades to Date (Grade Spreadsheet)

Whether the grades viewed in the Grade Spreadsheet match the learner view of their gradebook will depend on whether you have the database setting gradebook_include_ungraded_assessments enabled or not. See above for more details.

  • Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses.

  • Search for a course as needed.

  • Click the cog icon to the right of the course name and select Gradebook.

  • Ensure you are in the correct curriculum period and adjust using the period selector in the top right if needed. (The current curriculum period will display by default.)

  • Click 'Grade Spreadsheet' at the bottom right of the page. The grade spreadsheet can take some time to load if you have many assessments. Please be patient.

    • You will see a list of a learners, their institutional id number, each assessment, any existing collections, weighted total (weight of all assessments per learner), cumulative weighted total (all assessments per learner adjusted to 100%), and optionally an adjusted total (a manually updated course grade entered by gradebook administrators).

    • Most column headers can be clicked on to reorder the display from ascending to descending.

    • If a learner has a custom weight applied to an assessment, you'll see a red exclamation mark in the cell to alert you to the custom weighting.

    • If a learner is not part of the audience for an assessment, you'll see that the cell is greyed out and shows N/A.

    • For any column with results, if a marking scheme and grading scale were set both will be displayed to the user.

    • Numbers in the Weighted Total column will display in red if the total gradebook weight for a learner is different than 100%.

  • You can adjust grades from this screen by typing in revised scores.

    • Please note that although the individual mark and grade will update immediately, to update the entire row (and therefore recalculate the weighted total) you must click 'Refresh' in the top right.

  • Limit the view to one student by typing their name into the search bar in the top right. This can be useful in learner conferences or when reporting to committees.

  • Optionally export a CSV from this view.

  • Click 'Close' in the top right to close the window and return to the Gradebook Assessments list.

Sample Grade Spreadsheet

Export Grades

A database setting allows you to optionally include username and email in gradebook csv exports (gradebook_assessment_csv_include_username, gradebook_assessment_csv_include_email).

  • Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses.

  • Search for a course as needed.

  • Click the cog icon to the right of the course name and select Gradebook.

  • Ensure you are in the correct curriculum period and adjust using the period selector in the top right if needed. (The current curriculum period will display by default.)

  • Click 'Export Grades' at the bottom right of the page.

  • A CSV file will automatically download or you will be prompted to store the file on your computer.

  • The file will be titled with the current date, the course code, curriculum period id and suffix 'gradebook' (e.g., 2020-04-25_ELE_LRN_cperiod_12_gradebook)

Report on Types of Assessments (formative, summative, narrative)

  • Navigate to Admin > System Reports.

  • Scroll down to the Assessment Reports section and click on 'Assessment Summary Report'.

  • Select the appropriate cohort from the dropdown menu.

  • Add courses by clicking 'Show List', clicking on a course title, and clicking 'Add'. Remove unwanted courses by clicking on the course title and clicking 'Remove'.

  • Click 'Create Report'.

  • The results will display on the screen.

Report on Curriculum Tags Assigned to Assessments

  • Navigate to Admin > System Reports.

  • Scroll down to the Assessment Reports section and click on 'Assessment Objective Summary'.

  • Select the appropriate cohort from the dropdown menu.

  • Add courses by clicking 'Show List', clicking on a course title, and clicking 'Add'. Remove unwanted courses by clicking on the course title and clicking 'Remove'.

  • Click 'Create Report'.

  • The results will display on the screen.