CBME Dashboard
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Faculty, program administrators and residents can easily review a learner's progress from the CBME dashboard.
Note that the CBME dashboard includes several tabs: Stages, Assessments, Assessments Items, Trends, Comments, and Pins. (Reports can be generated from the Stages page.)
There is another Assessments Dashboard that pulls in additional form information if your organization is using the Assessment and Evaluation module for other forms (e.g. program and faculty evaluations). This page discusses just the CBME Dashboard.
When logged in as a faculty member or program coordinator, click the Assessment & Evaluation badge that appears between the user's name and the logout button in the top right. Click on 'My Learners' from the tab menu. Search for a learner as needed, and if you can't find someone, ensure that you are in the correct curriculum period using the dropdown menu on the right. After finding the correct learner, click on CBME Dashboard to view the learner's progress. Residents automatically land on their CBME Dashboard when they log into Elentra.
From a learner's CBME Dashboard, click through the different tabs to view a range of assessment information. On most tabs, you can apply filters in order to refine the list of assessments visible to others. To use this option, select all the appropriate filters (e.g. date, curriculum tag, contextual variable, assessment tool, etc.) and then click 'Apply Filters'. Note that the filters a PA or PD applies on one learner will be maintained as you move through different pages.
From the stages tab you can see a summary of a learner's progress across EPAs and stages.
EPAs are displayed in order of learner stage and completed stages can be collapsed. If you are using the rotation scheduler, EPAs specific to a learner's current rotation are outlined in the stage colour and the priority and likelihood of an EPA in the learner's specific rotation is shown through the exclamation mark and bar chart (unlikely, likely, very likely). Whether or not the rotation scheduler is in use, green checkmarks indicate that a stage or EPA is complete (this is set by the Competency Committee).
Click the down arrow on the right side of an EPA card to see a list of completed assessments for that EPA. Depending on the form there may be a count of the learner's global assessment rating, which you can click on to access an aggregated report of the learner's performance on this form.
When in a faculty or PA role you can also access a Milestone Report from the Stages tab. More details about the Milestone Report are in another lesson.
Users can produce an aggregated report for any form displaying on this page. Click the grey down arrow on the right side of a EPA card, and click on a form title. A new tab will open to display the aggregated data with a trend chart at the bottom. On the trend chart at the bottom of the report hover over any individual assessment to click 'View Assessment' and see the specific assessment form. Note that you can download a PDF of this form as needed (green button at top right). If you want to look at only the forms completed with a certain global rating click on a blue number on the right hand side.
See a list of all completed assessments and filter as desired. Toggle between completed, in progress, pending and deleted assessments below the filter settings. On each individual assessment card, note that the form type and relevant EPA are displayed. You can also click the down arrow on the right to show some form information (e.g., global rating, comments, assessor and assessment method), and click 'View Details' on the left to see the assessment form. Users can mark an assessment as read by clicking on the eye icon. A greyed out eye means an assessment is unread. There is an option to mark all assessments as read on the right side above the assessment cards. You can also quickly view all unread assessments by clicking the small blue number beside 'Assessments' in the tab menu. Marking assessments as read or unread is user specific so learners and faculty will see their own results. Users can pin an assessment from this screen and learners can give an assessment a "thumbs up" to provide feedback to an assessor about their feedback.
Quickly see a list of all completed assessment items and filter as desired. Click the down arrow on the right to see comments, response descriptor and the name of the assessor (as applicable). Click View Details at the bottom left of each card to access the completed assessment form.
Users can pin an assessment item from this screen.
View trends in learner performance across global assessment ratings. Note the overall tally of ratings in the top right corner of each card. Hover over on a node on the chart to view information about the form name, date and rating; you can also click through to access the actual assessment form.
Quickly access a list of all narrative comments provided to the learner on any complete CBME assessment tool. The tool type and relevant EPA will be displayed below the form name on each comment card.
Users can pin comments from this tab.
Quickly view all assessments, items, or comments that have been pinned. Apply filters as desired, or just scroll down to find the toggle to switch between assessments, items, and comments.