Team Based Learning

New in ME 1.19!

Support for Team Based Learning in Elentra

  • Designate a learning event as a TBL event.

  • Allow faculty to launch TBL event and monitor live results as learners complete an iRAT and g/tRAT.

Note that the TBL support in Elentra leverages the existing Exams module. You should build iRATs and g/tRATs in Exams.

The TBL tools in Elentra are controlled in a database setting (setting: tbl_enabled) which is disabled by default. If you'd like to explore the TBL tools, ask a developer to enable the setting in your installation.

Course Setup Requirements

The TBL feature relies on course groups. You must have course groups built to effectively use the iRAT and g/tRAT tools.

Learning Event Setup Requirements

When creating a learning event to be used for a TBL session, please note the following:

  • When setting the event audience you must select Course Specific Small Groups.

  • You should select all relevant groups from the list and click 'Close'.

  • In the Event Options section, you must check off the "This is a Team-Based Learning (TBL) Event" checkbox. (This is what will make the TBL tab appear to the administrators and faculty who lead the TBL event.)

Exam Setup Requirements

  • Create exams for the iRAT, g/tRAT, and MCQ Application Exercise as required.

For the exam that will be used as the g/tRAT make sure that on the Information & Settings tab you indicate that exams should be displayed with one question per page.

  • Create posts for the exams. The following exam post settings should be used:

Faculty Steps to Run TBL Events

  • When accessing the event in Teacher or Director View, users will see a new TBL tab on the event page.

  • The TBL tab will display the event resources (e.g., RATs).

    • View their scheduled start time.

    • Click the Progress Status to start or stop the TBL activity.

  • Click the plus sign to expand the card and view learner readiness as well as their course group membership.

    • Ready means the learner is logged in and ready to proceed.

    • Not ready means the learner is not logged in.

    • Toggle the Auto Reload Learner List option to have this information update without refreshing the page.

  • Summary Results will display leaner progress in the RAT.

    • Toggle the Auto Reload Learner List option to have this information update without refreshing the page.

  • Summary Results for a gRAT will display in a filterable table.

    • Click a column header to apply filters as desired.

  • Toggle the Auto Reload option to have this information update without refreshing the page.

MCQ Application Exercise

  • Click Progress to start the MCQ Application Exercise.

  • After learners have completed the exercise, share your screen with them.

  • Click to reveal the group answers.

  • Click to reveal the correct answer.

  • Celebration confetti will fly across the screen!

Learner Experience During TBL Events

Learners should access their learning event as they would for any other session.

Note, hidden exams will display to the learner with a hidden label, however, learners will not be able to access the exam until the faculty launches the TBL activities.

  • When accessing the event in Learner View, click the Launch TBL button.

  • The TBL resources (e.g., RATs) will load.

    • View Details will open a card to display the number of questions, time limit, and users associated with the RAT.

      • Clicking Contact beside a user's name will allow you to send them an email.

  • Click the Begin button to start the RAT.

  • A window will open with the RAT displayed. Complete the questions, noting the timer in the top left.

  • Click Submit Exam when questions are completed.

  • You will get a confirmation message that the RAT was submitted.

  • Learners will now see the iRAT labelled Finished and can review their performance on each item by clicking the chevron.

    • Note, learners do not receive feedback on their performance at this point in the TBL.

  • Next, learners complete the gRAT.

  • One learner per group can self-identify as the Reporter for the group by clicking "I'm the Reporter"

    • Other learners can optionally take over the role of Reporter as needed (e.g., if first reporter has to leave unexpectedly).

  • Learners will see their group members with a "Ready Status"

    • Ready means the learner is logged in and on the correct screen.

    • Not Ready means the learner is not logged in or on the correct screen.

  • Click Begin to start the gRAT.

  • As learners take the gRAT, they should view feedback per question by clicking the checkmark in the top right of each item.

  • When the correct answer is selected on the first attempt, the group receives full credit.

  • When a group makes an incorrect response, they will be required to choose a different answer.

  • The more attempts a group makes before choosing the correct answer, the lower their score.

  • Answer all questions and click Submit Exam.

  • After submitting the gRAT, learners will get an overview displaying their group responses and their individual responses. (Note that this includes question detail in more updated versions.)

Last updated