
The logbook module in Clinical Experiences allows an administrator to define requirements like number of entries, learner role in the experience, and the setting of the experience. Learners can log experiences and both learners and admin/faculty can view learner progress in a logbook.

The logbook is an optional feature of Elentra and can be turned on or off using a database setting (logbook_active).

Some additional things to be aware of:

  • Currently Elentra supports setting logbook requirements per course, per curriculum period. There is not currently a way to set up logging requirements per rotation on a rotation schedule. (If an organization has three courses, and each course has its own rotation, just configure a logbook for each course.)

  • Learners view their logbook requirements and completion per course.

  • You can connect the logbook to Clinical Experience > Rotation Schedule so that a learner's logbook deficiency is determined based on how far through a rotation they are. Note that for this deficiency reporting the logbook will apply only the dates of the final booked slot if a learner is booked in multiple slots for a rotation during one curriculum period.

  • There are not currently automated email notifications for the creation of logbook entries, nor deficient statuses. We hope to restore this ability soon.

  • There is not currently a link between the logbook and the Assessment and Evaluation module to automatically trigger an assessment form for a procedure when a learner logs a procedure. You can set up procedure assessment forms using workflows so that learners can initiate a form and send it to their preceptor as needed.

You can watch a recording about the logbook at collaborate.elentra.org (login required).

Database Setting Options

Database SettingUse


Defines the threshold for level of completion to set 'complete' status in Clinical Experience > Logbook reporting


Used to control whether or not to allow learners to create logbook entries for courses where their enrolment in the curriculum period has passed.

Overview of Logbook Setup

  1. Build a curriculum tag set and flag each applicable tag as "loggable" (complete via Manage Curriculum).

  2. Set a course as including clinical experiences and assign the appropriate curriculum tags to the course (complete via Manage Courses > Setup tab and Curriculum Tags tab).

  3. Define the requirements for each loggable encounter (complete via Manage Courses > Logbook tab).

  4. Have learners complete and log encounters (learners access this via the Logbook tab under their user icon).

  5. Report of logbook completion via Admin > Clinical Experiences > Logbook.

Configuring logbook requirements for a course

Last updated