Completing Tasks

  • Upon logging in to Elentra, click on to the Assessment and Evaluation Task Icon in the top right.

A&E Task Icon
  • From the Assessment Tasks tab, click on 'View Task' on a card to access tasks.

  • If there is only one target for a task, you will see a form to complete.

    • Fill in the required sections and click 'Submit'.

    • You can optionally download the task as a PDF, forward it to another user, or, if the task is not mandatory, delete the task.

  • If there are multiple targets for a task, you'll see a view of your task progress and a list of all learners beneath the relevant task status card (e.g., Not Started, In Progress, Completed).

Task Progress
  • To complete tasks from the Not Started list, click on a learner name.

  • You will be taken to a form to complete. Fill in the required sections and click 'Submit'.

  • You will automatically be taken to the next target to complete another task.

  • If you want to jump to a different target, click the Choose a Target button and then click a learner name.

For distributions that allow you to complete multiple tasks on a single target, click on the learner name and look for the Begin New Attempt option. This will open a blank form for you to complete.

Last updated