Rubric Forms

Rubrics are assessment tools that describe levels of performance in terms of increasing complexity with behaviourally anchored scales. In effect, performance standards are embedded in the assessment form to support assessors in interpreting their observations of learner performance.

If you create a rubric form and at least one item on the form is linked to an EPA the form will be triggerable by faculty and learners once published. Results of a completed rubric form are included on a learner's CBME dashboard information.

Before you start

Within a given form, you can only tag curricular objectives (e.g., EPAs or milestones) from the same curriculum version. To ensure that you do not accidentally add an EPA from a different version, we recommend you create the form first and then "Create & Attach" new items to the form.

Creating a Rubric Form

  • You need to be a staff:admin, staff:prcoordinator, or faculty:director to access Admin > Assessment & Evaluation to create a form.

  • Click Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.

  • Click on Forms from the subtab menu.

  • Click Add Form.

  • Provide a form name and select Rubric Form from the Form Type dropdown menu; then click Add Form.

Form Information

  • Form Title: Form titles are visible to end-users (learners, assessors, etc.) when being initiated on-demand. Use something easily distinguishable from other forms.

  • Form Description: The form description can be used to store information for administrative purposes, but it is not seen by users completing the form.

  • Form Type: You cannot change this once you have created a form.

  • On-Demand Workflow: On-demand workflows enable users to initiate a form on-demand using different workflow options (EPA, Other Assessment Form, Faculty Evaluation and Rotation Evaluation).

    • EPA: Use for forms tagged to EPAs that you want users to be able to initiate. Contributes to CBME dashboards.

    • Other Assessment Form: Use for forms that you want users to be able to initiate and complete on demand without tagging to EPAs; or, for tagged forms that you don't want to appear in the EPA list. Only forms with EPAs tagged will contribute to CBME dashboards.

  • Course: Program coordinators and faculty directors may not have access to multiple courses, while staff:admin users are likely to. If you have access to multiple courses, make sure you've selected the correct course to affiliate the form with.

  • EPA Version: Select the CBME Version that this form will be used for. After setting the version, you will only be able to tag EPAs from that version to this form.

    • By default, the Form Editor will load the most recent CBME version. Under "EPA Version", simply select the appropriate version. Click Save. If you want to build new forms for learners using Version 1, simply change the EPA Version to Version 1 and it will load the appropriate EPAs.

  • Permissions: It is highly recommended that you assign course/program-level permissions to all of your forms, as some filters rely on this setting. Additionally, using a form in a workflow requires that it be permissioned to a course.

    • Authorship permissions give other users access to edit the form. You can add individual authors or give permission to all administrators in a selected program or organization.

    • To add individual, program, or organization permissions, click the dropdown selector to select a category, and then begin to type in the appropriate name, clicking on it to add to the list.

    • You can add multiple individuals, programs, and organizations to the permissions list as needed.

Contextual Variables

Select the relevant contextual variables for this form by clicking on the checkbox. Adjust which contextual variable responses should be included by clicking on the gray badge. This allows you to deselect unneeded contextual variable responses which can make the form faster to complete for assessors.

Entrustment Rating

  • If you want to include an Entrustment Rating on the form, click the checkbox. Select an entrustment rating scaled from the dropdown menu. Note that the responses will be configured based on the scale you select. It is also possible that the Item Text will be autopopulated based on the scale you select.

  • For the optional Entrustment Rating, set requirements for comments noting that if you select Prompted comments you should also check off which responses are prompted in the Prompt column. If you use this option and any person completing the form selects one of the checked responses, s/he will be required to enter a comment. Additionally, if the form is part of a distribution you'll be able to define how prompted responses should be addressed (e.g. send email to program coordinator whenever anyone chooses one of those response options).

Default Items

  • The default Feedback and Concerns items will be added when the form is published.

Form Items

  • Add form items by clicking 'Add Items', or click the down arrow for more options.

  • 'Add Free Text' will allow you to add an instruction box.

    • If you add free text, remember to click Save in the top right of the free text entry area. Any free text entered will display to people using the form.

  • 'Add Curriculum Tag Set' should not be used.

  • To create and add a new item, click the appropriate button.

  • Select the Item Type and add any item responses, if applicable.

  • Tag Curriculum Tags to your newly created item.

    • In the example below, because you are using a form that is mapped to "Version 2", the curriculum tag sets will be locked to "Version 2". This will ensure that you do not accidentally tag an EPA from a different version.

  • After you have added items to your form you may download a PDF, and preview or copy the form as needed.

  • Save your form to return to it later, or if the form is complete, click Publish. You will see a blue message confirming that a form is published. Unlike form templates which require a behind the scenes task to be published, a rubric form will be available immediately.


Users can't access the form when initiating an assessment on demand. Why is this happening?

Check that your form is permissioned to a course and has a workflow (e.g. Other Assessment) defined.

My PPA or Rubric Form is not displaying a publish button. Why is this happening?

In order for a PPA or Rubric form to be published, you must have at least one item that is mapped to part of your program's "EPA tree". You will only see the "publish" button appear after you have tagged an item to either an EPA(s) or a milestone(s) within an EPA. After saving the item, you will now see a "Publish" button appear.

Is it a requirement to publish PPA and Rubric forms?

You only need to publish PPAs and Rubric forms if you wish to leverage the EPA/Milestones tagging functionality in the various CBME dashboards and reporting. You are still able to use PPAs and Rubric forms without tagging EPAs or milestones if you only need to distribute them, or select them using the "Other Assessment" trigger workflow. If you want any of the standard CBME items, such as the Entrustment Item, Contextual Variables, or the CBME Concerns rubric, you must tag and publish the form. Keep in mind that the assessment plan builder only supports forms that have the standard entrustment item on it - meaning, only published PPAs/Rubrics forms.

Last updated

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