Supervisor is a process control system used to ensure that the Laravel Queues used by Elentra are running. You must install and configure Supervisor on any environment running Elentra, but doing the following:
Edit the main configuration file at /etc/supervisord.conf and make the following changes to allow control over Supervisor by non-root users.
Modify the [unix_http_server] section
Set the value of chmod to 0770 in order give access users who are in the same group and then add a new option called chown and set it to the user nobody and group apache. If Apache is not running as the group apache, please substitute this accordingly.
file=/var/run/supervisor.sock ; (the path to the socket file)
chmod=0770 ; sockef file mode (default 0700)
Modify the [supervisorctl] section
Supervisor must be configured to communicate over a Unix socket.
serverurl=unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock ; use a unix:// URL for a unix socket
Add the staging and production users to the apache group.
usermod -G apache -a production
usermod -G apache -a staging
Create a new file in the /etc/supervisor.d directory called elentra.ini, and use the following template snippet as a reference to create your own file.
Please make sure that you have the correct path in command and stdout_logfile, and that user is the correct system account that your existing cron jobs are run as.