Before you start, ensure that the curriculum period (e.g., Sept. 1, 2021 – Dec. 31, 2021) you want to create a new gradebook for exists and has an audience (e.g., a cohort). Navigate to Admin > Manage Course > Setup to review and adjust this as needed.
Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses.
Search for a course as needed.
Click the cog icon to the right of the course name and select Gradebook.
Ensure you are in the correct curriculum period and adjust using the period selector in the top right if needed. (The current curriculum period will display by default.)
Select the assessments you want to copy by ticking the small box beside the assessment title.
Note that you can select all by ticking off the box beside the Assessment column title.
If you want to copy a collection .**
Click 'Copy Selected'.
In the window that opens, select the new target course and enrolment/audience (you will see the audience and relevant cperiod in the selector).
Click 'Copy Assessments'.
To view your newly copied course gradebook either use the cperiod switcher in the top right (if you copied to the same course), or navigate to a different course and view the gradebook for the appropriate curriculum period.
Important notes about what does and does NOT get copied:
What is copied:
Assessment and collection titles and weights including previous assessment details (assuming you checked off a collection)
You must update any applicable due dates, Show Start dates, etc. for the newly copied gradebook assessments.
A drop box will be copied in the same course when you copy to a new curriculum period, but you'll need to update the dates
Drop box assignments will not copy across courses!
A form attached to a gradebook assessment will be copied so it can be used again if appropriate.
Curriculum tags assigned to assessments will be copied.
What is NOT copied:
Specific assessment audiences will not be copied - you will need to specify the audience for any assessment you don't want to apply to the entire cohort.
Course Gradebook Grading Scale (assessments' grading scales will copy)
Assessment Events
Assessment Graders
Attached Assessment Portfolios
Last updated