Exam Posts
After you've added questions to an exam and set your setting preferences you must create an exam post to actually distribute an exam to learners for them to take.
How to create an exam post
Navigate to Admin>Manage Exams.
Click on ‘Exams’ from the left sidebar Manage Exams section.
Search for the applicable exam as needed.
Click on the cog wheel to the right of the exam title; select 'Posts' from the dropdown menu.
Or, when viewing an exam, click the 'Posts' tab below the exam title heading.
Click ‘Add New Exam Post’.
You will be guided through a multi-step wizard to configure your exam post. Complete each section, noting the following:
When posting an exam to an event, you will only be able to access courses and events with which you are affiliated. So, for example, a pcoor can only access events in the course for which s/he is the listed pcoor. Someone with an admin role will be able to access all events.
Click 'Browse Events'. Note that a search bar is included in the resulting window.
Click on a course title.
Click on the appropriate curriculum period or click 'Show All Events'.
Click on the appropriate event.
Select an event using the drop down menu.
To go back a step at any point in selecting an event, click on the breadcrumbs (three dots) near the top of the search box.
Exam Title: Modify the exam title if necessary.
Description: This is just for internal use.
Instructions: This field will be displayed to learners on the exam intro page.
Click 'Next'.
Enter a Start and End date for the exam to be available as needed. (Click the small gray checkbox before you enter a date and time.)
Submission Deadline: This is an optional feature. If you set this, exams must be submitted by this time.
Time Frame: This determines where the exam will display in the resources section of a learning event page. Select from none, pre, during and post.
Time Limit: This allows you to limit the length of time a learner has to complete the exam (e.g. 60 minutes). Enabling this feature will also make a Time Left counter appear to learners during an exam.
Auto Submit: If using a time limit, you can also use the auto-submit feature so the exam is automatically submitted when the time expires, assuming the learner is still active in the exam. The auto-submit tools works only when a learner is still active on the exam screen to effectively cut them off when the time limit is reached. If a user logs out without submitting their exam, auto-submit will not submit it for them.
Hide Exam From Learners: If you hide the exam you’ll be able to post it but learners won’t be able to see the post and so won't see the exam in their My Elentra task counter.
Required: Click the box to make this exam required.
Attempts: Adjust this if you’d like students to be able to complete the exam more than once.
Backtrack: Enable this if you want learners to be able to view questions already completed.
Exam Security Mode: Apply as needed. If you apply this, the wizard will require you to complete Step 6 (Security) after completing the other steps.
Mark for Faculty Review: Enable this to allow students to make notes during the exam and mark them as viewable by faculty. Note that once exam is submitted students can’t add comments.
Calculator: Enable this to allow students access to an inline calculator during the exam.
Self Timer: Enable this to allow the learner to set a timer for him/herself during the exam.
Click 'Next Step'.
Audience: Based on the learning event the exam is attached to, an audience for the exam is automatically populated in the audience step. To exclude a learner, increase time for a learner if an exam has a time limit, extend the end date for an exam for a student with accommodations, etc. use this feature.
Click the pencil in the Edit column to adjust the settings for any individual student. For all fields, click the checkbox first and then enter information. Excluded: Clicking this checkbox will exclude the learner from the exam audience. Exam Start and End Date: Click this and provide modified dates to change when a learner can access the exam. Submission Deadline: Click this and provide a new deadline to change the deadline for a learner. Extra Time: Click this and enter a percentage increase in time for the learner to complete the exam. Max Attempts: Click this and enter a modified number of exam attempts for the learner.
Click 'Update'.
Your changes will be displayed in the table.
To delete an exception, return to the edit window for a specific learner on the list.
Click 'Next'.
New as of ME 1.13! Create an exam post to allow users to practice and receive immediate feedback before submitting an exam.
Pre-Submission Feedback
This tool allows you to create an exam post that learners can use to get immediate feedback on questions while they complete them and without submitting an exam. The use case might be formative assessments you provide to learners in advance a summative exam.
If you check off the Release Immediate Feedback checkbox you can configure a couple of other options.
Require response: This dictates whether a user has to provide a response before being shown the question feedback.
Require character response length: This allows you to set a minimum character count that users must hit before the system will release question feedback to them (please note there is no AI to check the user responses).
Post-Submission Feedback
Release Score: Click this to return scores to leaners after the submit an exam. Enable ‘Release Feedback’ if you want learners to access the information stored in the rationale section of the exam items when they get their scores; you can further modify whether to release rationale for all question or just incorrect questions. If you have included short answer or essay questions in an exam and you expect faculty to provide narrative feedback which you wish students to view, you must set the exam to release feedback for ALL questions for learners to be able to see the narrative comments from the grader.
Set the release start and end dates to delay feedback if required. This might be useful if two sections of a class are completing the exam at different times and you don't want any learners to see their results until all learners have completed the exam.
Re-Attempt Threshold: Set a minimum score to merit completeness, then set an allowable number of attempts to attain the minimum score. For example you can specific that a learner must achieve 80% on this exam and has two attempts to do so. If the learner scores 50% on their first attempt the system will automatically let them take the exam once more.
Attach GradeBook: Select an existing gradebook entry to attach the exam to (the list will prepopulate based on the course and event selected in earlier steps and the contents of the gradebook for the relevant curriculum period). The results of this action are that once graded, the grades from this exam will automatically populate the gradebook entry.
This page provides a summary of all the choices you’ve made for this exam post. If you need to change something click on the Previous button to return to an earlier screen.
Click 'Save Post and Continue' and if you are using security settings you will be redirected to complete the Security information.
Security Settings:
When creating security settings you can create a basic password, use Safe Exam Browser, or use RP-Now by Software Secure. Basic Password: Set (or generate) a password that you’ll distribute to learners in order for them to access the exam.
To use Safe Exam Browser or PR-Now you do need some additional setup from a development side. Only use these options if you know your organisation has them configured.
Safe Exam Browser: Follow the instructions on the screen to use SEB. RP-Now by Software Secure: Follow the instructions on the screen to use RP-Now. * Click 'Save Security Options'.
You will be redirected to the list of exam posts.
How to edit an exam post
On the Posts tab, click the cog in the Actions column for a specific exam post.
Click 'Edit Post' to reopen the exam post wizard and make any required changes.
How to see an overview of exam posts
When on the Posts tab of an exam note that you can adde and remove columns from the list of exam posts to see more or less information.
Click 'Show/hide columns' to add or remove the columns you'd like to be able to view.
How to add graders to an exam
In order for faculty to access exams and grade them, the faculty must be added as graders to an exam post. To be added as a grader to an exam, faculty must be listed as "Associated Faculty" on a course contact list (to list faculty as course contacts go to Admin>Manage Courses>Course>Setup Tab).
Additionally, to facilitate grading exams you must have groups within a course (to configure groups go to Admin>Manage Courses>Course>Groups Tab). Make sure you have groups configured before you try to add graders as the only way to successfully save grader names is for them to be attached to a group.
Please note that if you are attaching an exam to a gradebook entry there is the option to add graders to the gradebook assessment entry. This will not allow faculty to access the exam to grade. To allow someone to grade an exam they must be added as a grader to the specific exam post.)
Navigate to Admin>Manage Exams.
Click on ‘Exams’ from the left sidebar Manage Exams section.
Search for the applicable exam.
Click on the cog wheel to the right of the exam title; select 'Posts' from the dropdown menu.
Or, when on an exam page, go to the Posts tab.
Click on the cog under the Actions column and select 'Edit Graders' from the dropdown options.
If you cannot see the Actions column, click 'Show/hide columns' to add the Actions column.
Add Graders by typing a name in the text box, and clicking on the appropriate name. To attach a grader to an exam, the grader must be associated with the course through the course setup page. Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses>select course>Course Setup. In the Associated Faculty section, add any faculty you want to make graders.
Any existing Course Groups will appear (if you need to create course groups go to Admin>Manage Courses>Groups). Assign groups to a grader or allow the system to randomly distribute groups to graders.
Click 'Save Grader Settings'.
How to monitor and manage exam activity
Navigate to Admin>Manage Exams.
Click on ‘Exams’ from the left sidebar Manage Exams section.
Search for the applicable exam.
Click on the cog wheel to the right of the exam title; select 'Posts' from the dropdown menu.
Add or remove columns from the display by clicking 'Show/hide columns'. You will need to see the Actions column to proceed.
Click on the cog under the Actions column and select 'View Activity' from the dropdown options. The resulting page will show you which learners have completed an exam, their scores, start and submission dates, etc.
From here you can delete progress records as needed (this will allow you to delete an exam post, and an exam if necessary).
Last updated
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