Creating Courses
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Creating a course is the first step to populating it with objectives, creating groups, setting up a gradebook, etc. If your organisation has units enabled, your setup process will be slightly different.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Click 'Add New Course'.
Complete each of the required steps noting the following:
Curriculum Layout: This defines the curriculum layout for this course and will dictate the available curriculum periods used later when setting enrolment for the course. (If no curriculum layouts are set up, proceed to Admin>Manage Settings>Select Organisation>Curriculum Layout or see here.)
Note, it is NOT recommended to change the curriculum layout of a course after it has been created and used. Doing so will result in problems with the course and event audiences. If an existing course is being moved from one layout to another, you should create a new course in the required layout and deactivate the old course.
Course Name: This will display to users on Courses tab and in all associated learning event pages.
Course Code: This will display as part of the course identification visible to users on individual learning event pages and will also be used in the list of events from the Learning Events tab. The course code is also used in the breadcrumbs when you are managing courses and their different pages so codes should be logical.
Course Colour: If you select a colour, it will be used to identify learning events that are a part of this course on the learner calendar. (You can further customize the colour of specific events when you create them.)
Course Credit: If you track credits per course you can enter that information here. This information is displayed on the Student Report Card (one of the System Reports available to administrators).
Clinical Experience: Use this section to indicate if a course includes clinical experiences.
If you plan to use the logbook for a course you must say that it includes clinical experiences.
The clinical experience flag will also determine if a course displays when working in the Admin > Clinical Experience
Course Type: Indicate if the course is optional or core curriculum.
This option doesn’t impact the course template, however if you plan to use user-initiated, on-demand forms, you should set the course to the core curriculum option. As of ME 1.17, users will not be able to initiate on-demand forms associated with optional courses.
Curriculum Tracks: Curriculum Track options will only display if you have curriculum tracks built within an organisation. These can be configured through Manage Curriculum. Assigning a course to a curriculum track allows you to identify those courses that share characteristics (e.g. help prepare learner for a specific program, provide a minor, etc.)
Reminder Notifications: These optional e-mail notifications are specific to faculty teaching events in the course. The default settings for email notifications are 30, 7 and 3 days in advance of an event. Through the database a developer can customize when and how often email reminders about teaching responsibilities are sent out. Note that timing of emails will apply to all courses in your organisation (i.e., you can't have one course where faculty get emails 10 and 5 days from the event, and another course where faculty get emails 15 and 7 days from the event). For the complete text included in the email by default please see the bottom of the page.
Learner Notifications: These optional e-mail notifications allow you to inform learners when an assessment task for this course has been completed on them, and a prompted response is selected.
Does not include items in the Feedback and Concerns section of Form Templates.
If a Reviewer is set for a distributed task, the e-mail will be held until the Reviewer releases the task.
Course Permissions:
An open course will allow all logged in users (faculty, staff, learners) to view it. If you attach the course to a community or course website you'll be able to set permissions for the course website as well.
A private course will only be accessible to most users if they are associated with the course is some way (i.e., a learner enrolled in the course, faculty listed as the course director, program coordinator assigned to the course). Note that medtech:admin and staff:admin users can access all courses.
Audience Sync: Choose whether or not to automatically sync your audience with the LDAP server.
Use this only if you are requiring learners to self-report their attendance using geolocation (enabled on an event in the Event Details).
This feature will send out email reminders to learners if their attendance has not been taken a specified number of minutes before or after the start of an event. The email template can be viewed and modified in Admin > System Settings > Email Templates.
This feature will mark learners as late if their attendance was taken a specified amount of minutes after the start of an event.
Email notifications can be sent to a:
Course Director
Curriculum Coordinator
Program Coordinator
A follow-up email can also be sent a specified amount of days after an event.
The email templates can be viewed and modified in Admin > System Settings > Email Templates.
This feature will mark learners as absent if their attendance was taken a specified amount of minutes after the start of an event.
Email notifications can be sent to a:
Course Director
Curriculum Coordinator
Program Coordinator
A follow-up email can also be sent a specified amount of days after an event.
The email templates can be viewed and modified in Admin > System Settings > Email Templates.
You will only see lecture capture options on a course setup page if lecture capture is enabled for your organization.
You can enable lecture capture support at a course by course level.
Lecture Capture Support: Turn on or off as needed. On will allow consenting faculty to be recorded in eligible rooms.
Default Recording State: This dictates whether or not all events will automatically be recorded (on) or not (off).
Allow Faculty Override: This dictates whether or not faculty can change the default setting on their events (on) or not (off) via the event content page.
Event Types Capture Permitted: This allows you to specify which event types you want to automatically record (e.g. lectures). You can select more than one event type per course. To delete a selected event, click on the small x to the right of the event type.
Tip: If you don't have learners set up in your organisation, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Proceed'.
Complete this section when you have the appropriate learners active in your organisation and added as cohorts or class lists as appropriate.
When selecting an enrolment period, the available options will depend on the Curriculum Period defined in the Course Setup section. You can add multiple curriculum periods, cohorts or individuals to a course enrolment.
After selecting an enrolment period from the dropdown options, click 'Add Audience'.
Choose to add a cohort, course list, or individual. Note that a cohort does not need to be assigned to a specific course in order to be added as an audience. However, a course list must be linked to a course via Manage Cohorts before it will be available to be added as an audience. (See more information here.)
As of Elentra ME 1.22, for courses flagged as private, you can optionally set a Viewable Start and Finish date to an enrolment to control learner access to course websites and associated learning events.
To enable this, check the box that reads "Apply a viewable start and/or finish date to course website and associated learning events”
Apply a viewable start date and time and/or finish date and time
Resulting behaviour if a start date and time is applied:
the audience of the course cannot see the course in their Courses tab until the start date and time
all events associated with the course are automatically hidden from the audience of the course's view until the start date/time
Resulting behaviour if a finish date and time is applied:
the audience of the course cannot see the course in their Courses tab after the finish date and time
all events associated with the course are automatically hidden from the audience of the course after the finish date and time.
Additional Information:
If this feature is in use, events from this course will appear as pink in the Admin View list view of events. This is to mimic the behaviour of any event that has visibility restrictions set a the event level.
If an admin sets a viewable start and/or finish date for a course, then adjusts one or both to a new date and time, the system will overwrite the original viewable start and/or finish date on all associated events and warn the user: Adjusting the viewable start and/or finish date will result in the start and/or finish dates being overwritten on all associated learning events.
After the setting has been set, the admin can adjust visibility rules on individual events, but if they subsequently change the dates at the course level, their changes at the individual event level will be overwritten by their new overall viewable start and finish dates.
Click 'Proceed'.
You will see a green success message indicating that the course has been created. You'll be redirected to the full course setup tab to provide additional details about the course.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Search for the course you want to delete as needed.
Click the checkbox beside the course information for the course you want to delete.
Click 'Delete Courses'.
Confirm your choice.
You will get a green success message on the screen.
%CC_FACULTY_TEXT%This is an automated notice to remind you that you are scheduled to teach in the following learning event.
Event Title: %EVENT_TITLE% Phase: %EVENT_PHASE% Event Date / Time: %EVENT_DATE% Event Duration: %EVENT_DURATION% Event Location: %EVENT_LOCATION% Associated Faculty: %ASSOCIATED_FACULTY_TEXT% To update your event click this link: %EVENT_LINK% Important things to do before your learning event: 1) Review Learning Objectives Please review your objectives to ensure that they accurately describe the learning objectives of your event. 2) Update Learning Event Resources The following resources are attached to this event for the learners to download. Please upload your new lecture notes or other resources and remove any outdated content. %RESOURCES_TEXT%
IMPORTANT: If you are going to have your assistant add your electronic resources to the site on your behalf and they have not been CC'd on this e-mail already, please forward this e-mail to them so they are able to easily find your learning event by clicking the following link: %EVENT_LINK% 3) Update the Event Type Each learning event has an event type associated with it to help identify the type of teaching that is taking place during this time (lecture, small group, case study, etc). Please ensure that the event type listed accurately represents the type of learning of this session. Need help editing your learning event? Contact your Curricular Coordinator for help with uploading files and editing event details.
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