Prompted Responses
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New in 1.28
Prompted Responses is now supported in on-demand forms.
When creating assessment and evaluation items, users will see the option to check a box designating a response option as a Prompt. This sets a flag on the response option that allows Elentra to send email notifications to users when that response option is selected when someone answers that item on a task. Examples of prompted responses could include unsatisfactory performance, patient safety issues, etc.
Prompted response notifications are available in the following scenarios:
For items used on forms that are delivered through distributed tasks
Administrators define the staff and faculty to notify of a prompted response in the Distribution Wizard, Step 5: Results > Notifications and Reminders
Staff and faculty will receive email notifications and can also view Prompted Response information in Elentra in the Prompted Responses tab is enabled
Administrators define whether to notify learners when they are the target in the Course Setup tab (form must be associated with the course)
Note that if a distribution is configured to have a Reviewer, prompted response email notifications will not be delivered to learners until the Reviewer has completed their review and released a task
When Form Templates are used, they include default items in a Concerns section, and a place for Form Feedback. These items are prompted responses by default, however, learners do not have access to view these items, nor will they be notified if one of these items is selected with them as the target. Instead, faculty directors and program coordinators will be notified of this information via email or the Prompted Responses Tab if enabled.
Forms now have controls to set prompted response settings to configure who should be alerted if a form item flagged as a prompted response is selected in conjunction with on-demand workflows.
Form-level prompted response settings are overridden by prompted response settings set for a distribution.
Prompted response settings set via the Admin Trigger Assessment for generic forms will also override form-level prompted response settings.
Prompted response settings are now required for Faculty and Rotation evaluations.