Forwarding Tasks

Forward Tasks from the Admin. A & E Dashboard

Administrators can forward tasks on behalf of assessors/evaluators.

  • Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.

  • Filter the task list as necessary to find the task you want.

  • Open the task.

  • Click 'Forward Task'.

  • Choose a user to forward the task to.

    • Note that emails will be sent to the old and new assessor/evaluator.

  • Click 'Forward Task'.

  • You will get a success message. Close the success message to return to the A & E Dashboard.

Viewing Forwarded Tasks in A Distribution Progress Page

When a distributed task is forwarded, the new task that generates is actually not included in the original distribution. Enhancements in ME 1.20 allow administrative users to see a record of tasks that have been forwarded once, from a distribution progress page.

The task will be removed from the original assessor's task list. The newly generated task will display for the new assessor and will be labelled "Forwarded."

Viewing a Forwarded Task from a Distribution Progress Page

Because the newly generated task isn't actually a part of the distribution, an administrator can't send reminders, nor delete the new task from the distribution progress page. Instead you would need to do so from the Admin > A & E Dashboard.

Completed forwarded tasks are included in a Weighted CSV report generated for a distribution.

Note that if a task is forwarded more than once, anything beyond the second task will not display on the distribution progress report at all.

Last updated