Courses/programs are used to house and organise course objectives, associated faculty and administrative staff, student enrolment, assessments, course groups, etc. Scheduled learning events are associated with courses. After a course has been set up it can be linked to a course community which creates a course website.
Unlike many content management systems, Elentra does not require you to create a separate instance of a course each academic year. When a course is built you define an enrolment period for it and set an audience for that enrolment period. By adding multiple enrolments and audiences to a course you make it accessible to various learners. Most other parts of the course (e.g., the curriculum tags, gradebook, and logbook) can all be configured per curriculum period as well. One exception to this is the Course Setup tab which currently shares information across all the curriculum periods the course has assigned to it. The information on the Setup tab includes curriculum layout, course name, course code, and course contacts.
Users do have the ability to create unique course websites for different iterations of a course. This is achieved by creating course communities (aka websites) for the course and associating the course website with a specific curriculum period. (More information on course websites here.)
Individual learning events, which are mapped to a course, are available to the specific audiences for the events.
This help section addresses course creation and the setup, enrolment, groups, and reports tabs. It also includes information on setting up a course website. Please view the pages specific to CBME and Gradebook for additional detail about those tabs.
You can watch a recording about setup and maintenance of courses at collaborate.elentra.org (login required).
Enable to allow all faculty to be available to pick from when defining a Course Director.
Enable to allow faculty to be available to pick from when defining a Course Curriculum Coordinator.
Enable to allow all staff to be available to pick from when defining a Course Curriculum Coordinator.
Enable this to allow administrators to define tags assigned to courses as primary, secondary or tertiary.
Enable to allow all users with access to Admin > Manage Courses to be able to reorder courses via dragging and dropping.
On this tab you can assign curriculum tags to a course. Tags assigned to a course can be displayed on course pages and websites as well as in the Curriculum Matrix and Curriculum Explorer. Assigning curriculum tags to a course will also make them quickly available when mapping tags to a learning event or gradebook assessment.
Once you have assigned curriculum tags to a course you can optionally contextually link them to other curriculum tags. For example, you might assign "Take a history" to a course. You could contextually link "Take a history" to "Pediatrics" for a pediatrics course, and "Geriatrics" for a geriatrics course. Please note that while you can view these contextual linkages on a course page, there is no current reporting to give you an overall view of these contextual linkages and contextual linkages do not display in the Curriculum Matrix or Curriculum Explorer.
If you don't see any option to add Curriculum Objectives it may be because there are no curriculum tag sets built for your organisation. Go to Admin > Manage Curriculum to build curriculum tag sets.
Use the Curriculum Period selector to select the appropriate curriculum period.
Note that if you leave the selector on "Mapped to all Curriculum Periods" it means you won't have the ability to easily change the assigned tags for different cohorts of learners.
Click the green arrow to expand the curriculum tag drawer.
Search for a tag or click through a hierarchical tag set to find the tag you need.
Hover over the blue info. icon to view a tag description if one exists.
Click the green plus icon to assign a tag to a course. (Note that hovering over the plus sign at the bottom of the list provides an Add All option.)
Assigned tags will display on the right grouped under their tag set name.
Note that if you want learners to be able to log specific objectives in the Clinical Experience Logbook those objectives should be assigned to a course.
If you choose to, you can contextually link an assigned curriculum tag it to another curriculum tag. We call this context-based linking. You are essentially saying that in the context of this course, this tag maps to this tag. For example, for a specific course, "Take a history" may map to "pediatric patient" or "geriatric patient." Other examples of curriculum tags people contextually link to are integrated threads, CanMEDS roles (if not included in their objectives already), etc. Context-based linkages are not used by all organizations and are not required.
Context-based linkages DO NOT depend on the allowable mapping configurations set by for each tag set. You will be able to access any curriculum tag set when contextually linking.
Context-based linkages are not stored in Admin > Manage Curriculum and will not display there.
How to contextually link assigned curriculum tags to other tags
Click the link icon on an assigned curriculum tag.
The curriculum tag selector will open a drawer on the left specific to this contextually linked tag.
Search for the tag to select and click the green add button.
The contextually linked tag will display under the assigned curriculum tag.
To remove a contextually linked tag, click the 'x' beside the tag name.
To remove all contextually linked tags click the eraser icon and confirm your choice.
Close the contextual link mapping drawer to return to assigning tags to the course.
In the example below Course Objectives 1, 2, and 3 were assigned to a Course. CO 1 and 2 were contextually linked to Program Objectives. When users view a course page or course website, they'll optionally be able to expand each contextually linked objective to see its connections. (Note, this page does not display linkages made in Admin > Manage Curriculum.)
This page displays the list of learners enrolled in the course and is based on the information provided in the course setup page.
You can search for users, download the course enrolment, and toggle between a list and a grid view of learners. Additionally, you can switch periods to view different enrolments for the course.
From the enrolment page, you can click on learner names to see their profiles, but you can’t manage enrolment on this page. That information is controlled by adding the appropriate audience in the course enrolment section of the course setup page.
If you are working in a CBME-enabled organization and would like to manage learner levels through the enrolment page, please see detail here.
The first section of this page is complete with the information provided when creating the course. If you need to edit any of that information you can do so (see Creating Courses page for details).
After a course has initially been created, you'll see a space to optionally add a course image on the Setup tab. Please note that this image does not currently display anywhere in Elentra. If you want to include an image on the course page or website it is recommended to add it via the Course Description (on the Content tab) or on a community page.
This section of this page may already be complete with the information provided when creating the course (see for details). If you need to edit any of that information you can do so here.
This option will only display if lecture capture is enabled for your organization. This section of this page may also be complete with the information provided when creating the course (see for details). If you need to edit any of that information you can do so here.
Course Director
User must be a faculty:director to be added here (this can be changed via a database setting to allow any faculty to be added, you will need developer help to make this change)
Assigning someone as a course/program director will allow them to:
edit the course content, view course enrolment, view and edit course gradebook
edit content tab of all learning events in the course
User contact information will be displayed on the course page
Curriculum Coordinator
By default a user must be have staff:admin group:role permissions to be added here
This can be changed via a database setting to allow any faculty or staff user to be added as a Curriculum Coordinator. If you want to make this change you will need help from a developer. (setting: personnel_api_curriculum_coor_show_all_faculty and personnel_api_curriculum_coor_show_all_staff)
staff:admin users already have access to all courses, events, etc. so adding someone here is more for the purpose of displaying information
User contact info. will be displayed on course page
Associated Faculty
Any faculty user can be added here
Users will be added to a list visible on a course page without a course community created; if you have a course website using the default template, Associated Faculty will not display on the Background page.
Users must be added to this list if you want to add them as a grader on an exam posted to this course
Users added here will be easily accessible in the Assessment and Evaluation module so you can quickly include them in a distribution
Program Coordinator
By default a user must be a staff:pcoordinator to be added here
This can be changed via a database setting to allow staff:admin users to be added as Program Coordinators. If you want to make this change you will need help from a developer. (setting: personnel_api_program_coordinator_show_admins)
Associating a pcoordinator with a course gives that user admin access to that specific course and will allow them to:
add, edit, and delete learning events for that course
view and edit the course gradebook (and other course tabs)
access and edit information for this course in the Clinical Experiences module (e.g., rotations, logbook reporting, leaves of absence, etc.)
access a list of My Learners in Assessment and Evaluation and Clinical Experience
view the Admin > Assessment and Evaluation content for this course (e.g. items, forms, distributions, prompted responses)
view the CBME program dashboard (if CBME enabled)
Program Coordinator information can optionally display on a course page or course website Background page. This is controlled through a database setting and must adjusted by a developer (community_course_outline_hide_pcoordinators).
Teaching Assistant
User contact information will be displayed on the relevant course page
If a learner is added as a TA to a course and is also added as a grader to specific gradebook assessments in that course, the TA will have access to a Grading Tasks page where they can enter grades for the assessments and learners assigned to them
Evaluation Rep
Adding a user here is for admin. display purposes only, evaluation reps will not display on the course page or website
Student Rep
Adding a user here is for admin. display purposes only, student reps will not display on the course page or website
The list of course contact options can be modified by a developer in the language file of the Elentra installation if, for example, you want Course Director to say Program Director.
As of Elentra ME 1.21, you can optionally define a custom role for each course contact. For example, if you want to show someone as a Learning Specialist and you don't have that as a course contact option in your language file, you can make the change in the user interface.
Click the cog icon beside an existing course contact.
Provide a title.
The provided title will display on the course community overview page instead of the user's system defined course contact role.
In addition to defining a custom course contact role, this feature also lets you decide whether or not to include that user on the course community on the templated background page.
By default course contacts will show. To hide them, simply uncheck the box.
The user's access to the course or course website/community will not be impacted.
Click Save.
If a user's course contact role has been customized, the cog beside their name will display green.
This is an optional feature that can or cannot be used in Elentra; by default it is not enabled. Keywords allows you to assign Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) to courses and later to specific learning events. The Course Keyword feature is separate from curriculum tag sets and as such has limited reporting abilities when compared to a tag set. (The MeSH keywords are reported on in the Curriculum Inventory Reporting tool if you use it.)
If your organisation has an internal list of keywords to be tracked across the curriculum it is recommended you make those words a curriculum tag set.
To effectively use the MeSH keywords feature you will need help from a developer.
In order to use MeSH Keywords within Entrada:
1. Connect to your entrada
database using a tool like Sequel Pro or Workbench.
2. Import the entrada-1x-me/www-root/setup/install/sql/entrada.tables.mesh.sql
In this section, you can assign curriculum tags to a course. This information will be reflected in the Curriculum Matrix and Curriculum Explorer. Assigning curriculum tags to a course will also make them quickly available when mapping tags to a learning event or gradebook assessment. Additionally, curriculum tags assigned to a course will dynamically display on a course website using the stock website template.
If you don't see any option to add Curriculum Objectives it may be because there are no curriculum tag sets built for your organisation. Go to Admin>Manage Curriculum to build curriculum tag sets.
Click the green arrow to expand the curriculum tag drawer.
Search for a tag or click through a hierarchical tag set to find the tag you need.
Hover over the blue info. icon to view a tag description if one exists.
Click the green plus icon to assign a tag to a course. (Note that hovering over the plus sign at the bottom of the list provides an Add All option.)
Assigned tags will display on the right grouped under their tag set name.
Note that if you want learners to be able to log specific objectives those objectives should be assigned to a course.
If you choose to, you can contextually link an assigned curriculum tag it to another curriculum tag. We call this context-based linking. You are essentially saying that in the context of this course, this tag maps to this tag. For example, for a specific course, "Take a history" may map to "pediatric patient" or "geriatric patient." Other examples of curriculum tags people contextually link to are integrated threads, CanMEDS roles (if not included in their objectives already), etc. Context-based linkages are not used by all organizations and are not required.
Context-based linkages DO NOT depend on the allowable mapping configurations set by for each tag set. You will be able to access any curriculum tag set when contextually linking.
Context-based linkages are not stored in Admin > Manage Curriculum and will not display there.
How to contextually link assigned curriculum tags to other tags
Click the link icon on an assigned curriculum tag.
The curriculum tag selector will open a drawer on the left specific to this contextually linked tag.
Search for the tag to select and click the green add button.
The contextually linked tag will display under the assigned curriculum tag.
Indicate which reports should be available to be generated from this course by selecting them from the available options. In stock Elentra you will see Report Card and My Teachers as available report types. There is no user interface to control which reports are available to which organisations within an installation of Elentra, but the database can be configured to allow specific reports to be accessible to specific organisations.
Attendance Report
Clicking on the Attendance will allow you to select the filters you want to apply before generating the report. Filters include event type, cohort/class list OR specific students.
The report is generated as a csv file.
Report Card does not fully function right now but it is intended to allow users to select a learner, and view a table showing curriculum tags as rows, and learning events, simulations, and logbook across the top. In each grid matrix you see a completion rate (e.g. 1/3, 2/5) in terms of attendance and completion. For the learning events the denominator is the number of events where attendance was required and that curriculum tag was applied. The numerator is how many times the learner was present at those events (this tool assumes you are using attendance tracking in Elentra).
My Teachers will provide a report displaying the names and email addresses of all teachers active in the course. You can select the teachers you want and generate an email list to quickly communicate with people.
This will appear near the bottom of the screen but was already completed during the initial course build. If you need to edit the enrolment you can do so from here.
If this feature is enabled users will be able to generate a PDF summarizing the course information provided in the course website tabs. There is a default undergrad template that comes with stock Elentra. Syllabi will be accessible from the Courses tab where all courses are listed. Syllabi will only display while a course is running (i.e., as in during the course's defined curriculum period). Please note that there may be up to a 24-hour delay between enabling a syllabus for a course and it being visible to users because of a required behind-the-scenes action that runs every 24 hours.
After completing the required fields in Course Setup, click 'Save'.
Before you can access any reports for a course on the Reports tab, you must have enabled the reports on the course's Setup tab.
Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses and select the Reports tab for the appropriate course.
Click on Attendance.
Set a date range for the report.
Set optional filters for:
learning event types
cohort/class list
specific students (the students available will depend on which cohort/class list was selected)
Click Download.
The report is generated as a csv file and will include a list of learners, the included events (with dates), attendance status per learner per event, a student total and course total, and a student total attendance percentage.
This report does not fully function right now but it is intended to allow users to select a learner, and view a table showing curriculum tags as rows, and learning events, simulations, and logbook across the top. In each grid matrix you see a completion rate (e.g. 1/3, 2/5) in terms of attendance and completion. For the learning events the denominator is the number of events where attendance was required and that curriculum tag was applied. The numerator is how many times the learner was present at those events (this tool assumes you are using attendance tracking in Elentra).
Clicking on My Teachers will provide a report displaying the names and email addresses of all teachers active in the course. You can select the teachers you want and generate an email list to quickly communicate with people.
Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses, Curriculum Tags tab for the appropriate course.
Use the Curriculum Period selector to go to the curriculum period to which you want to copy assigned tags.
On the Associated Curriculum Tags list click on the copy icon on the left below any existing tags.
In the Copy From selector, pick the curriculum period you want to copy curriculum tags from.
Once a curriculum period is selected, the relevant curriculum tags will display.
Click the green Confirm button.
Note that any contextually-linked tags will also be copied.
Note that if a curriculum period already has curriculum tags assigned and then you also copy tags from another curriculum period, any new tags will be added to the list, and any contextual linkages will overwrite the existing tag mappings.
On the Course Content tab you can provide a course description, director's message, and different types of resources.
You can add an external link if you have an external course page or resource you’d like users to access when trying to view this course. If you will be connecting this course to an Elentra built course website (using the Communities module), leave this blank for now. If you use another LMS provider to house course information and you'd like to link to it, add the appropriate url here.
Note that if you have linked a course to a course community and wish to unlink it you must do so from the Administration page for that community. You cannot unlink a course from a course website from the Course Content tab.
If you wish to redirect all course clicks to the external website click the checkbox underneath 'External Website URL'.
Add a course description and director’s message if desired. Both of these will be visible to users. If you go on to create a course website and link this course to it, the course description and director's message will automatically display on the course website background page.
After you've input content, click 'Save'.
Any objectives assigned to the course will be displayed here in a list. For the curriculum objectives assigned, you can configure your Elentra setup to allow individual courses to edit the wording of specific objectives. To do so, click 'edit' beside the objectives code and a window will open allowing you to edit the objective text.
As of ME 1.16, LTI Providers are added and configured in System Settings to use LTI Consumers in Course Pages, Course Websites and Learning Events.
Files and links attached here will be made available to all users accessing the course. The links and files will be displayed to users when they click on a course title.
LTI Provider: Use this if your organisation is partnering with another educational content provider to deliver content or other tools to learners (e.g. Khan, Quizlet, Turnitin, etc.). If you plan to create a course website via the Communities module to use with this course you'll able to add an LTI provider page to that website.
Please see detailed information about Course Gradebooks here.
Creating a course is the first step to populating it with objectives, creating groups, setting up a gradebook, etc. If your organisation has units enabled, your setup process will be slightly different.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Click 'Add New Course'.
Complete each of the required steps noting the following:
Curriculum Layout: This defines the curriculum layout for this course and will dictate the available curriculum periods used later when setting enrolment for the course. (If no curriculum layouts are set up, proceed to Admin>Manage Settings>Select Organisation>Curriculum Layout or see here.)
Note, it is NOT recommended to change the curriculum layout of a course after it has been created and used. Doing so will result in problems with the course and event audiences. If an existing course is being moved from one layout to another, you should create a new course in the required layout and deactivate the old course.
Course Name: This will display to users on Courses tab and in all associated learning event pages.
Course Code: This will display as part of the course identification visible to users on individual learning event pages and will also be used in the list of events from the Learning Events tab. The course code is also used in the breadcrumbs when you are managing courses and their different pages so codes should be logical.
Course Colour: If you select a colour, it will be used to identify learning events that are a part of this course on the learner calendar. (You can further customize the colour of specific events when you create them.)
Course Credit: If you track credits per course you can enter that information here. This information is displayed on the Student Report Card (one of the System Reports available to administrators).
Clinical Experience: Use this section to indicate if a course includes clinical experiences.
If you plan to use the logbook for a course you must say that it includes clinical experiences.
The clinical experience flag will also determine if a course displays when working in the Admin > Clinical Experience
Course Type: Indicate if the course is optional or core curriculum.
This option doesn’t impact the course template, however if you plan to use user-initiated, on-demand forms, you should set the course to the core curriculum option. As of ME 1.17, users will not be able to initiate on-demand forms associated with optional courses.
Curriculum Tracks: Curriculum Track options will only display if you have curriculum tracks built within an organisation. These can be configured through Manage Curriculum. Assigning a course to a curriculum track allows you to identify those courses that share characteristics (e.g. help prepare learner for a specific program, provide a minor, etc.)
Reminder Notifications: These optional e-mail notifications are specific to faculty teaching events in the course. The default settings for email notifications are 30, 7 and 3 days in advance of an event. Through the database a developer can customize when and how often email reminders about teaching responsibilities are sent out. Note that timing of emails will apply to all courses in your organisation (i.e., you can't have one course where faculty get emails 10 and 5 days from the event, and another course where faculty get emails 15 and 7 days from the event). For the complete text included in the email by default please see the bottom of the page.
Learner Notifications: These optional e-mail notifications allow you to inform learners when an assessment task for this course has been completed on them, and a prompted response is selected.
Does not include items in the Feedback and Concerns section of Form Templates.
If a Reviewer is set for a distributed task, the e-mail will be held until the Reviewer releases the task.
Course Permissions:
An open course will allow all logged in users (faculty, staff, learners) to view it. If you attach the course to a community or course website you'll be able to set permissions for the course website as well.
A private course will only be accessible to most users if they are associated with the course is some way (i.e., a learner enrolled in the course, faculty listed as the course director, program coordinator assigned to the course). Note that medtech:admin and staff:admin users can access all courses.
Audience Sync: Choose whether or not to automatically sync your audience with the LDAP server.
Use this only if you are requiring learners to self-report their attendance using geolocation (enabled on an event in the Event Details).
This feature will send out email reminders to learners if their attendance has not been taken a specified number of minutes before or after the start of an event. The email template can be viewed and modified in Admin > System Settings > Email Templates.
This feature will mark learners as late if their attendance was taken a specified amount of minutes after the start of an event.
Email notifications can be sent to a:
Course Director
Curriculum Coordinator
Program Coordinator
A follow-up email can also be sent a specified amount of days after an event.
The email templates can be viewed and modified in Admin > System Settings > Email Templates.
This feature will mark learners as absent if their attendance was taken a specified amount of minutes after the start of an event.
Email notifications can be sent to a:
Course Director
Curriculum Coordinator
Program Coordinator
A follow-up email can also be sent a specified amount of days after an event.
The email templates can be viewed and modified in Admin > System Settings > Email Templates.
You will only see lecture capture options on a course setup page if lecture capture is enabled for your organization.
You can enable lecture capture support at a course by course level.
Lecture Capture Support: Turn on or off as needed. On will allow consenting faculty to be recorded in eligible rooms.
Default Recording State: This dictates whether or not all events will automatically be recorded (on) or not (off).
Allow Faculty Override: This dictates whether or not faculty can change the default setting on their events (on) or not (off) via the event content page.
Event Types Capture Permitted: This allows you to specify which event types you want to automatically record (e.g. lectures). You can select more than one event type per course. To delete a selected event, click on the small x to the right of the event type.
Tip: If you don't have learners set up in your organisation, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Proceed'.
Complete this section when you have the appropriate learners active in your organisation and added as cohorts or class lists as appropriate.
When selecting an enrolment period, the available options will depend on the Curriculum Period defined in the Course Setup section. You can add multiple curriculum periods, cohorts or individuals to a course enrolment.
After selecting an enrolment period from the dropdown options, click 'Add Audience'.
Choose to add a cohort, course list, or individual. Note that a cohort does not need to be assigned to a specific course in order to be added as an audience. However, a course list must be linked to a course via Manage Cohorts before it will be available to be added as an audience. (See more information here.)
As of Elentra ME 1.22, for courses flagged as private, you can optionally set a Viewable Start and Finish date to an enrolment to control learner access to course websites and associated learning events.
To enable this, check the box that reads "Apply a viewable start and/or finish date to course website and associated learning events”
Apply a viewable start date and time and/or finish date and time
Resulting behaviour if a start date and time is applied:
the audience of the course cannot see the course in their Courses tab until the start date and time
all events associated with the course are automatically hidden from the audience of the course's view until the start date/time
Resulting behaviour if a finish date and time is applied:
the audience of the course cannot see the course in their Courses tab after the finish date and time
all events associated with the course are automatically hidden from the audience of the course after the finish date and time.
Additional Information:
If this feature is in use, events from this course will appear as pink in the Admin View list view of events. This is to mimic the behaviour of any event that has visibility restrictions set a the event level.
If an admin sets a viewable start and/or finish date for a course, then adjusts one or both to a new date and time, the system will overwrite the original viewable start and/or finish date on all associated events and warn the user: Adjusting the viewable start and/or finish date will result in the start and/or finish dates being overwritten on all associated learning events.
After the setting has been set, the admin can adjust visibility rules on individual events, but if they subsequently change the dates at the course level, their changes at the individual event level will be overwritten by their new overall viewable start and finish dates.
Click 'Proceed'.
You will see a green success message indicating that the course has been created. You'll be redirected to the full course setup tab to provide additional details about the course.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Search for the course you want to delete as needed.
Click the checkbox beside the course information for the course you want to delete.
Click 'Delete Courses'.
Confirm your choice.
You will get a green success message on the screen.
%CC_FACULTY_TEXT%This is an automated notice to remind you that you are scheduled to teach in the following learning event.
Event Title: %EVENT_TITLE% Phase: %EVENT_PHASE% Event Date / Time: %EVENT_DATE% Event Duration: %EVENT_DURATION% Event Location: %EVENT_LOCATION% Associated Faculty: %ASSOCIATED_FACULTY_TEXT% To update your event click this link: %EVENT_LINK% Important things to do before your learning event: 1) Review Learning Objectives Please review your objectives to ensure that they accurately describe the learning objectives of your event. 2) Update Learning Event Resources The following resources are attached to this event for the learners to download. Please upload your new lecture notes or other resources and remove any outdated content. %RESOURCES_TEXT%
IMPORTANT: If you are going to have your assistant add your electronic resources to the site on your behalf and they have not been CC'd on this e-mail already, please forward this e-mail to them so they are able to easily find your learning event by clicking the following link: %EVENT_LINK% 3) Update the Event Type Each learning event has an event type associated with it to help identify the type of teaching that is taking place during this time (lecture, small group, case study, etc). Please ensure that the event type listed accurately represents the type of learning of this session. Need help editing your learning event? Contact your Curricular Coordinator for help with uploading files and editing event details.
Save a tree: Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
Please note that you will only see the CBME tab for a Course if CBME is enabled for the organization the course is a part of. Please see for more detail on CBME.
Please note you will only see the Logbook tab for a Course if the course is defined as including clinical experiences on the Course Setup tab. Please see here for more information about configuring a logbook for a course.
Once there are learners enrolled in a course/program, you can create groups of learners within a course. Course groups can be used to:
set the audience for learning events (e.g., problem-based learning groups, clinical skills sessions, etc.)
configure a gradebook assessment for specific course groups (and optionally assign the same grade to all course members)
link tutors to assigned learners to give them increased access to that learner's records (including completed assessments, logbook encounters, meetings, and Learner Explorer (if applicable). This is particularly relevant if an organization uses the Competency-Based Education (CBE) module.
Tutors linked to groups will also be able to access any community shared resources restricted to that group.
If you plan to build an event schedule using a CSV import you currently require unique group names across curriculum different periods (e.g., 2025s ENT Group 1 in one curriculum period and 2026s ENT Group 1 in a different curriculum period).
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Search for the course you want to work with and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.
Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, adjusting it as needed with the dropdown menu.
Click 'Add New Groups'.
Create a group name prefix (e.g. Family Medicine Group) noting that this will be applied to all groups created with an automated suffix added (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4).
Group Type: Choose to create a specific number of empty groups (input the desired number) or have the system automatically populate groups.
If you choose to have the system auto-populate groups, define the group parameters, noting the following: Learners: Include all learners or select specific learners from the enrolment list for the relevant Curriculum Period. Groups: Either set a number of groups or set a group size requirement. Populate Groups: Select to base groups on gender (balanced or homogenous) or not.
Click 'Add'.
You will see a green success message on the screen and will then be shown the newly created groups.
While you can assign a group tutor a Teacher, Tutor, Teacher's Assistant or Auditor role, these don't currently have unique permissions or access to learner information. The role information is just stored for reference.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Search for the course you want to work with and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.
Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, adjusting it as needed with the dropdown menu.
Click on a group name.
Under the Group Details, Tutors field, begin to type the name of the desired tutor. Click on the name to add it and it will be displayed in a list below the tutor search box.
From the dropdown selector, you can optionally indicate if the user is a Teacher, Tutor, Teacher's Assistant or Auditor.
The optional checkbox about setting the dashboard scale on a learner's dashboard applies to organizations with Elentra's Competency-Based Education (CBE) tools enabled. Check this box if you would like faculty members to be able to set ratings for individual curriculum tags on the learner dashboard.
To delete an existing tutor, click on the X to the right of the tutor name.
You can choose to either create your groups, then import a CSV to populate them, or create your groups and populate them simultaneously through the upload.
If you do not create the groups before importing, the system will create them for you. If you already have groups created, enter the title of the group into the Group Name column and the system will associate the learners with the group automatically.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Search for the course you want to work with and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.
Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, and adjust it as needed with the dropdown menu.
Click the Import/Export button and select 'Import'. You’ll be prompted to download a sample CSV file to use to import groups and group members.
Follow the column headings to create your CSV file. Group Name: Provide the appropriate group name (either based on groups that already exist or the groups you want Elentra to create). Tutors: List the tutor(s) for the group. Use the format 'Last name, First name; Last name, First name'. For example: Smith, John; Doe, Jane Tutors Numbers: List tutor number(s). Separate entries with a semi-colon if necessary. Learner Name: Use this format: 'Last name, First name'. For example: Smith, John. Only enter information for one learner per line. Learner Number: Enter the learner's institutional number (e.g., student number).
Save your file as a csv when completed.
Search for or drag and drop your completed file into the import window.
Click 'Import CSV'.
You will get a green success message. Close the import window and you should see your newly created groups on the screen.
If you download groups from a course, anyone listed as a tutor, teacher, TA, or auditor will appear in the Tutor column. There is no additional column to specify their tutor type.
From the Course Groups tab, click 'Import/Export'
Export to CSV will provide you with a csv that looks like this:
Export to Printable CSV will provide you with a csv that looks like this:
Note that groups you create in a course apply only to that course by default. If you want to use the same groups (populated with the same learners) across multiple courses, you can copy groups from one course to another, download groups from one course and import them to another course, OR you can create additional cohorts at the organisation level and apply those cohorts to multiple courses through a course enrolment and audience.
If you copy course groups this way any assigned tutor, teacher, etc. will also get copied.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Search for the course that has the groups you want to copy and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.
Check off the group(s) you want to copy.
Click 'Copy Groups'.
In the pop up window, select a Course and curriculum period.
Click 'Copy'.
You will get a green success message saying you have successfully copied the group(s).
To view your newly created groups, navigate to the course you copied the groups to and click on the Groups tab. You should see the copied groups (they will have the same learners in them as the original groups).
If you download groups from a course, anyone listed as a tutor, teacher, TA, or auditor will appear in the Tutor column. There is no column to specify their tutor type.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Search for the course that has the groups you want to recreate and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.
Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, adjusting it as needed with the dropdown menu.
Click the Import/Export button and select 'Export to CSV file'. A file will download to your computer.
Depending on how you are setting up your groups, you may want to change the group names in the CSV file (e.g., Anatomy Group 1 becomes Microsystems Group 1). You can also change tutor information if necessary. Complete any required changes and save your file with a recognizable name.
Navigate to the course where you want to create new groups and follow the instructions above in "How to upload a CSV file to create and populate groups".
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Search for the course you want to work with and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.
Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, adjusting it as needed with the dropdown menu.
Tick off the box beside the group name you want to delete (note that you can select all), and click Delete Groups.
Confirm your choice by clicking Delete again.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Search for the course you want to work with and either click on the course name and then the Groups tab, or click the cog to the right of the course name and select Groups from the dropdown menu.
Check that you are working in the correct Curriculum Period, adjusting it as needed with the dropdown menu.
Click on a group name.
To delete existing members, click the tick box beside the user name and click Delete Members.
To add new members to the group, scroll to the bottom of the page, and follow the onscreen instructions. Note that a learner must be enrolled in the course in order to be added to a group (you can adjust course enrolment via the Setup tab of a course management page).
If you have copied course groups across multiple courses, please note that you will need to edit the group membership in each course.
Please note that there is currently no user interface to see a list of all groups a user is part of. (Users can see all the communities they are a part of from the Communities tab and My Communities card.)