Assessment Flag Severity

Assessment Flag Severity is a feature that allows an organization to optionally set levels of severity on prompted responses in Assessment and Evaluation items. Instead of treating prompted responses as either used or not, you can create a more nuanced approach to acting on a prompted response item (i.e., if it’s flagged at a certain level, do something).

The default behaviour of a flagged item response on an assessment form is to simply set the “flag” property of the response to 1. On submission of the assessment, flagged responses are checked, and if a particular distribution indicates that specific users (or groups) be notified of a flagged response, an email goes out to them.

The Flag Severity functionality adds another layer on top of this (in addition to also being independent of a distribution). Instead of simply setting the flag property to 1, it sets it to the primary key of the record in the flag severity table.

In the Competency Based Medical Education feature, there’s a flag called “CBME Concerns Notify Directors and Coordinators”; if enabled via an Elentra setting, program coordinators and directors (of the relevant programs) are notified when items that are flagged with this particular severity are submitted. From the forms interface, if there are any organisation specific flag severities defined, the item editing interface presents the editor with an option to select one of the predefined flags (instead of presenting them with a simple checkbox). Form templates (i.e., CBME on demand assessments) use this flag severity functionality to notify program directors and coordinators when someone submits an assessment where the “Concerns” rubric has one of the responses set to “Yes” (meaning there are professionalism concerns, for example).

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