Delegation Distributions
You can create a distribution to send to a staff person who is either the target or can later forward the task to the appropriate person. The use case for this might be setting up a distribution at the beginning of the year and not knowing exactly which preceptors will be working in a specific environment. You can send the distribution to a staff member who can forward the tasks once a clinic schedule is set or send the distribution to a faculty member who is the target but then delegates it to the appropriate person to be assessed or evaluated.
Add New Distribution
Navigate to Admin>Assessment and Evaluation.
Click 'Distributions' above the Assessment and Evaluation heading.
Click 'Add New Distribution'.
Distribution Title: Provide a title. This will display on the list of Distributions that curriculum coordinators and program coordinators can view.
Distribution Description: Description is optional.
Task Type: Hover over the question mark for more detail about how Elentra qualifies assessments versus evaluations. If a distribution is to assess learners, it's an assessment. If it is to evaluate courses, faculty, learning events, etc. it is an evaluation. Notice that the language on Step 4 will change if you switch your task type.
Assessment Mandatory: This will be checked off by default. Leaving it checked creates a record that the tasks are mandatory but it doesn't impact the user experience.
Select Form: The form you want to distribute must already exist; pick the appropriate form.
Select a Curriculum Period: The curriculum period you select will impact the list of available learners and associated faculty.
Select a Course: The course you select will impact the list of available learners and associated faculty.
Click 'Next Step'
Distribution Method: Select 'Delegation' from the dropdown menu.
Delegator: Click Browse Delegators and select the appropriate name from the dropdown menu. You can only select one delegator.
Delegation Options:
Delegation based on date range
Delegation based on rotation schedule
Delegator Type:
The delegator is an individual
The delegator is the target
From this point forward the distribution wizard will be configured based on whether you selected a date range or rotation-based distribution. Please refer the the help pages for those two methods to continue through the wizard.
Completing a Delegation
Please see here for more information about how to complete a delegation task.
Last updated
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