Grading Exams

When users are assigned as graders on an exam, they will be able to access exams to grade from Admin > Manage Exams. On the Exam Dashboard they should click on the Exams to Grade tab (this may also be their default view depending on their group and role permissions in Elentra). Users will see a list of any exams where they are assigned as a grader.

Exam Dashboard for an exam grader

By clicking on an exam title the user will be taken to count of exams they have not started grading, are in progress, or are completed. Graders can switch from grading by student to grading by question, depending on their preference. Clicking on any status card (e.g. Not Started) will show a list of the exams that remain in each category.

By clicking on a student name (or question number if grading by question), the user will be taken to a screen where they can view exam answers and provide feedback and a grade. If a 'Correct Answer' was provided with the question, the grader will be able to see it to use as a guide when grading. Graders can also type feedback that will be visible to the learner depending on the exam post settings.

Sample admin view when grader provides feedback

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