Assessment & Evaluation
New in ME 1.26!
A new item type for narrative feedback that you want to keep the target from seeing. The Confidential Item can be included on forms with other items that are visible to learners.
The option for administrative users to disable initial task creation email notifications on distributions.
A database setting that forces A&E task expiry to 23:59 (configured per distribution type) (assessment_tasks_expiry_end_of_day)
Three database settings that allow a developer to configure how tasks sort on user's A&E tabs, e.g., by event date, then delivery date, then expiration date instead of just by delivery date (assessment_sort_assessor_pending, assessment_sort_assessor_completed, assessment_sort_target_completed)
There are multiple tools available to facilitate assessment and evaluation through Elentra. See here for an overview of the multiple tools available and determine which is most appropriate for your needs. The Assessment & Evaluation module can be used to:
Create items and forms to assess learner performance on tasks (e.g., clinical skills and workplace based assessments)
Create items and forms to have learners evaluate courses, faculty, themselves, and other activities
Create items and forms to assess learner performance on gradebook assessments
Note that to allow inline faculty grading using a rubric form or similar, you build a form in Assessment & Evaluation, then attach it to a Gradebook Assessment
Assessment & Evaluation Module Overview
The Assessment & Evaluation Module in Elentra is predominantly used to assess learner performance in a clinical environment, and provide multiple user groups with the ability to evaluate faculty, courses/programs, and other activities within the context of your organization. Since the Assessment & Evaluation Module essentially allows you to create forms for people to complete you could even use it to do a pre-course survey, or as a way to collect information from a group about their work plans in a collaborative activity.
To use the Assessment & Evaluation Module users must create items (e.g., questions, prompts, etc.), and create forms (a collection of items). Organizations can optionally allow users to initiate specific forms based on a form workflow (e.g. to allow learners to initiate an assessment on themselves by a faculty member), or organizations can create tasks for individuals to complete using a distribution. A distribution defines who will complete a form, when the form will be completed, and who or what the form is about.
Assessment and Evaluation module users also have a quick way to view their assigned tasks and administrators can monitor the completion of tasks assigned to others.
Reporting exists to view and in some cases export the results of various assessments and evaluations.
The Competency-Based Education module also includes a variety of form templates for use. There is no user interface to configure form templates at this point. For instructions specific to Competency-Based Education, please see the CBE tab.
Database Setting Options
Database Setting
This goes hand in hand with unauthenticated_internal_assessments and enable_distribution_assessor_summary_notifications. When using unauthenticated distribution assessments, you probably want a single summary email with a link to each task rather than an email for each new task. This disables the per-task reminders.
This adjusts the emails for distribution assessments to have a nightly summary of all new tasks, and then a weekly summary of tasks that are still incomplete.
Controls the visibility of a Prompted Responses tab for staff and faculty users who receive prompted response notifications.
defines whether or not to include names of users in prompted response notifications in Assessment and Evaluation items
Impacts email notifications sent to assessors. If enabled, allows distributed assessments to be completed by internal assessors without logging in via a unique hash provided via email
On by default, controls whether or not a page will auto submit when there is a single target in a delegation task
when enabled, will display assessment tasks from assessors that have been removed from the distribution
optional, if selected a short cut icon will be displayed to learner in their cbme dashboard beside corresponding EPAs
optional, if selected you will have the ability to add new assessors. By default these added assessor will be stored in the cbl_external_assessors table. If you want the added assessor to be an internal user you must also merge ME-1434 to get this complete feature
toggle whether faculty directors get the staff workflow view. Default is off (0) - all faculty get the faculty workflow view
to toggle whether the “Trigger Assessment” button on /admin/assessments gets switched over to use the workflow view. Default is off (0).
Enable to apply an expiry date for tasks generated from on demand workflows.
If cbme_ondemand_expiry is in use, define the period of time after which an on demand task will expire.
If cbme_ondemand_expiry is in use, define which workflow types it applies to.
For organizations with CBME enabled, the option allows you to hide rubric forms until certain conditions are met.
For adhoc distributions only, controls whether or not a target can initiate a form. Enabled by default.
For adhoc distributions only, controls whether or not a target can initiate a form. Enabled by default.
For adhoc distributions only, controls the available form completion method. Enabled by default.
For adhoc distributions only, controls whether or not a target can initiate a form. Enabled by default.
Can be used to restrict users from opening individual, completed evaluation tasks
Can be used to hide names of evaluators from distribution progress reports, the Admin > A&E Dashboard, and reports
Can be added to the course_settings table or the settings table to turn off the ability for evaluators to optionally release complete evaluations to a target (restricting release option can also be controlled throught distributions if this setting is not applied)
Use this to store a list distribution types were you want the task expirty to be 23:59 on the day selected (inputs: ‘date_range,rotation_schedule,delegation,eventtype,adhoc,reciprocal’) (ME 1.26)
Optionally configure how tasks display on a user's My Assessment Tasks tab. Available inputs: a JSON encoded array of arrays, e.g., [{"sort_order":"desc","sort_column":"`event_start`"},{"sort_order":"desc","sort_column":"`task_title`"},{"sort_order":"desc","sort_column":"`task_expiry_date`"}]'
(ME 1.26)
Optionally configure how tasks display on a user's My Completed Tasks tab (see above for input details) (ME 1.26)
Optionally configure how tasks display on a user's Tasks Completed on Me tab (see above for input details) (ME 1.26)
Last updated
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