Event Attendance Tab

On the Event Attendance tab, event administrators can record learner attendance. Elentra provides several options for recording attendance:

  • Having faculty or staff check off who is/is not present

  • Having learners swipe an id card (kiosk mode)

  • Having learners mark themselves present or absent

  • Having learners mark themselves present using geolocation checking

  • Having learners send a text message to confirm attendance (using Twilio).

Please see here for details on requirements to set up these attendance options.

Users with access to the Event Attendance tab will see a list of all event audience members and will see additional columns depending on which of the attendance tools is configured for a course or organization.

  • The Status option with dropdown selector will display if enhanced event attendance options are enabled for the course.

  • Information in the Absence Approval column will generate if an organization is using the Absence Management module.

The action to take on this page will depend on which attendance tools a course or organization is using. If learners are self-reporting attendance, event facilitators don't need to take any action.

Event Facilitator Records Attendance

Using this option the teacher or event administrator can record who is present or absent.

  • Click the checkbox beside the name of each learner in attendance. Click the checkbox again to change the attendance status.

  • Optionally mark all as attended or absent using the buttons at the top right (new in ME 1.21).

  • Changes are saved constantly so there is no Save button on the page.

  • Search for a learner by typing in his/her id number.

If you use geolocation attendance tracking and a learner has recorded their presence, then an event administrator clicks 'Mark all as absent', the learner self-recorded information will be overwritten. Previously entered geo-location attendance taking can be viewed in the Event History tab if needed.

Any student whose absence is pre-requested via the Absence Management module will have a comment in the Notes section indicating so. They should still be marked absent by de-selecting the tick box. This will be recorded on their dashboard as an “Approved” absence.

Kiosk Mode - Learners Use ID to Confirm Attendance

Using this option the teacher or event administrator can begin Kiosk Mode for learners to swipe in.

  • From the Attendance tab, click 'Kiosk Mode'.

  • When the green check mark comes up, learners can begin to swipe their cards.