Managing Distributions

Copy a Distribution

Sample use cases for copying a distribution include to complete assessments/evaluations in the context of small groups (i.e., copy the distribution so have one for each group, then change the targets and assessors/evaluators as needed), to edit distributions for use in the subsequent academic year (i.e., copy the distribution, then change the cperiod as required), etc.

Note that Elentra does not support copying a distribution and changing the distribution method. If you change the method of a distribution you will need to reenter the required information in the subsequent steps.

  • Navigate to Admin>Assessment & Evaluation.

  • Click 'Distributions'.

  • Use the search tool to look for the distribution you want to copy. Click the down arrow beside the search bar to apply filters to refine your search results.

  • Click on the cog icon to the right of the distribution you want to copy. Select 'Copy Distribution'.

  • Edit the information in each step of the distribution wizard as needed and save your work.

Edit a Distribution

Editing a distribution can have unanticipated effects and it is recommended that whenever possible, you test the impact of your edits in a staging environment.

  • Editing the Expiry Date: If an expiry date has been applied to the active distribution, you can edit the expiration date to 're-open' tasks to the targets who haven't completed them yet. Those tasks will be visible to the targets the day after the update is made to the expiry date (because the job that runs behind the scenes to deliver tasks runs at night). A developer can run the job immediately if it is time sensitive.

  • Changing the Targets: If you add a new targets to a distribution, the system will reopen the task for the assessor/evaluator to allow them to complete the task on the new target.

  • Editing the Rotation Schedule of Targets Associated with a Distribution: Will cause new tasks to be delivered to the assessor.

  • Changing the Reviewer of a Distribution: Will cause the distribution to redeliver previously delivered tasks; be sure to apply a Release Date when making this change.

  • Changing the Target Release Options in Step 5: Changes the visibility of tasks/reports retroactively for all completed tasks.

Retire a Distribution

If you want to change a distribution partway through its use but you want to leave all existing tasks active, you can copy the distribution, alter it as needed, and then retire the original distribution on a defined date. When you retire a distribution, you preserve any existing data and pending tasks but prevent future tasks from generating.

  • To retire one distribution, click the menu cog to the right of the distribution name and select 'Retire Distribution'.

  • To retire multiple distributions at once, click the checkbox beside distribution names and click the 'Retire Distribution' button.

  • Set a Retirement Date for the distribution(s). As of this date, no more tasks will generate for this distribution.

  • Click 'Retire'

  • You will get a success message and can click to return to the Distribution index.

  • Retired distributions will still display on the list of Distributions, but they will have a small orange clock beside the name to show they have been retired.

  • An informational notice will be included on distributions that are set to retire soon. The notice will be seen when you access the Progress Report for a distribution.

Delete a Distribution

If you delete a distribution you will no longer see it in the list of Distributions and it can't be recovered through the user interface.

  • Navigate to Admin>Assessment & Evaluation.

  • Click 'Distributions'.

  • Use the search bar to look for the distribution you want to delete. Click the down arrow beside the search bar to apply filters to refine your search results.

  • Click the checkbox beside the name of the distributions you want to delete.

  • Click the red Delete Distributions button.

  • Confirm your decision.

Manage Existing Distributions (monitor completion of tasks, remind people to complete tasks, etc.)

  • Navigate to Admin>Assessment & Evaluation.

  • Click 'Distributions'.

  • Use the search bar to look for the distribution you want to manage. Click the down arrow beside the search bar to apply filters to refine your search results. You will only see distributions to which you have access.

  • Click on the cog icon to the right of the distribution you want to copy. Select 'View Distribution Report'.

  • Review progress. Click on any category (Pending, In Progress, Completed) to view more details about specific targets and assessors.

  • Pending tasks have not yet been started. In Progess tasks have been started but not complete. Completed tasks are done and have been submitted.

  • To delete tasks tick off the box below the garbage icon on each task card and then click the red Delete Task(s) button.

  • To send reminders to those with incomplete forms, tick off the box below the bell icon on each task card and then click the blue Manage Distribution button and select Send Reminders from the dropdown list. To select all tasks for reminders click on the bell icon.

  • Review your choices and, if correct, click Confirm Reminders. You will get a green success message.

  • To add a task to a distribution, click the blue Manage Distribution button and select 'Add a Task' from the dropdown list. Complete the required information and click 'Confirm Task'.

Viewing progress results for learning event-based distributions: Program coordinators who set up such distributions should view progress from their My Assessments page.

Manage Tasks at the Individual Level

  • Many of the functions described above can also be completed at an individual task level when logged into the system as a program coordinator or faculty director.

  • Click the Assessment and Evaluation badge at the top right (beside the logout button).

  • Click the My Learners tab.

  • Click on the appropriate tab for a learner (e.g. CBME, Assessments, Logbook).

  • When looking at a user's Assessment & Evaluation dashboard, some users will be able to send reminders, remove tasks, and download PDFs of selected tasks from their assigned learners or faculty.

Last updated

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