Setting Priority EPAs and Likelihood

Elentra allows you to map EPAs to specific rotations and indicate for each rotation whether an EPA is a priority and how likely a learner is to encounter the EPA. For this information to be useful for learners, you must be using the Elentra Rotation Scheduler.

From the CBME dashboard, EPAs can display their priority and the likelihood of being encountered within a learner's rotation. Additionally, EPAs relevant to the learner's current rotation are outlined.

Priority and likelihood ratings for each EPA show on the right

When learners and faculty trigger assessments they will also have the option to apply pre-set filters (e.g. priority EPA, current stage EPAs). All of these tools can help learners quickly identify EPAs to focus on in their clinical work.

Adding Priority and Likelihood Levels

  • Navigate to Admin > Clinical Experience.

  • Click on the Rotation Schedule tab.

  • Create a draft schedule or open a published schedule. Note that if you are creating a new rotation schedule, you will also need to add rotations to the schedule.

  • Once rotations exist within a schedule a small Objectives badge will appear beside the rotation name.

  • Click on the CBME Objectives badge to open a list of EPAs tagged to the rotation.

Access the CBME Objectives badge from the My Rotations list
  • Click the plus sign beside any EPA you'd like to label with priority or likelihood.

  • Indicate the likelihood by clicking on the appropriate button in the Likelihood.

  • Set an EPA as a priority by clicking the exclamation mark in the priority column.

  • Repeat as necessary.

  • Return to the rotations list using the Back to Rotations button in the top right.

Last updated