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The Quizzes module of Elentra is no longer supported and most schools will have little use for a Quizzes page type in a Community.
You should now build assessments like quizzes using the Exams module. Currently, there is no support for posting an exam to a community. All exams must be posted to events.
The Quizzes page of a community allows you to post links to quizzes created through the Elentra quiz module.
When an administrator adds a quiz s/he will be walked through several questions to configure the quiz as desired. Choices you can make include:
title and description (both will display to users)
optional or required
shuffle question order or not
time limit (in minutes)
number of attempts
immediate or delayed quiz results, or hiding the quiz results
time release options
Administrators can click the pencil icon beside a posted quiz to edit its settings.
Administrators can click the bar graph icon to view quiz results.
When community members view a quiz page they'll see all available quizzes. Completed quizzes will have a green check mark beside them and score and feedback accessible (if the quiz was set to release feedback).