Annual Reports

Annual reports allow faculty to log their education, academic, clinical and service contributions over a year.

The Annual Report module allows faculty to compile a large amount of information in one place. Teaching credit can automatically be populated based on scheduled events within the system and faculty log additional information about themselves. Information from one year can be copied forward the next year to reduce the workload on faculty to complete their annual report.

After faculty have completed their annual reports a variety of reports are available to administrative staff to review things like grant dollars across a department, total publications across a department, etc. Faculty can download a version of their own annual report.

Annual Report Sections

The annual report includes the following sections:

  • Education

  • Scholarship, Research and Other Creative Activity

  • Clinical

  • Service

  • Self Education/Faculty Development

  • Prizes, Honours and Awards

  • Activity Profile

  • Annual Report Generator

Sample Annual Report Annotated.pdf

Faculty Use of the Annual Report Tool

  • Faculty can access their annual report from the More tab of the dashboard.

  • Transition between sections of the report by clicking on the section title in the Annual Report Sections card in the left sidebar.

  • Expand the fields in each section by clicking on the arrow beside the titles to expand the view.

  • Add content as needed using the Add buttons within each subsection.

  • After information for the annual report has been logged, click Annual Report Generator and then Generate Report.

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