Learner View of Gradebooks and Assignments
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Learners can view their gradebooks by clicking on the user icon in the top right and selecting Gradebooks.
Use the enrolment period selector as needed to filter the gradebooks displayed.
The My Gradebooks page lists courses and displays the total number of assessments in a course gradebook as well as their current grade for a course based on all grades entered so far.
Because administrators can configure whether or not gradebook assessments show to learners in their gradebooks (with or without grades entered), learners may see a higher assessments number on the gradebook overview page than they see when they access a detailed list of assessments per course.
The learner's overall weighted total as shown on the My Gradebooks page will not treat blank entries in the gradebook (e.g., for assessments scheduled for a later date) as a zero and will show the weighted total based on all assessments for which there is an entered grade.
Learners can click on a course title to see a list of the assessments included in that course gradebook. Learners will see:
the assessment title (sorted by collection if applicable),
their mark (shown as marking scheme or grading scale depending on how assessment was set up by admin.),
weighted mark,
assessment type (i.e., formative or summative), and,
the class mean and median.
If there is a form attached to an assessment learners will see an eye icon beside the assessment name. Learners can click on the eye icon to open the attached form and view any feedback provided to them.
Note in the example above that the mark is being displayed in a variety of ways. Quiz 1 shows the marking scheme (numeric), Quiz 2 shows the grading scale (letter grade), and Quiz 3 shows grading scale, marking scheme and percentage. Course administrators control how the marks are shown to learners when they build the gradebook assessments.
You can control whether leaners see the Class Mean and Class Median in their gradebooks using a database configuration. You will need developer assistnace to change this.
Developers see "GRADEBOOK_DISPLAY_MEAN_GRADE""GRADEBOOK_DISPLAY_MEDIAN_GRADE" in the settings.inc.php file.
Learners can view their assignments (i.e., gradebook assessments that require a document to be submitted via a drop box) by clicking the user icon in the top right and selecting 'Assignments'.
Learners will see any assignments set to display for learners and will see their corresponding course and a due date if one has been created.
If an assignment has been graded using a form attached to the gradebook assessment learners will see a green checkmark. They can click on the checkmark to view the completed form and any feedback provided to them by a grader.