Course Setup Tab

Course Setup

The first section of this page is complete with the information provided when creating the course. If you need to edit any of that information you can do so (see Creating Courses page for details).

After a course has initially been created, you'll see a space to optionally add a course image on the Setup tab. Please note that this image does not currently display anywhere in Elentra. If you want to include an image on the course page or website it is recommended to add it via the Course Description (on the Content tab) or on a community page.

Event Attendance

This section of this page may already be complete with the information provided when creating the course (see Creating Courses for details). If you need to edit any of that information you can do so here.

Lecture Capture

This option will only display if lecture capture is enabled for your organization. This section of this page may also be complete with the information provided when creating the course (see Creating Courses for details). If you need to edit any of that information you can do so here.

Course Contacts

  • Course Director

    • User must be a faculty:director to be added here (this can be changed via a database setting to allow any faculty to be added, you will need developer help to make this change)

    • Assigning someone as a course/program director will allow them to:

      • edit the course content, view course enrolment, view and edit course gradebook

      • edit content tab of all learning events in the course

    • User contact information will be displayed on the course page

  • Curriculum Coordinator

    • By default a user must be have staff:admin group:role permissions to be added here

      • This can be changed via a database setting to allow any faculty or staff user to be added as a Curriculum Coordinator. If you want to make this change you will need help from a developer. (setting: personnel_api_curriculum_coor_show_all_faculty and personnel_api_curriculum_coor_show_all_staff)

    • staff:admin users already have access to all courses, events, etc. so adding someone here is more for the purpose of displaying information

    • User contact info. will be displayed on course page

  • Associated Faculty

    • Any faculty user can be added here

    • Users will be added to a list visible on a course page without a course community created; if you have a course website using the default template, Associated Faculty will not display on the Background page.

    • Users must be added to this list if you want to add them as a grader on an exam posted to this course

    • Users added here will be easily accessible in the Assessment and Evaluation module so you can quickly include them in a distribution

  • Program Coordinator

    • By default a user must be a staff:pcoordinator to be added here

      • This can be changed via a database setting to allow staff:admin users to be added as Program Coordinators. If you want to make this change you will need help from a developer. (setting: personnel_api_program_coordinator_show_admins)

    • Associating a pcoordinator with a course gives that user admin access to that specific course and will allow them to:

      • add, edit, and delete learning events for that course

      • view and edit the course gradebook (and other course tabs)

      • access and edit information for this course in the Clinical Experiences module (e.g., rotations, logbook reporting, leaves of absence, etc.)

      • access a list of My Learners in Assessment and Evaluation and Clinical Experience

      • view the Admin > Assessment and Evaluation content for this course (e.g. items, forms, distributions, prompted responses)

      • view the CBME program dashboard (if CBME enabled)

    • Program Coordinator information can optionally display on a course page or course website Background page. This is controlled through a database setting and must adjusted by a developer (community_course_outline_hide_pcoordinators).

  • Teaching Assistant

    • User contact information will be displayed on the relevant course page

    • If a learner is added as a TA to a course and is also added as a grader to specific gradebook assessments in that course, the TA will have access to a Grading Tasks page where they can enter grades for the assessments and learners assigned to them

  • Evaluation Rep

    • Adding a user here is for admin. display purposes only, evaluation reps will not display on the course page or website

  • Student Rep

    • Adding a user here is for admin. display purposes only, student reps will not display on the course page or website

The list of course contact options can be modified by a developer in the language file of the Elentra installation if, for example, you want Course Director to say Program Director.

Custom Course Contact Role

As of Elentra ME 1.21, you can optionally define a custom role for each course contact. For example, if you want to show someone as a Learning Specialist and you don't have that as a course contact option in your language file, you can make the change in the user interface.

  • Click the cog icon beside an existing course contact.

  • Provide a title.

    • The provided title will display on the course community overview page instead of the user's system defined course contact role.

In addition to defining a custom course contact role, this feature also lets you decide whether or not to include that user on the course community on the templated background page.

  • By default course contacts will show. To hide them, simply uncheck the box.

    • The user's access to the course or course website/community will not be impacted.

  • Click Save.

  • If a user's course contact role has been customized, the cog beside their name will display green.

Course Keywords

This is an optional feature that can or cannot be used in Elentra; by default it is not enabled. Keywords allows you to assign Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) to courses and later to specific learning events. The Course Keyword feature is separate from curriculum tag sets and as such has limited reporting abilities when compared to a tag set. (The MeSH keywords are reported on in the Curriculum Inventory Reporting tool if you use it.)

If your organisation has an internal list of keywords to be tracked across the curriculum it is recommended you make those words a curriculum tag set.

To effectively use the MeSH keywords feature you will need help from a developer.

In order to use MeSH Keywords within Entrada: 1. Connect to your entrada database using a tool like Sequel Pro or Workbench. 2. Import the entrada-1x-me/www-root/setup/install/sql/entrada.tables.mesh.sql file.

Curriculum Mapping

In this section, you can assign curriculum tags to a course. This information will be reflected in the Curriculum Matrix and Curriculum Explorer. Assigning curriculum tags to a course will also make them quickly available when mapping tags to a learning event or gradebook assessment. Additionally, curriculum tags assigned to a course will dynamically display on a course website using the stock website template.

If you don't see any option to add Curriculum Objectives it may be because there are no curriculum tag sets built for your organisation. Go to Admin>Manage Curriculum to build curriculum tag sets.

How to assign curriculum tags to a course

  • Click the green arrow to expand the curriculum tag drawer.

  • Search for a tag or click through a hierarchical tag set to find the tag you need.

  • Hover over the blue info. icon to view a tag description if one exists.

  • Click the green plus icon to assign a tag to a course. (Note that hovering over the plus sign at the bottom of the list provides an Add All option.)

  • Assigned tags will display on the right grouped under their tag set name.

Note that if you want learners to be able to log specific objectives those objectives should be assigned to a course.

Contextually linking assigned curriculum tags

If you choose to, you can contextually link an assigned curriculum tag it to another curriculum tag. We call this context-based linking. You are essentially saying that in the context of this course, this tag maps to this tag. For example, for a specific course, "Take a history" may map to "pediatric patient" or "geriatric patient." Other examples of curriculum tags people contextually link to are integrated threads, CanMEDS roles (if not included in their objectives already), etc. Context-based linkages are not used by all organizations and are not required.

  • Context-based linkages DO NOT depend on the allowable mapping configurations set by for each tag set. You will be able to access any curriculum tag set when contextually linking.

  • Context-based linkages are not stored in Admin > Manage Curriculum and will not display there.

How to contextually link assigned curriculum tags to other tags

  • Click the link icon on an assigned curriculum tag.

  • The curriculum tag selector will open a drawer on the left specific to this contextually linked tag.

  • Search for the tag to select and click the green add button.

  • The contextually linked tag will display under the assigned curriculum tag.

Course Reports

Indicate which reports should be available to be generated from this course by selecting them from the available options. In stock Elentra you will see Report Card and My Teachers as available report types. There is no user interface to control which reports are available to which organisations within an installation of Elentra, but the database can be configured to allow specific reports to be accessible to specific organisations.

  • Attendance Report

    • Clicking on the Attendance will allow you to select the filters you want to apply before generating the report. Filters include event type, cohort/class list OR specific students.

    • The report is generated as a csv file.

  • Report Card does not fully function right now but it is intended to allow users to select a learner, and view a table showing curriculum tags as rows, and learning events, simulations, and logbook across the top. In each grid matrix you see a completion rate (e.g. 1/3, 2/5) in terms of attendance and completion. For the learning events the denominator is the number of events where attendance was required and that curriculum tag was applied. The numerator is how many times the learner was present at those events (this tool assumes you are using attendance tracking in Elentra).

  • My Teachers will provide a report displaying the names and email addresses of all teachers active in the course. You can select the teachers you want and generate an email list to quickly communicate with people.

Course Enrolment

This will appear near the bottom of the screen but was already completed during the initial course build. If you need to edit the enrolment you can do so from here.

Course Syllabus

If this feature is enabled users will be able to generate a PDF summarizing the course information provided in the course website tabs. There is a default undergrad template that comes with stock Elentra. Syllabi will be accessible from the Courses tab where all courses are listed. Syllabi will only display while a course is running (i.e., as in during the course's defined curriculum period). Please note that there may be up to a 24-hour delay between enabling a syllabus for a course and it being visible to users because of a required behind-the-scenes action that runs every 24 hours.

  • After completing the required fields in Course Setup, click 'Save'.