What is the Impact of Retiring vs. Deleting a Form?

Retiring a PPA, Rubric or generic form that has been TRIGGERED:

  • We recommend that if the form was in use at all, simply retire it instead of deleting it so that any Pending or In progress assessments/evaluations can still be completed by their assessor/evaluator.

Deleting a PPA, Rubric or generic form that has been TRIGGERED:

  • All pending and in-progress tasks that used that form will not have a form associated with them and will display an error message stating that the form has been deleted when assessor/evaluator tries to access them (retiring is the better choice!).

  • If needed, a developer can restore the old form to allow assessors/evaluators to complete the assessment/evaluation task that uses the form.

  • If you delete a form that has been used to trigger an assessment, then any pending assessments can no longer be completed.

Retiring a PPA, Rubric or generic form used in a DISTRIBUTION:

  • All pending and in-progress tasks that used the form will still be accessible to the assessors, but the form will be not be available for selection on any new distributions.

  • You can go ahead and replace the form on the distribution whose form has been retired; all future tasks will use the new form.

  • If you do not replace the form on the distribution, future tasks scheduled to be delivered will send the retired form.

Deleting a PPA, Rubric or generic form used in a DISTRIBUTION:

  • All pending and in-progress tasks that used that form will not have a form associated with them and will display an error message stating that the form has been deleted when assessor/evaluator tries to access them (retiring is the better choice!).

  • If you replace that deleted form with a new form on the distribution, all future tasks will use the new form.

  • If there are pending or in-progress tasks where users need to have the deleted form replaced with the new form, a developer can replace the old form with the new one for pending tasks.

    • EXCEPT: They cannot switch assessment forms for tasks where the assessor/evaluator has already completed the assessment/evaluation form for one or more targets, but not all of them. In this case, they would have to temporarily restore the old forms so that the assessor/evaluator can finish their tasks. They can only switch assessment/evaluation forms for completely pending assessments (meaning they don't have any progress).


  • Deleting a form template does NOT delete the forms that were previously generated by the deleted template. They remain to allow assessors/evaluators to complete them; however, the old forms will not be available going forward.

What is the Impact of Replacing a Form on an Active Distribution?

You can create your distribution using one form, and then switch the form on the distribution to the new form when it is ready. All future tasks created by the distribution will use the new form.

It is recommended that, if you replace a form that you no longer wish to use, you retire the form so that previously delivered tasks using that form can still be completed.

As long as you do not delete the old form altogether, any pending or in progress tasks that have been delivered using the old form can still be completed by the assessors/evaluators.

If you need to replace the old form with the new form for any pending tasks (pending tasks are tasks that have not yet been started by the assessor/evaluator) you will need to get help from a developer.

 Once all in progress and/or pending tasks using the old form have been completed, you can delete the old form if you wish. You can also choose to delete the old form if there are in progress and/or pending tasks that are using it, but the assessor/evaluator will receive an error message stating that the form no longer exists when they attempt to complete it. In this case, it is better to retire the form, so that these tasks can still be completed using the old form, but the old form will no longer be available to select when creating future distributions.

What is the Impact of Editing Other Aspects of an Active Distribution?

  • Editing the Expiry Date: If an expiry date has been applied to the active distribution, you can edit the expiration date to 're-open' tasks to the targets who haven't completed them yet. Those tasks will be visible to the targets the day after the update is made to the expiry date (because the job that runs behind the scenes to deliver tasks runs at night). A developer can run the job immediately if it is time sensitive.

  • Changing the Targets: If you add a new targets to a distribution, the system will reopen the task for the assessor/evaluator to allow them to complete the task on the new target.

  • Editing the Rotation Schedule of Targets Associated with a Distribution: will cause new tasks to be delivered to the assessor.

  • Changing the Reviewer of a Distribution: will cause the distribution to redeliver previously delivered tasks; be sure to apply a Release Date when making this change.

  • Changing the Target Release Options in Step 5: Changes the visibility of tasks/reports retroactively for all completed tasks.

The Assessor/Evaluator Completed an Assessment/Evaluation on the Incorrect Target. What do I do?

  • Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.

  • Click on the Distributions tab.

  • Edit the distribution that had the incorrect target selected (remove the incorrect target, add the new target).

  • Ask a developer to push the distribution through to reflect the changes OR the next day (after the system has a chance to run the changes to the distribution overnight), navigate to the distribution and click on its title to view its Progress page.

  • Find the task in the Available assessments tab (the assessment is available because it is new).

  • Click on the name of correct target.

  • Use the Choose a Target dropdown menu to open the completed assessment, which was completed on the incorrect target.

  • Click the Choose a Target dropdown menu and click the circular double arrow to the right of the correct target under Forms Not Started to assign the completed assessment to the correct target; you will see the page refresh with the correct target and the completed form.

  • Now the incorrect target will be listed in the Forms Not Started list, and you can delete that target for the assessor/evaluator: click the Choose a Target dropdown menu, click on the incorrect target in the Forms Not Started list, click Delete Task, and complete the required fields to remove the task.

Last updated

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