Viewing ePortfolio Entries
Portfolio advisors can access learner artifacts through Manage ePortfolio in order to review and comment on them. If a gradebook has been configured to include a portfolio and specific assessments rely on portfolio entries, faculty can also access the portfolio there.
How to view artifact entries from the portfolio
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click 'Review'.
Click on the down arrow beside Portfolio to select a cohort.
Click on a learner name.
Click on the appropriate folder title.
For any entry, read the reflection, download a file, or visit a url.
Advisors can mark the entry as Reviewed by clicking on the blue button, can flag an entry, can add a comment, and can mark an artifact entry as used for assessement or not.
Comments will be recorded with the author name and a time and date stamp. Comments can be deleted by the comment author by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the comment.
If an assessment is flagged the learner name will show up in a list of Flagged portfolios. Access the list of flagged portfolios by selecting a cohort and then clicking the Flagged tab (navigate back to a list of all learners in the cohort by clicking 'All').
How to view artifact entries from a course gradebook
A faculty member must have access to the course gradebook and be assigned as a grader for the specific assessment in order to use this tool.
Navigate to Admin>Gradebook.
Search for and click on the appropriate course name.
Adjust the curriculum period if needed.
Click on an assessment title.
Click on the Grade column beside a learner name to open the portfolio and assessment form.
Switch folder views if necessary using the 'Choose a portfolio folder' dropdown menu.
View the portfolio entry and complete the assessment form.
Click 'Save and Close' or 'Save and Go to Next'.
If a custom grade is required click the checkbox and then enter the appropriate grade.
Last updated
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