Course Groups Tab

Once there are learners enrolled in a course/program, you can create groups of learners within a course. Course groups can be used to:

  • set the audience for learning events (e.g., problem-based learning groups, clinical skills sessions, etc.)

  • configure a gradebook assessment for specific course groups (and optionally assign the same grade to all course members)

  • link tutors to assigned learners to give them increased access to that learner's records (including completed assessments, logbook encounters, meetings, and Learner Explorer (if applicable). This is particularly relevant if an organization uses the Competency-Based Education (CBE) module.

Tutors linked to groups will also be able to access any community shared resources restricted to that group.

If you plan to build an event schedule using a CSV import you currently require unique group names across curriculum different periods (e.g., 2025s ENT Group 1 in one curriculum period and 2026s ENT Group 1 in a different curriculum period).

Create Groups From the User Interface

  • Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.

  • Search for the course you want to work with and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.

  • Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, adjusting it as needed with the dropdown menu.

  • Click 'Add New Groups'.

  • Create a group name prefix (e.g. Family Medicine Group) noting that this will be applied to all groups created with an automated suffix added (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4).

  • Group Type: Choose to create a specific number of empty groups (input the desired number) or have the system automatically populate groups.

  • If you choose to have the system auto-populate groups, define the group parameters, noting the following: Learners: Include all learners or select specific learners from the enrolment list for the relevant Curriculum Period. Groups: Either set a number of groups or set a group size requirement. Populate Groups: Select to base groups on gender (balanced or homogenous) or not.

  • Click 'Add'.

  • You will see a green success message on the screen and will then be shown the newly created groups.

Add Tutors to Groups

While you can assign a group tutor a Teacher, Tutor, Teacher's Assistant or Auditor role, these don't currently have unique permissions or access to learner information. The role information is just stored for reference.

  • Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.

  • Search for the course you want to work with and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.

  • Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, adjusting it as needed with the dropdown menu.

  • Click on a group name.

  • Under the Group Details, Tutors field, begin to type the name of the desired tutor. Click on the name to add it and it will be displayed in a list below the tutor search box.

  • From the dropdown selector, you can optionally indicate if the user is a Teacher, Tutor, Teacher's Assistant or Auditor.

  • The optional checkbox about setting the dashboard scale on a learner's dashboard applies to organizations with Elentra's Competency-Based Education (CBE) tools enabled. Check this box if you would like faculty members to be able to set ratings for individual curriculum tags on the learner dashboard.

  • To delete an existing tutor, click on the X to the right of the tutor name.

Create Groups By CSV Upload

You can choose to either create your groups, then import a CSV to populate them, or create your groups and populate them simultaneously through the upload.

If you do not create the groups before importing, the system will create them for you. If you already have groups created, enter the title of the group into the Group Name column and the system will associate the learners with the group automatically.

  • Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.

  • Search for the course you want to work with and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.

  • Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, and adjust it as needed with the dropdown menu.

  • Click the Import/Export button and select 'Import'. You’ll be prompted to download a sample CSV file to use to import groups and group members.

  • Follow the column headings to create your CSV file. Group Name: Provide the appropriate group name (either based on groups that already exist or the groups you want Elentra to create). Tutors: List the tutor(s) for the group. Use the format 'Last name, First name; Last name, First name'. For example: Smith, John; Doe, Jane Tutors Numbers: List tutor number(s). Separate entries with a semi-colon if necessary. Learner Name: Use this format: 'Last name, First name'. For example: Smith, John. Only enter information for one learner per line. Learner Number: Enter the learner's institutional number (e.g., student number).

  • Save your file as a csv when completed.

  • Search for or drag and drop your completed file into the import window.

  • Click 'Import CSV'.

  • You will get a green success message. Close the import window and you should see your newly created groups on the screen.

Export or Print Existing Groups

If you download groups from a course, anyone listed as a tutor, teacher, TA, or auditor will appear in the Tutor column. There is no additional column to specify their tutor type.

  • From the Course Groups tab, click 'Import/Export'

  • Export to CSV will provide you with a csv that looks like this:

  • Export to Printable CSV will provide you with a csv that looks like this:

Create Identical Groups Across Courses

Note that groups you create in a course apply only to that course by default. If you want to use the same groups (populated with the same learners) across multiple courses, you can copy groups from one course to another, download groups from one course and import them to another course, OR you can create additional cohorts at the organisation level and apply those cohorts to multiple courses through a course enrolment and audience.

Copy Course Groups

If you copy course groups this way any assigned tutor, teacher, etc. will also get copied.

  • Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.

  • Search for the course that has the groups you want to copy and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.

  • Check off the group(s) you want to copy.

  • Click 'Copy Groups'.

  • In the pop up window, select a Course and curriculum period.

  • Click 'Copy'.

  • You will get a green success message saying you have successfully copied the group(s).

To view your newly created groups, navigate to the course you copied the groups to and click on the Groups tab. You should see the copied groups (they will have the same learners in them as the original groups).

Download Groups to Import to Another Course

If you download groups from a course, anyone listed as a tutor, teacher, TA, or auditor will appear in the Tutor column. There is no column to specify their tutor type.

  • Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.

  • Search for the course that has the groups you want to recreate and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.

  • Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, adjusting it as needed with the dropdown menu.

  • Click the Import/Export button and select 'Export to CSV file'. A file will download to your computer.

  • Depending on how you are setting up your groups, you may want to change the group names in the CSV file (e.g., Anatomy Group 1 becomes Microsystems Group 1). You can also change tutor information if necessary. Complete any required changes and save your file with a recognizable name.

  • Navigate to the course where you want to create new groups and follow the instructions above in "How to upload a CSV file to create and populate groups".

Manage Existing Groups

Delete Course Group

  • Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.

  • Search for the course you want to work with and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.

  • Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, adjusting it as needed with the dropdown menu.

  • Tick off the box beside the group name you want to delete (note that you can select all), and click Delete Groups.

  • Confirm your choice by clicking Delete again.

Edit Course Group

  • Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.

  • Search for the course you want to work with and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.

  • Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, adjusting it as needed with the dropdown menu.

  • Click on a group name.

  • To delete existing members, click the tick box beside the user name and click Delete Members.

  • To add new members to the group, scroll to the bottom of the page, and follow the onscreen instructions. Note that a learner must be enrolled in the course in order to be added to a group (you can adjust course enrolment via the Setup tab of a course management page).

  • If you have copied course groups across multiple courses, please note that you will need to edit the group membership in each course.

View a User's Existing Groups

Please note that there is currently no user interface to see a list of all groups a user is part of. (Users can see all the communities they are a part of from the Communities tab and My Communities card.)