Course Setup Required to use Logbook
After curriculum tags are set as loggable, they must be assigned to a course and curriculum period and the requirements for each tag defined.
Assigning Curriculum Tags to a Course
To assign objectives to a course you must have administrative role permissions; the task is completed via Admin > Manage Courses on the Curriculum Tags tab for a course.
You can find more detail about the steps required to assign curriculum tags to a course on the Course Setup help page but one important detail to note is how you assign the objectives depending on whether you have a tag set with or without a hierarchy.
If you have a one-level or flat tag set, you should assign each individual curriculum tag that you intend to require logging for.
If you have a tag set with a hierarchy and you want to include all of a subset of tags in the logbook, assign the parent tag of the subset you want to the course. For example, if your tag set has has levels 1, 2, 3, and 4, assign level 3 to the course and all tags in level 4 will be applied to the logbook.
Setting Logging Requirements for Curriculum Tags
There are three tabs you can use to set up requirements for loggable tags: entries, roles and environment (settings). The options you define on these tabs dictate the requirements learners have to fulfill and also what fields they can must complete when they log an entry.
Entries includes:
the minimum number of times a learner has to log something
whether comments are required for a logged entry
whether reflection is required for a logged entry
whether an observer (e.g., a preceptor) is required for a logged entry
whether time tracking is required for a logged entry
if you require time tracking you must define a minimum number of hours
Roles lets you define which options will be available to a learner to record in what capacity they participated in an encounter.
Note that it is possible to adjust the list of roles and their descriptions in the database (the table is logbook_lu_roles). You will need help from a developer to do this.
Environment lets you define the settings a learner can pick from when they log an entry.
Accessing Logbook
Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses.
Click on the name of a course and then the Logbook tab, OR click the menu cog to the right of the course name and select 'Logbook'.
Make sure you are working in the correct curriculum period, or switch it if necessary.
Click 'Edit' beside any curriculum tag or subset of tags to set the requirements.
If working with a hierarchical tag set, click the plus icon on the 'Overall configuration for <tag set title>' to open the overall configuration options. This allows you to apply a default configuration to all tags in a set and then make individual changes as needed.
Entries Tab
Entries options include:
Require Comments: If you check this off, the learner will be required to include comments when they log an entry for this tag.
Require Reflection: If you check this off, the learner will be required to include a reflection when they log an entry for this tag.
Require Observer: If you check this off, the learner will be required to indicate the name of the person who observed them when they log an entry for this tag.
Require Time Tracking: If you check this off you can define a minimum number of hours. Learners will have to log a time estimate when they log an entry.
Min: Use the plus and minus buttons to indicate if there is a minimum number of encounters required for this tag.
If using a hierarchical tag set: The Overall configuration for **** comments, reflection, observer and time tracking will apply to all included nested tags, however, the Min. set here is for the total number of encounters for the tag subset (i.e., 5 logged encounters across however many tags are included in the subset).
Click 'Apply'.
You will see a success message.
If you are using a hierarchical tag set, the Overall configuration menu will collapse and you can adjust the entry requirements for individual tags as needed (e.g. remove notes requirement from a certain tag, or indicate specific minimum numbers for individual tags).
To adjust the entry requirements for an individual tag (e.g., to remove the requirement for an observer on a particular tag), make the change on the tag card.
Click 'Apply' for each tag when complete.
You will get a success message after your change is saved. Close the window by clicking 'OK'.
Roles Tab
On the Roles tab you can define whether or not a learner is required to indicate the role they played in an encounter. The default options are observed, performed with help, and performed independently.
Click 'Edit' beside a tag/tag set.
If you are using a hierarchical tag set, click the plus icon beside the tag set name to reopen the Overall configuration menu, then click on 'Roles' to apply a default setting to all tags.
Check off 'Require Roles', this will open a list of roles to select from.
Check off each role that you want to include for a tag; when you do this you will have the option to set a minimum requirement per role as needed.
Click 'Apply'.
You will see a success message.
If you are using a hierarchical tag set, the Overall configuration menu will collapse.
To adjust the role settings for an individual tag, click on 'Settings'. This will open another menu (you should see your default settings already applied). Adjust the role options and requirements for individual tags as needed.
Click 'Apply' for each tag when complete.
You will get a success message after your change is saved. Close the window by clicking 'OK'.
Environments Tab
On the Environments tab you can define whether or not a learner is required to indicate the setting of an encounter, and specify the environments available to learners when they log entries. The default options are displayed below.
Click 'Edit' beside a tag/tag set.
If you are using a hierarchical tag set, click the plus icon beside the tag set name to reopen the Overall configuration menu, then click on 'Environments' to apply a default setting to all tags.
Check off 'Require Environment/Settings'; this will open a list of environments/settings to select.
Check off each environment that you want to include as an option for a tag; when you do this you will have the option to set a minimum required number as needed.
Click 'Apply'.
You will see a success message.
If you are using a hierarchical tag set, the Overall configuration menu will collapse.
To adjust the role settings for an individual tag, click on 'Settings'. This will open another menu; click 'Environments' (you should see your default settings already applied). Adjust the environment options and requirements for individual tags as needed.
Click 'Apply' for each tag when complete.
You will get a success message after your change is saved. Close the window by clicking 'OK'.
Checking Logbook Configuration
You can reopen a curriculum tag card at any time to view a summary of all the minimum requirements you've configured for a tag or tag set. Learners will see similar tags on their logbook entry pages.
In the example below the tag requires 5 entries to be logged in total, and the minimum requirements are that 1 is in the clinic, 1 is in an emergency setting, etc. It is possible for a learner to fulfill multiple requirements with one logged entry (e.g. a task performed with help in an emergency setting). Please see the note here about communicating logbook requirements to learners.
Course Settings
Logbook Reporting
If your organization uses Clinical Experience > Rotation Schedule to schedule learners into rotations, you can optionally select to base your logbook reporting off of the rotation schedules.
If you check off the "Use this course rotation schedule to generate the logbook report" option, Elentra will checks learners’ rotation schedules to determine logbook completion.
If a learner has not yet started a rotation for a particular course, they will not show up as deficient.
For current or past rotations, if learners are half way through the rotation but have less than 50% of the logging requirements complete, they will display as deficient. (Note a developer can make a database setting change to adjust the threshold to measure logbook completeness. The database setting is
)Note that if a learner is booked into two slots within the same course, the system will take the dates of the second slot to measure completion.
If you are not using Clinical Experience > Rotation Schedule, learner logbook deficient status will be based off of curriculum period dates.
Please note that applying the course setting to use the rotation schedule to determine logbook completion is NOT specific to a curriculum period. If you enable this option, it will apply to all curriculum periods associated with the course.
Course Sites
At the bottom of the Logbook page you can define sites available to learners when they log entries for a course. Your options will depend on the sites defined in Manage Locations.
Click anywhere in the 'Select a site' bar.
Hover over a site name and click on it or press Enter to add a site to the list.
Sites will display in the order added to the Course Sites list.
To remove a site from the list click the small 'x' beside the site name.
Click 'Save'.
You will get a success message.
Please note that the Sites list stored with a logbook is not specific to a curriculm period. Therefore, please include all sites that are applicable to all learners in the course (regardless of curriculum period).
Last updated
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