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There are multiple calendar settings in the database to allow you to display hours and days of the week according to your organization's preference. You can configure how dates and hours display, whether to include weekend days, whether to exclude other days of the week, and whether to start the calendar on a Monday.
To experiment with different views, speak to a developer.
Users can toggle between day, week, and month view.
Users can click the calendar icon to access a date selector and quickly navigate to another date.
Users can download or subscribe to a calendar.
Users can click the 'Today' button to quickly return to today's date.
Users can click the forward and back arrows to switch to the previous or next calendar view.
From the calendar, users can click on an event title to see more event details, download resources for that event or navigate to the event page.
Users will automatically see learning events they are directly associated with (e.g. as a learner or teacher).
Users can optionally add additional calendars to their dashboard in order to display Events created in specific communities they belong to.
A community calendar will only display if that community has an Events page accessible to the individual user.
The number badge on the My Calendars button displays how many calendar feeds are currently selected.
Click the 'My Calendars' button.
Tick off the additional calendars you want to include on your dashboard.
Note: Students and faculty cannot deselect My Learning Events.
Click 'Apply'.
Additional events from the selected communities will display on the dashboard calendar.
For staff and faculty users, a second option--My Courses--will display. By clicking this button, users can add all the learning events from a specific course to their dashboard calendar.
User calendar preferences will be remembered and automatically applied the next time a user logs in.
To remove a calendar feed from the dashboard calendar, click My Calendar, deselect a calendar, and click 'Apply'.
Elentra allows you to configure event colors multiple ways. You can define an event type color in System Setting, set a default event color in the database settings table (events_default_color), define event colors per course, and define colors on specific events.
Elentra will use the following order to check for and display an event color:
Individual event color,
Course event color,
Default color,
Event type color
If an event includes two different event types, the event type that is longer will take precedence as the event color. If the event types are equal in length, the color will be that of the first event type listed.
We plan to revise the color preference order in a future release so that event type colors (if set) will take precedence over a default color (if set).
These is an additional database setting to allow events to change color if a file or link has been updated (events_limit_color_update_trigger). If this is enabled and you already use event colors, an information icon will show on the events instead.
The My Event Calendar tab shows all course events that include the learner in the event audience.
The My Rotations Schedule tab shows any scheduled rotations, clinical events, and planned absences stored in the Clinical Experience Leave Tracking tool.
There is a database setting option to allow learners to see one calendar that includes their learning events and rotation schedule details (calendar_display_rotations).
Learners can optionally add Community Events calendar feeds to their dashboard calendar (see above).
Learners may see due dates for assignments in their course gradebook.
There is a database setting to control whether or not you show learners their assignment due dates on the dashboard calendar (calendar_assignments_enabled). To change this setting, speak to a developer.
On the dashboard, faculty have a calendar view of all upcoming course events that include them as either the teacher or as an audience member. Faculty can optionally add additional community event calendars OR course event calendars (see above).
Staff and Medtech users will see a blank dashboard calendar to which they can optionally add Community Events calendars for communities they belong to, or add learning event calendars from courses.