Logbook Reporting
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Staff:admin users as well as staff:pcoor and faculty:directors affiliated with a specific course will be able to access Admin > Clinical Experience and the logbook.
Navigate to Admin > Clinical Experience.
To view a logbook for a single learner, search for the learner as necessary and click 'Logbook' on the learner card. You will jump to the Progress Report for that learner.
To view logbook reporting for multiple users, click on the Logbook tab below the Clinical Experience header.
Set course/cohort and curriculum period filters as needed. Click on a filter to open a dropdown selector. Click on the filter again to close it.
Filter by course to view all learners enrolled in a course. Note that you can apply multiple courses so carefully check you’ve included the ones you want. After you select a course, you can set the appropriate curriculum period.
Filter by cohort to view all learners in a cohort.
To remove a course or cohort from the list, deselect the course/cohort name or click 'Clear Filters'.
By default the page will filter to 'Learners who have incomplete logbooks'.
If your organization uses Clinical Experience > Rotation Schedule and has enabled the logbook to use rotation schedules for reporting:
Elentra checks learners’ rotation schedules and sees which rotation the learner is currently scheduled in. If learners are half way through a rotation but have less than 50% of the logging requirements complete, they are deficient. (Note a developer can change this threshold in the database as required. The database setting is logbook_outstanding_percentage
If a learner is booked into two slots within the same course, the system will take the dates of the second slot to measure completion.
If you are not using Clinical Experience > Rotation Schedule, learner deficient status will be based off of curriculum period dates.
Note that you can download a CSV from multiple pages; each CSV should reflect the information you were viewing in the user interface.
CSV will include: learner name, learner #, learner email, list of courses and number of pending entries for each course.
Some CSV options will offer you two download versions:
Course overview: Show total count of required and logged entries organized by course.
This will include learner name, learner #, learner email, course name (called rotation), objective, required, and logged.
Course entries: List all logged entries for the learner with details like date, role, setting, etc.
This will include learner name, learner #, learner email, course name (called rotation), objective, required, logged, encounter date, patient age range, patient gender, role, setting, site, preceptor, and notes.
You'll see a list of learners and their overall logbook completion status (e.g. 3 Outstanding).
Click the plus icon to open a view of the learners logbook progress in multiple courses.
Click on View Details to open a Progress Report for a specific learner in a new tab.
Filter by course and curriculum period.
Optionally View Details or download a CSV.
If downloading a CSV opt for Course Overview or Course Entries.
Click ‘View Details’ on a course card to see an overview of progress.
From each objective you can click the + icon to see an overview, and then click ‘View entries’ to see a list of individual logged entries.