Rating Scales
To use supervisor and procedure forms, an organization needs to have rating scales in place. Elentra includes several rating scales but organizations can also add their own. There are two types of rating scales: Global Assessment and MS/EC which stands for Milestone Scale /Enabling Competency. There is no user interface to modify the scale type and both scale types are used on form templates including supervisor and procedure form templates.
Modifying Scales
Navigate to Admin>Assessment and Evaluation. Select the Scales tab from the top tabs list. Any existing rating scales will be displayed. To add a rating scale, click the green add button. Create a scale title, pick a scale type from the dropdown options, and then add descriptors to your response categories. Add or remove responses using the small plus and minus symbols in the top right of the responses categories section. Once scales are created, they will become visible options when creating forms.
Auto-populated Item Text in Global Rating Scale Selector
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