Elentra's API contains custom annotations for functional tests that help developers easily create and manage tests.
Transaction Annotations
* Test that the route [GET] /exams/questions/groups/authors return 200
* @test
* @transaction
* @return void
public function exams_get_method_exams_questions_groups_authors_returns_200(): void
The transaction annotation restores all database tables in Elentra.
@transaction db
* Test that the route [GET] /exams/questions/groups/authors return 200
* @test
* @transaction entrada
* @return void
public function exams_get_method_exams_questions_groups_authors_returns_200(): void
When the transaction is passed a database name, it only restores that database's tables.
Snapshot Annotations
Snapshot performance is slow; therefore, this should only be used when the transaction annotation will not work. This happens when the endpoint relies on ME code that uses AdoDB, which would use a separate DB connection from Laravel.
@snapshot db
* Test that the route [PUT] /assessments/tasks/{task_id}/remove returns 200
* @snapshot entrada
* @test
* @return void
public function assessments_put_method_tasks_task_remove_returns_200(): void
->put('/assessments/tasks/1/remove', [
'task_id' => 1,
This will snapshot the entire database and then restore it after the test has run.
@snapshot db:table
* Test that the route POST /messaging/update_my_attendance returns 200
* @snapshot entrada:event_attendance
* @test
* @return void
public function messaging_controller_post_method_update_my_attendance_returns_200(): void
$this->actingAs(User::find(UsersSeedData::ALTERNATE_STUDENT_ID)) // one of the event attendance audience
->post('/messaging/update_my_attendance', [
'event_id' => EventsSeedData::BASE_EVENT_ID,
This will only snapshot and restore the specific table in the given database.
The annotation @snapshot db:table also accepts wildcards
For example: @snapshot entrada:event% will snapshot all tables that start withevent in the ME database.
Seed Table Annotations
@seedTable table
* Test that the route [GET] /exams/questions/groups/authors return 200
* @test
* @seedTable exam_questions
* @return void
public function exams_get_method_exams_questions_groups_authors_returns_200(): void
This will truncate the table and then find the given seeder in order to seed the table again.
@seedTable db:table
* Test that the route [GET] /exams/questions/groups/authors returns 200
* @test
* @seedTable entrada:exam_questions
* @return void
public function exams_get_method_exams_questions_groups_authors_returns_200(): void
This will truncate the exam_questions table within the ME database, find the given seeder, and seed the table again.
Drop Table Annotations
@dropTable db:table
* Test that the route [POST] /cbe/trees/{tree_id}/trunk/versions/course returns 201
* @test
* @snapshot cbe
* This request creates a table that is not dropped by snapshot, so drop it after the test runs
* @dropTable cbe:cbe_trees_2_course_3_version_3
* @see store
* @return void
public function cbe_objective_trees_post_method_trunk_versions_course_returns_201(): void
->post('/cbe/trees/2/trunk/versions/course?tree_id=2&curriculum_framework_id=1', [])
The @dropTable annotation will run DROP IF EXISTS on the specified table(s) in the specified schema(s).
This is particularly useful when the endpoint creates a new table not already in the schema, and we need to remove that table for subsequent tests to execute successfully.