Database Settings Options
There are over 100 database settings options in Elentra to allow you to meet the needs of your organization. There setting options are controlled through the database, not the user interface, and therefore must be enable/disabled by a developer. You can view the complete list of database settings in the Technical Documentation.
For ME 1.19, the following database settings were introduced:
capture_consent_enabled (used to allow org. to not require faculty to consent to lecture capture in personal profile)
events_discussions_enabled (allows org. to hide discussion and comments section of learning event page)
reservation_enabled (settings for use with external room reservation tool)
api_reservation_class (settings for use with external room reservation tool)
reservation_user_id (settings for use with external room reservation tool)
reservation_password (settings for use with external room reservation tool)
reservation_create_url (settings for use with external room reservation tool)
reservation_modify_url (settings for use with external room reservation tool)
reservation_cancel_url (settings for use with external room reservation tool)
cbme_assessment_form_embargo (allows CBME org. to apply embargo conditions to Rubric forms so they are hidden from targets until specific conditions met)
include_name_in_flagged_notifications (defines whether or not to include names of users in prompted response notifications in Assessment and Evaluation items)
events_resource_require_time_estimate (allows for admin./teaching faculty to enter estimated times to complete resource attached to events)
event_resource_requirement_labels (allows for easy renaming of learning event resource category Optional, Required)
curriculum_tracks_enabled (allows org. to disable Curriculum Tracks feature so it won't display in System Settings)
cbme_ondemand_expiry (allows on-demand tasks to have an expiry date added)
cbme_ondemand_expiry_offset (if using automatic expiry for on-demand tasks, set duration of time after which they should expire)
cbme_ondemand_expiry_workflow_shortnames (if using automatic expiry for on-demand tasks,
use to control which workflows have the automatic expiry applied)
tbl_enabled (whether or not the TBL tools in Elentra are available)
location_attendance_active (allows learners to mark their own attendance at events based on their physical location)
events_resource_display_time_estimate (if event resources have estimated times added to them, option to allow this information to display to learners or not)
course_website_associated_faculty_admins (option to have Associated Faculty on course setup tabs automatically made Administrators of the related course websites)
course_objective_category_enabled (use this to optionally apply primary, secondary or tertiary rankings to curriculum tags assigned to courses)
Last updated
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