Review Learner Progression

Learner Dashboard

  1. Select the desired course in the drop-down.

2. The course disciplines will be displayed in a list.

3. Click the drop-down icon to expand a specific discipline to review the learner’s progress.

Start an Assessment/Evaluation on the Learner Dashboard

  1. Click the Start Assessment/Evaluation button.

2. Select an assessor from the drop-down.

3. Select the date of the encounter.

4. Select the Assessment Method:

  • Email blank form The assessor will receive an email notification to complete an assessment based on the selected tool.

  • Complete and confirm via email Complete an assessment using the selected tool. Upon completion, the assessor will receive an email notification asking them to review/edit and confirm the assessment.

  • Complete and confirm via PIN An assessor must have a PIN set-up to use this method. The learner will initiate the assessment. The assessor will complete the form and enter their PIN to indicate they have completed the assessment.

  • Self Assessment, then email blank form Complete an assessment based on the selected tool. Upon completion, the assessor will receive a blank assessment task with the same assessment tool.

4. Select the desired course in the drop-down menu.

5. Select the desired EPA in the drop-down menu.

6. Begin or Send the Assessment, depending on your choice.

Last updated