Initiate Assessment/Evaluation: Learners

From the Dashboard, learners have access to a green 'Start Assessment/Evaluation' button on the right side of the screen.

First, learners select an On-Demand Workflow which will dictate which forms become available to select. These options will only display if an organisation has form work-flows configured.

After selecting an on-demand workflow, the choices a learner has will depend on the workflow they are completing. In this example, we'll complete an EPA form.

Next learners select an assessor. They can begin to type a name to limit the list of options. When they mouse over a faculty name, learners can see the faculty card including their name and photo (if uploaded).

If learners need to add an external assessor (someone who doesn't have an Elentra account), they can click 'Add External Assessor'.

Next, learners set a date of encounter.

Next, learners select an assessment method. Details about each assessment method are provided inline.

Note that an assessor must have a PIN setup for learners to select the first option. For more detail on setting user PINs see here.

In our example, completing an EPA form, learners next select and EPA to be assessed on.

For a reminder on what is included in a specific EPA the black question mark provides a quick link to the EPA Encyclopedia.

Users can easily navigate the list of EPAs by applying preset filters including Current Stage EPAs, Current Rotation EPAs, and Priority EPAs. Click on a filter title to apply it. In this example the Priority EPAs filter is being applied.

After an EPA is selected, the available assessment tools will be displayed. Learners can search the tools by beginning to type in the search bar. Note the small clock in the top right of each tool card. This is an estimate of how long the form will take to complete based on the experience of other users.

Learners can click 'Preview This Form' to view the form and ensure it is the one they want or they can click 'Begin Assessment' on any tool to begin.

Depending on the selected method of assessment, learners will either be directed to the assessment form to start it, or the form will be sent directly to the assessor.

Organizations can optionally enable a database setting to add a shortcut icon to learner's CBE dashboards beside each corresponding EPA (setting = cbme_ondemand_start_assessment_shortcut_button). If you'd like this option to be available to your learners, please speak to a developer.

The shortcut icon displays as a small play sign on each EPA card.

Using the shortcut will take the learner to the Start Assessment/Evaluation page with some information already completed.