
New in ME 1.15! Thanks to a collaboration with Kaiser Permanente, a new module called Cases has been created to support case-based learning in Elentra.

Cases in Elentra allows you to group learning events from across courses into cohesive patient narratives to present to students. Whether your curriculum is systems-, discipline-, or problem-based, you can link lectures, labs, small group activities, etc. from multiple courses to a case and give learners an easy way to view the inter-related learning events. Cases have a designated timeframe to help keep things organized and content within cases can be mapped with curriculum tags at the event or unit level (use of Units with Cases is optional).


  • The Learner Dashboard shows current cases for quick access.

  • The Case tab stores all cases so learners can easily review past materials. Search and filter options allow learners to quickly find cases by most recent, date range, case status or instructor.

  • An administrative page to manage all cases (also includes search and filter options).

It is important to note that a case can include learning events from one curriculum period. As such, if you have a longitudinal case that students will return to over the course of a year, you would need to have a curriculum period spanning that year and use it for any courses that include learning events that are a part of the case.

Creating and Managing Cases as an Administrator

  • To uses Cases, a developer will need to enable cases in the settings table in the database. If you are also using units you will also need weeks enabled in the database.

  • To create and manage cases, you must have Medtech:Admin or Staff:Admin permissions.

  • There are multiple possible workflows to use Cases. The general recommended workflow is as follows:

    • Create courses with active enrolments. (This associates a curriculum period with the course which is necessary for the case wizard to find relevant learning events.)

    • Add learning events to Elentra.

    • Create cases.

  • Alternatively, you can build weeks within your organization and then associate cases with those weeks. Please see the Units/Weeks section for further information about configuring weeks for your organization. Note that if you are the administrator creating weeks for use with Cases, you should create a week for each case you intend to create.

  • You could also build weeks within your organization and units with courses and then associate units with cases. (Learning events would be linked to units and therefore connected to the case.)

  • For any of these options you should have courses with audiences created before you begin. For the recommended workflow, you should also have your learning events created before creating a case.

Here are detailed steps to follow the recommended workflow for creating a case:

  • Navigate to Admin>Manage Cases.

  • Click '+ Add Case' in the top right hand corner.

  • Follow the three step Case creation wizard to guide you through the creation process.

  • Step One

    • Set the start and end date of the case, the Curriculum Period, title, description or summary, photo and case contact. This information will appear on the Dashboard when the case is active during the selected date range. The date range set for the case will also impact the learning events you are able to include in the case.

    • Note: The start and end date for the case must be within the specified curriculum period. The curriculum periods displayed in the drop down are all active curriculum periods.

    • Click 'Make Draft' to save and return to your case later, or scroll up and click 'Proceed' at the top of the case card to move on to the next step. While in draft mode, a case will not be visible to learners.

  • Step Two

    • Associate a case with a week. By default, the system will create a week automatically and if following the recommended workflow, this is the option you will use.

    • Click 'Make Draft' to save and return to your case later, or scroll up and click 'Proceed' at the top of the case card to move on to the next step.

  • Step Three

    • Select Learning Events to associate with the case. Events can be selected from the 'Select Event' drop down. Only events that are note already associated with a case and that occur during the start and end date of the case specified in step one will appear. Note that there is an 'Add All' option at the bottom of the list to use as needed. To remove an event from a case, scroll down and click on the 'Remove' button beside the event title.

  • Once all steps have been completed, the 'Publish' button will be available to post the case. After clicking Publish, the case will show as published on the Manage Cases screen and the case will be visible to learners. (See Cases tab below.)

Note: When you create a case using the recommended workflow, a global week is automatically created in the database. You can view these weeks via Admin > Manage Curriculum > Manage Weeks, only if you have the weeks setting enabled in the database.

Using Cases if you already have Weeks and Units Built

If your organization already has units built in courses but you'd like to leverage the Cases function, you can create Cases and add units to them on Step 2 of the Cases wizard.

  • To associate a case with an existing week, click on 'Create Week automatically' and you'll be shown a list of existing weeks you can associate the case with.

  • On Step 2, you also have the option to associate units with a case. This could be useful if your organization was already using units prior to your decision to use case. A unit does not need to be selected unless you have previously created units for courses in Admin > Manage Courses > Units.

Note that when creating a case, as soon as you save it as a draft, the system will create a week for the case. Therefore, if you want to attach existing weeks and units to a new case, make sure you do so on Step Two before saving your draft.

Note: If you have set up Units in courses, and affiliated a unit with a case, you will also be able to select the case when creating new learning events by clicking on the Course Unit field. Only the cases that are available during the timeframe of the learning event will be visible in the drop down. When you go to Admin > Manage Cases and select the case that was attached to the learning event, it will automatically appear in the list of Associated Events and update the unit count of the case.

Cases tab

The easiest way to see all cases is to go to the Cases tab.

You will be able to see the status of all the cases (Not Started, Feature, Completed), the date range of when they are scheduled and the instructors of the case. You can search for cases or filter them based on most recent, least recent, case status or date range. The main function of this tab is to search for cases.

Last updated

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