Curriculum Tags
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As of ME 1.18 assigning curriculum tags to a course has moved from the Setup tab to its own tab.
We've also added the ability to assign curriculum tags to a course for a specific curriculum period (this also means you can have different logbook requirements for different curriculum periods).
Here you can assign curriculum tags to a course. Tags assigned to a course can be displayed on course pages and websites as well as in the Curriculum Matrix and Curriculum Explorer. Assigning curriculum tags to a course will also make them quickly available when mapping tags to a learning event or gradebook assessment.
Once you have assigned curriculum tags to a course you can optionally contextually link them to other curriculum tags. For example, you might assign "Take a history" to a course. You could contextually link "Take a history" to "Pediatrics" for a pediatrics course, and "Geriatrics" for a geriatrics course. Please note that while you can view these contextual linkages on a course page, there is no current reporting to give you an overall view of these contextual linkages and contextual linkages do not display in the Curriculum Matrix or Curriculum Explorer.
If you don't see any option to add Curriculum Objectives it may be because there are no curriculum tag sets built for your organisation. Go to Admin > Manage Curriculum to build curriculum tag sets.
Use the Curriculum Period selector to select the appropriate curriculum period.
Note that if you leave the selector on "Mapped to all Curriculum Periods" it means you won't have the ability to easily change the assigned tags for different cohorts of learners.
Click the green arrow to expand the curriculum tag drawer.
Search for a tag or click through a hierarchical tag set to find the tag you need.
Hover over the blue info. icon to view a tag description if one exists.
Click the green plus icon to assign a tag to a course. (Note that hovering over the plus sign at the bottom of the list provides an Add All option.)
Assigned tags will display on the right grouped under their tag set name.
Note that if you want learners to be able to log specific objectives in the Clinical Experience Logbook those objectives should be assigned to a course.
If you choose to, you can contextually link an assigned curriculum tag it to another curriculum tag. We call this context-based linking. You are essentially saying that in the context of this course, this tag maps to this tag. For example, for a specific course, "Take a history" may map to "pediatric patient" or "geriatric patient." Other examples of curriculum tags people contextually link to are integrated threads, CanMEDS roles (if not included in their objectives already), etc. Context-based linkages are not used by all organizations and are not required.
Context-based linkages DO NOT depend on the allowable mapping configurations set by for each tag set. You will be able to access any curriculum tag set when contextually linking.
Context-based linkages are not stored in Admin > Manage Curriculum and will not display there.
How to contextually link assigned curriculum tags to other tags
Click the link icon on an assigned curriculum tag.
The curriculum tag selector will open a drawer on the left specific to this contextually linked tag.
Search for the tag to select and click the green add button.
The contextually linked tag will display under the assigned curriculum tag.
To remove a contextually linked tag, click the 'x' beside the tag name.
To remove all contextually linked tags click the eraser icon and confirm your choice.
Close the contextual link mapping drawer to return to assigning tags to the course.
In the example below Course Objectives 1, 2, and 3 were assigned to a Course. CO 1 and 2 were contextually linked to Program Objectives. When users view a course page or course website, they'll optionally be able to expand each contextually linked objective to see its connections. (Note, this page does not display linkages made in Admin > Manage Curriculum.)