Export an Exam to Word (.doc) File

An administrator can export an exam(s) to a Word (.doc) file.

Step 1

In the Exams section, click the coloured exam folder under the Index.

Step 2

Click the Settings Wheel to select Export Word option. The download will complete within the browser.

Select a Language when Exporting a Bilingual Exam to a Word (.doc) File

  • An administrator can select the language of an exam when exporting to a Word (.doc) file.

  • When an exam is bilingual, before the download window appears, a pop-up modal is displayed asking a user to choose whether to download the data in English or another language.

Step 1

Select the exam to be exported in the Exams section.

Step 2

Using the Exam Actions drop-down, select the Word Version option.

Step 3

A pop-up modal will appear with the options to choose the desired language for the exported exam. The download will complete within the browser.

Last updated