
Git Repositories

The Elentra Platform is broken up into three applications: Elentra Admissions, Elentra ME, and Elentra CPD. We have a separate Git repository for each application.

Consortium Edition

  1. Elentra Admissions is referred to as elentra-1x-admissions.

  2. Elentra ME is referred to as elentra-1x-me.

  3. Elentra CPD is referred to as elentra-1x-cpd.

The Elentra Platform follows the "git flow" branching model based on this successful Git branching model. Our branch structure in each repository looks like this:

Master Branch

The master branch is the latest stable production release of Elentra. Developers will never commit to this branch as it is managed by the Elentra Consortium team.

Develop Branch

The develop branch is the latest "stable" development release of the next planned release. This includes all of the approved feature branches that are going into our next release. The branch cannot officially be assumed stable, as instability will arise from time to time due to the constant approving and merging of Pull Requests.

Release Branches

The release/* branches are a series of branches that contain previous major releases. For example, there are release/1.9, release/1.10, and release/1.11 branches. These branches will also contain the next minor release of that particular point release. For example: 1.9.4, 1.10.3, 1.11.2, etc.

Feature Branches

The feature/* branches are a series of branches that contain new features that are being developed or maintained within our upstream repository. When the development in a feature branch is complete, the developers will create a "Pull Request" from the feature branch to the developbranch. Each completed Pull Request that is ready to be merged should be tagged with the ready-for-code-review label in GitHub, which indicates to the Elentra Consortium team that the code should undergo a code review and be merged into develop.

Hotfix Branches

The hotfix/* branches are a series of branches that provide fixes for bugs within Elentra. When a bug in Elentra is discovered the discoverer should create an Issue in GitHub to identify the bug. If he/she is able to resolve the bug, a branch named something like hotfix/bug-fix-name-1542 should be created to resolve that bug. Like feature branches, once the bug is resolved a Pull Request should be created and tagged with ready-for-code-review so that the Elentra Consortium team can review and merge in the fix.

Directory Structure

Elentra ME is a large PHP application that includes many different folders, files, and libraries. This will provide developers with a brief introduction to the structure Elentra's codebase.


Root Directory

In the root level Elentra directory there are two directories:

  • developers contains Elentra documentation, automated testing, raw structural SQL and legacy upgrade files, and command line PHP scripts, useful for things like seed data to populate a demo install, import tools, and data export.

  • www-root contains the web facing PHP code which drives the application.

Web Root

www-root is where the vast majority of development is done. Most requests into Elentra are handled by controller file in the www-root directory. This controller is passed a request by Apache's mod_rewrite and then includes the appropriate files to deal with the request.

  • index.php The main controller file for the application. All public requests are routed through this file by mod_rewrite. This file sets up the Elentra PHP environment by including the settings files, database libraries and connection files, and authentication and access control libraries. This file is also responsible for login and logout.

  • admin.php The auxiliary administration controller. All requests made to the administration side of Elentra (/admin in the URL) are routed through this controller. Like index.php, it sets up the Elentra environment, and includes the appropriate files to handle the request. Each of these controllers is responsible for including files to deal with requests. These files are found in the core folder.

  • core Contains the PHP code for the Elentra modules, configuration, and library for 3rd party libraries like Zend Framework and ADODB.

    • config Contains config.inc.php which defines the host environment, and settings.inc.php, which defines settings affecting Elentra's behaviour.

    • includes Contains high level PHP support code for the access control (acl.inc.php), cache (cache.inc.php), database connection, (dbconnection.inc.php), site wide functions (functions.inc.php), and initialization code (init.inc.php).

    • library Contains code libraries used across the site. Libraries written for or included in Elentra reside in Entrada.

    • modules Contains most Elentra modules (controllers and views) for the public and admin sections of Elentra. Each module has its own controller, and folder which contains code for specific actions inside that module.

    • storage Used by Elentra during everyday operation to store temporary files, logs, and uploads.

Other files/folders in www-root:

  • api Contains single execution API style PHP files. This directory is being phased out and should not be used for new API files.

  • authentication Contains Elentra's authentication server.

  • community Contains Elentra's self-contained community system.

  • cron Contains the command line PHP scripts needed for execution by cron for correct operation of Elentra.

  • setup Contains the PHP installer for Elentra.

  • templates Contains all of the different templates within for Elentra.

User Permissions

This brief introduction to the user permissions in Elentra will give you an overview of what groups and roles come with Elentra by default and what broad functionality these group and role combinations are allowed to access.

The access control level system in Elentra is very flexible, so you can modify and extend these permissions in many different ways. All permissions are defined the entrada_auth.acl_permissionstable and detailed documentation can be found in the Elentra ACL section.


  • Student : 20XX

    Students have basic read permissions to most public modules. They can also edit and in some cases remove information that they add themselves (e.g. discussion forum comments).

    It is important to note that students cannot be granted access to any administrative module within Elentra. There is a hard-coded exit in case all other security restrictions fail and they access /admin/*.


  • Faculty : Faculty - Basic read-only access as faculty members.

  • Faculty : Lecturer - Teaching faculty can edit the content of any learning event that they are scheduled to teach.

  • Faculty : Director - Course Directors can edit the content of any course pages / website or learning event that they are designated as a "Course Director" for on the Admin > Manage Courses page.


  • Staff : Staff - Staff members have basic read-only access.

  • Staff : PCoordinator - Program Coordinators can add, edit, or delete learning events and manage any content within any of the courses they are designated as a "Program Coordinator" for on the Admin > Manage Courses page.

  • Staff : Admin - Organizational administrators can pretty much do anything in the system within their designated organisation.

System Administrators

  • Medtech : Admin - System administrators can pretty much do anything in the system regardless of any organizational restrictions.

Last updated