What's New in ME 1.13
The list below reflects issues that we consider most relevant to end users.
Allows spreadsheet or export to include over 30 assessments (previously limited to 30)
Allows graders to grade using a form including a rubric item (previously buggy)
Allows assigned faculty graders to access assessments and enter grades (see more detail below)
Learning Events
Allows user to import and export CSV multiple times to create draft schedule
Clinical Experience
Allow staff:pcoor to assign off-service slots to specific programs/courses (previously only option was own program or all other programs)
Manage Locations
Improved breadcrumbs to make navigating between sites, buildings, and rooms easier
Keeps deleted locations in the database so that if you made a mistake a developer can restore something AND prevents an error from occurring if you delete a location but it was in use in an event
Curriculum Layout Blocks
Added one, two, and four week blocks for one and two year durations. This allows you to auto-create the correct number of blocks for a curriculum period that is longer than one year.
Allow public members to see images (previously restricted and appeared broken)
Events page: Allows admin. to view events scheduled for future dates (were previously hidden)
Assessment and Evaluation
Distributions: Fixed the Associated Faculty quick selector available when setting faculty as targets/assessors/evaluators
Changed colour picker so that you have a limited palette (8 colours to choose from)
Changed colour picker so that you have a limited palette (8 colours to choose from)
CBME Changes
PA Outstanding Tasks View accessible from Admin>A&E: Improved the way the list is populated to make sure it includes all relevant learners and faculty
Program Coordinator Faculty list accessible from A&E badge: Changed the way the list is populated so it doesn't only depend on the assessors for distributions
Prevents clicking on form when in preview mode to decrease confusion
Restricts advisor view so that they only see the portfolios and learners associated with them
Manage Curriculum
Introduced dashboard content (most recently added tags, most and least used tags)
Added ability to define a course as including clinical experiences or not (is used to enable logbook for a course)
Added ability to define lecture capture options for a course
Added the ability to define the recording options for a specific room
Adds a field to faculty profiles to allow faculty to consent (or not) to video capture of their learning events
Adds a space to assign a learner to a track (if tracks are in use)
Course Websites
Provide a calendar subscription option for faculty users
Calendar and list view options when viewing Events tab
Ability to add faculty or staff as audience members to an event
Gradebook Modifications
Comments - automatically records when grades are entered or changed (with a couple of exceptions) and allows course contacts with gradebook access (e.g. course director, curriculum coordinator) to record comments (comments are visible only to admin)
Public grading page - creates new interface so that faculty assigned as graders only see the assessments and learners specifically assigned to them (previously the assigned graders could see the entire gradebook, all learners, and even potentially change assessments)
Weighted Collections - allows you to create a collection and assign it a weight in the course grade (e.g. Quizzes will be worth 15% of the course grade) and then automatically distribute weights to the assessment items in the collection
Learner ability to view completed assessment forms attached to gradebook assessments
Assessment and Evaluation
Added the ability to assign a form to a specific track (if tracks are in use)
PA Trigger Forms (CBME and generic forms)
Ability to trigger a generic (non-CBME) form as a PA
Faculty view of learner assessment feedback (comments left with 'thumbs up')
Rotation objectives copied forward when rotation schedule copy is made (EPA links and likelihood/priority rankings)
Aggregated report accessible from learner dashboard - now includes a per assessor completion count (used to just list names but now you can see how many forms one person completed)
Competency Committee Member - can switch views of EPA Encyclopedia for multiple programs as required
CBME Entrustment Question auto-populate question text - A tool was created to allow schools to take advantage of work Queen's did to promote consistency in the Entrustment Question included on form templates. The Queen's work allows you to provide text that will autopopulate the entrustment question text depending on the scale you select. If your school does not wish to use this option, this should be disabled before an upgrade to 1.13 is completed! (Tell your developer there is a migration in the 1.13 upgrade that you don't want to run.)
Curriculum Tracks
The ability to assign a user to a specific track
The ability to link a form to a track
Clinical Experience
My Learners filter options available (course, curriculum period, etc.)
Rotations - View location with rotation name
Rotation schedule - list names alphabetically
Lecture Capture
Allows course setup to set default lecture capture settings (e.g. which types of events lecture capture can be applied to, whether lecture capture is on by default, whether faculty can override default settings, etc.)
Formative Exam option - allow for immediate feedback on a question per question basis when learners take an exam for formative purposes
Logbook - Please note that in ME 1.13 Logbook is deactivated by default. If you want to play with it you need to have a developer enable it.
Define requirements of different curriculum tags set as loggable encounters (e.g. specify how many are required, whether notes are required, etc.)
Learners have ability to access logbook and log entries
Last updated
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