Entering Grades
There are several ways to enter grades into the gradebook including importing grades with a CSV, manually entering grades, linking an assessment to quizzes and exams, and using an assessment form which, when completed, automatically populates the grade.
Staff:admin users and staff:pcoordinator and faculty director users assigned to a course can access a complete course gradebook and enter grades from Admin > Manage Courses. This page describes grading actions available in a course gradebook.
If an organization wishes to permit bonus grades, an optional database setting can be enabled to allow gradebook assessments to be scored over 100% (gradebook_assessment_bonus_marks).
How to import grades using a CSV
This option is available to users that have access to a course gradebook like staff:admin, and program coordinators and faculty directors associated with the course. (Faculty assigned to grade assessments for specific learners should enter grades via My Grading Tasks.)
Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses.
Search for a course as needed.
Click the cog icon to the right of the course name and select Gradebook.
Ensure you are in the correct curriculum period and adjust using the period selector in the top right if needed. (The current curriculum period will display by default.)
Search for and click on the title of the assessment you would like to grade. This will take you to the assessment page.
Click the Import/Export button on the right and select Import grades from the dropdown menu.
The data needs to be in CSV format to be uploaded. If you use Excel or Numbers use “Save As” to create a version of your file as a .csv.
The marking scheme dictates what information and formatting should be included in your .csv file to upload. For all files include the learner id number.
For numeric marking schemes include the numerator of the grade
For percentage marking schemes include the percentage
For pass/fail marking schemes format your CSV so that a pass is 100 and a fail is 0
For complete/incomplete marking scheme change the assessment marking scheme to pass/fail, import the marks as listed above, then revisit the Edit Assessment page and change the assessment marking scheme back to complete/incomplete. The marks should update to C’s and I’s as required.
Drag and drop or browse you computer to find the file you need to upload. Click Import CSV.
How to manually enter grades
Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses.
Search for a course as needed.
Click the cog icon to the right of the course name and select Gradebook.
Ensure you are in the correct curriculum period and adjust using the period selector in the top right if needed. (The current curriculum period will display by default.)
Search for and click on the title of the assessment you would like to grade. This will take you to the assessment page.
Click in the grade column beside a learner name/number. Enter the appropriate grade.
Your work saves automatically.
Another option is to open the grade spreadsheet for a course and input grades directly in the spreadsheet.
Note that custom grades and adjusting point values per form, per learner are not currently available to graders assigned to a specific assessment and/or learners.
Custom Grades
When grading with an attached Assessment and Evaluation form, and in a Course Gradebook, admin users and course directors can optionally check the Custom Grade box and enter a value. This allows you to override the automatically calculated grade.
Adjusting Point Values Per Form
When grading with an attached Assessment and Evaluation form, and in a Course Gradebook, admin users and course directors can optionally adjust the point awarded to a learner. This allows for a more specific grade calculation as needed.
In the example below each 'Achieved' score was set to 5 by default. Professionalism and Quality of Slides have been updated to 3 and 4 respectively. The adjusted point total will be taken into account to calculate the learner's grade.
Pass/Fail and Complete/Incomplete Marking Schemes
If you use the pass/fail or complete/incomplete marking schemes the information stored in the Elentra database about a learner’s grade will be 100 or 0, regardless of what you enter to record the grades. For instance, if you enter that Student A got a 65% and that registers as a P, the database will store a grade of 100 for them.
You can control the threshold of what percentage score counts to register as a pass or complete with the database setting gradebook_passing_grade. (So for example you can make it so that a 50 registers as a P or that a 60 registers as a P. Either way what the database actually stores for a P is a 100.)
To record specific learner percentage grades in the database but represent them as a P or F to learners, you should build a grading scale that can be applied to an assessment for the purposes of displaying grades. That will allow you to record a 65 for a learner, store the 65 in the database and include the 65 in the student’s final grade calculation, but display a P to them in the gradebook.
Empty grades
If no grade is entered for an assessment, a dash will display in the grade column and on the grade spreadsheet.
A database setting (gradebook_include_ungraded_assessments) controls whether unentered grades are ignored by Elentra or count as zeros in the administrative view of a gradebook.
If you export the grades there will be a blank cell in the spreadsheet where the missing grade is and depending on the setting option used, all missing grades will either be ignored or count as zeroes in the learner's final grade calculation.
Regardless of the setting option you use, learners' views of their gradebooks will always ignored unentered grades so that administrative staff can create all assessments in a gradebook at the beginning of a course and fill in grades over time without learners thinking they have multiple zeroes.
How to allow Grade Calculation Exceptions
This feature allows you to modify the weight of an assessment for an individual student.
Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses.
Search for a course as needed.
Click the cog icon to the right of the course name and select Gradebook.
Ensure you are in the correct curriculum period and adjust using the period selector in the top right if needed. (The current curriculum period will display by default.)
Search for and click on the title of the assessment you would like to grade. This will take you to the assessment page.
Scroll down to Grade Calculation Exceptions.
Click on Select a Student and select the required learner from the dropdown menu.
When the learner name appears below adjust the weighting by typing in the new assessment weight.
Remove individual grade calculation exceptions by clicking the red minus button beside a learner name.
If you use this feature you do need to ensure that you rebalance the gradebook weighting of other assessments for the learner. For example, if you reduce a midterm from 10% to 0% because of an excused absence, you will need to manually increase the weight(s) of the same student's other assessments so that the total weight is still 100%.
Releasing grades to learners
When you add an assessment to the gradebook you can specify whether or not to show the assessment in the learner gradebook and you can set start and end date and time to control the visibility of the grade. Grades are released to all members of the course enrolment at the same time. You can’t currently release grades to only selected learners through gradebook.
Last updated
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