Procedure Form Template
A procedure form is an assessment tool that can be used to provide feedback on a learner’s completion of a specific procedural skill. Once a procedure is selected, specific criteria will be displayed. A procedure form can be initiated by a learner or faculty.
When you create a procedure template and publish it, the system looks at the number of EPAs and procedure contextual variable responses selected and generates the appropriate number of forms. If you keep 3 EPAs and indicate 10 procedures on the form template, the system will publish 30 forms that are available to be triggered by a user (one form per EPA per procedure).
To effectively build procedure form templates in a program, the program must have contextual variables responses defined. In addition to uploading contextual variable response options, every procedure needs specific information added. Contextual variable responses and procedural attributes (which function as assessment criteria) can be managed from Admin>Manage Program>select program name>CBME>Manage Contextual Variables. See more detail here.
Accessing Form Templates
Ensure you are logged in as a staff:admin user, or as a Program Coordinator or Program Director affiliated with a program.
Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Click ‘Form Templates’ on the tab menu.
Click the green ‘Add Form Template’ button in the top right and a pop-up window will appear.
Type in a form template name and select the form type from the dropdown menu. Select ‘Procedure Form.’
If you have permission to access multiple programs, use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate program for this form. This option will only show up if you have access to multiple programs.
Click 'Add Form'.
You will be taken to the procedure form template build page.
Building a Procedure Form Template
Provide additional information as needed in the Form Template Information section:
Template Title: This is the title of the form and will be seen by users. Description: The form description can be used to store information for administrative purposes, but is not seen by users completing the form. Form Type: This was set in the previous step and cannot be edited here. Course: Program coordinators and faculty directors may not have access to multiple courses, while staff:admin users are likely to. If you have access to multiple courses, make sure you've selected the correct course to affiliate the form with. EPA Version: With the introduction of EPA versioning in Elentra, you can now affiliate a form with a specific EPA version if the selected course has multiple curriculum versions. The Version Details link is not currently hooked up to anything. Permissions: Anyone added under permissions will have access to edit the form before it is in use and use the form if they are setting up a distribution. You may wish to include a program in the permissions field so that you can filter by this form type later on. To add individual, program, or organisation permissions, click the dropdown selector to select a category, and then begin to type in the appropriate name, clicking on it to add to the list. You can add multiple individuals, programs, and organisations to the permissions list as needed.
Include Instructions: Add additional text at the beginning of the form by clicking the small tick box beside ‘Include Instructions.’ This will open a rich text editor where you can enter text, images, hyperlinks, etc. This information will display to users when they complete forms published from this blueprint.
Template Components Section
EPA Selection
Specify which EPAs can be assessed using forms made from this template.
All EPAs assigned to a course are included on the template by default. To remove EPAs, click on the small 'x' to the left of the EPA code. You can add back any required EPAs by clicking on the dropdown menu and checking off the tick box for a desired EPA.
Note: You do not specify milestones for use on a Procedure Form.
Contextual Variables
By default, ‘Procedure’ will be selected as a contextual variable.This will require some additional information to be added to the system if the program you are working in hasn’t input procedure response options. (See above.)
If you want all EPAs to have the same available contextual variables leave all EPAs checked off. If you’d rather specify which contextual variables apply to which EPAs simply uncheck an EPA and it will appear below with its own customizable list of contextual variables.
Select which contextual variables you want to include with which EPAs by checking and unchecking the tick boxes.
In addition to ‘Procedure’, you must select at least one other contextual variable and you may select up to a total of 6 for each EPA.
By default, all of the options within a contextual variable are included on any forms made from the template. You can remove specific contextual variable responses by clicking on the grey button beside a contextual variable. This will open a list of contextual variable responses that by default are all checked off. To remove specific responses from this template, deselect them to remove the blue checkmark. For convenience, you can also use ‘Check All’ and ‘Uncheck All’. When you have made the required changes, click the blue ‘Save and Close’ button.
When you modify which contextual variable response options will be available on a template, the number in the grey badge will show how many responses have been included out of the total possible responses.
After you have modified the contextual variables as required, click the small save button in the top right section of the Contextual Variables box.
Enabling Competency/Milestone Scale Selector
Use the first dropdown menu to select the scale you want to use to assess enabling competencies or milestones.
If you don't have scales configured you can access them through the Assessment and Evaluation tab.
From the second dropdown menu, indicate whether comments are disabled, optional, mandatory, or prompted.By selecting ‘Prompted’ from the Comments dropdown menu, you can set the system to prompt and require a comment when any flagged response is selected by an assessor.
The default response feature allows you to prepopulate a form with the selected response.This can be useful if there will be a significant number of milestones that will be included on a form.
The Responses fields will be automatically populated depending on the scale selected in the first dropdown menu.
After you have modified the Enabling Competency/Milestone Scale Selector as required, click the small save button in the top right section of the Enabling Competency/Milestone Scale Selector box.
Global Rating Scale Selector
The Item Text area will be automatically completed depending on the scale you select.
From the first dropdown menu, select a Global Rating Scale.This will populate the Item Text and the Responses sections. FYI: Rating Scales can be managed from Admin>Assessment & Evaluation, Scales tab. If the Item Text doesn't populate after you have picked a scale, some additional configuration may be required in your database. Please see the Scales help section.
From the second dropdown menu, indicate whether comments are disabled, optional, mandatory, or prompted.By selecting ‘Prompted’ from the Comments dropdown menu, you can set the system to prompt and require a comment when any flagged response is selected by an assessor.
The Responses fields will be auto-populated depending on the scale selected in the first dropdown menu.
After you have made your choices for the global rating scale, click the small save button in the top right section of the Global Rating Scale Selector box.
Default Content
On each form template you create you’ll notice a greyed out area at the bottom including Next Steps, Concerns, and a place for feedback. This is default form content that cannot be changed except by a developer.
When the form is complete, a green bar will tell you the form can be published.
Click 'Publish' to make your template available for use.
Once a form template has been published, forms created from it will live on the resident dashboard and can no longer be edited. The number of forms that can be created from a template depends on the number of EPAs assigned to the template.
A Note on Logging Procedures and Encounters Without Assessing Them
In some programs residents may be required to log multiple procedures or encounters and only have a subset of those logged entries be assessed. Elentra does support a logbook outside the CBME module and some programs have opted to have residents use both tools to capture the full picture of residents' progress. For more detail on Elentra's logbook, please see here.
Last updated
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