Program or Curriculum Coordinators have two methods to monitor completion of forms and tasks associated with their program, faculty and learners.
Coordinators can use Admin > Assessment & Evaluation to access distributions they are permissioned to, view A & E Reports, and see outstanding, upcoming, deleted, and completed tasks for users associated with their course/program.
Coordinators can access their own tasks (including delegations sent to them) and monitor the progress of individual faculty and learners through the Assessment & Evaluation Badge located at the top right of the screen.
Curriculum and program coordinators as well as some faculty directors can access Admin > Assessment & Evaluation to monitor the status of assessment and evaluation tasks.
Typically, coordinators and faculty directors will access this page to see task progress for learners and faculty associated with their course. For example, if Jane Doe is set as the program coordinator for Pediatrics, she will see the tasks of all learners enrolled in Pediatrics and all faculty who are associated with Pediatrics because they are an assessor on a distributed form associated with Pediatrics, or they are the target or assessor on a user-initiated on-demand form associated with Pediatrics.
Admin > Assessment and Evaluation is a useful access point to send reminders for specific tasks, record assessments completed outside Elentra, trigger bulk assessments, etc. More details about those actions are included in the following pages.
On the A & E dashboard tab, tasks can be filtered to easily view outstanding, upcoming, deleted, and completed tasks, as well as prompted responses.
Click on the task status you want to review (e.g. Outstanding, Deleted, etc.)
Enter a search term (e.g. a user name or form title).
Apply a delivery type filter if desired (e.g. distribution based).
Set a date range if desired.
Click on a task to view it in a new tab.
Click the Field Display Option button to optionally add additional fields to your dashboard display
Start and End Date - represents the start and end date or the relevant task (if defined, e.g., in a distribution or when a task is initiated on-demand)
Course - the course a task is tied to
Event - the event a task is tied to (if applicable)
Choosing a field will add the appropriate labels to the tasks in the Tasks column
Note that the Owner of a task is the person who has responsibility for completing the next step of a task. As such, if a user has stored a task in draft mode, they may be the owner and target of the task, even if it will eventually be sent to a faculty/preceptor.
When viewing a task a coordinator can optionally complete the task on behalf of another user, forward the task to be completed by someone else, or delete the task.
Click 'Assessments' or 'Evaluations' to toggle between the types of tasks you are reviewing. Remember, in Elentra Assessments are about learners, and Evaluations are about other things (e.g., faculty, courses, rotations, events).
Outstanding tasks include those that have been delivered but are not yet complete.
Hover over the grey number in the targets column to view all targets included in the task.
Quickly view expiry dates if applicable, and optionally send reminders or delete tasks from this tab.
Upcoming tasks include those that are scheduled for delivery in the future.
Deleted tasks have been deleted by a user.
Optionally hide tasks you no longer need to view by checking the box in the Hide column and clicking 'Hide Selected Tasks'.
Please note that tasks will show up under this tab only when they have had their terminal phase completed. This means that tasks that are initiated on demand and might be started by a learner, then completed by a preceptor will only show on this tab when the preceptor has completed/confirmed the task (i.e., complete and confirm via PIN and complete and confirm via email tasks). If a task has been submitted by a learner but not completed by a preceptor it will not be stored here yet (it will be in the Outstanding tab).
A potential privacy concern exists for this tab, especially in the case of Evaluations. Coordinators and faculty with access to this tab can view completed evaluations. Until Elentra introduces some setting options to control who accesses this tab, some schools may wish to comment it out and hide it (requires developer assistance).
The Prompted Responses tab will display all completed tasks that include items where users selected prompted responses. (Recall that a prompted response is set per item when items are created.)
Users can view the completed task by clicking on the task title. The prompted response will be emphasized with a red exclamation point.
If a user has responsibility to act on a prompted responses, they should use the personalized Prompted Response Tab accessible from their Assessment and Evaluation badge. From that tab users can review prompted responses, leave comments, and see who else has reviewed the prompted responses.
Administrators can forward tasks on behalf of assessors/evaluators.
Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Filter the task list as necessary to find the task you want.
Open the task.
Click 'Forward Task'.
Choose a user to forward the task to.
Note that emails will be sent to the old and new assessor/evaluator.
Click 'Forward Task'.
You will get a success message. Close the success message to return to the A & E Dashboard.
When a distributed task is forwarded, the new task that generates is actually not included in the original distribution. Enhancements in ME 1.20 allow administrative users to see a record of tasks that have been forwarded once, from a distribution progress page.
The task will be removed from the original assessor's task list. The newly generated task will display for the new assessor and will be labelled "Forwarded."
Because the newly generated task isn't actually a part of the distribution, an administrator can't send reminders, nor delete the new task from the distribution progress page. Instead you would need to do so from the Admin > A & E Dashboard.
Completed forwarded tasks are included in a Weighted CSV report generated for a distribution.
Note that if a task is forwarded more than once, anything beyond the second task will not display on the distribution progress report at all.
Reopening completed forms is an optional feature that can be turned on or off in the database settings file depending on how your organization wants to use it.
There is a tool to allow staff:admin users to reopen a completed assessment and edit it as needed.
Navigate to your Assessment & Evaluation badge (beside own name in the top left).
Click on My Learners and then Assessments under a specific learner's name.
From the list of Tasks Completed on Learner click on a task to view it.
Click the "Reopen Task" button just below the form title. This will set the task to in-progress and the staff>admin or faculty will be able to adjust it.
Provide a reason to reopen the task (e.g. was accidentally deleted, was missing data, other).
Click 'Reopen Task'.
Once reopened, a user can complete the task and submit it on behalf of the original assessor, or they can forward the task to the original assessor to update.
Use with caution!
This tool should be used judiciously to ensure that residents are not ”gaming” the system and bullying anyone into changing their assessments to be more favourable.
The administrator Record Assessment tool is to be used for forms that a user could initiate on demand (e.g. CBME forms or other assessment workflows). A user cannot record a task using a form that is configured to be sent only via a distribution.
A staff:admin or program coordinator can enter completed assessment forms on behalf of assessors. This allows faculty to complete a pen and paper version of a form and still have the data entered into Elentra.
To enter a completed form on someone's behalf:
Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Click on the green 'Record Assessment' button below the orange Assessment Tasks heading.
Select a learner (you will need to know the curriculum period the learner is in) and assessor from the searchable dropdown menus.
Select an assessor (this should be the person who completed the pen and paper form).
Select a course/program (this will only be necessary if the learner is enrolled in multiple programs).
Select a CBME Version if necessary. (This helps limit to tools returned to the appropriate curriculum version).
Select a Date of Encounter (i.e., the day the form was completed).
Select an EPA as you would to initiate a form. Filters and search are available.
Search for the appropriate form. You can preview the form to make sure it is the one you want or click 'Begin Assessment' to start a form.
You will be submitting the assessment on behalf of the selected assessor. There is a reminder of the selected assessor displayed at the top of the form in a yellow information bar.
Complete the form and click 'Submit'.
You will get a green success message and be returned to the assessment entry screen to complete another form if needed.
Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Filter the task list as necessary to find the task you want.
Check the box under the trash can icon on the right side of the task table.
Click 'Delete Task(s)'.
You are required to provide a reason for deleting the task and can optionally provide additional notes.
The reason entered will be displayed when tasks are viewed on the Deleted tab.
Click 'Remove Task(s)'.
You will get a success message. Close the success message to return to the A & E Dashboard.
Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Click the Distributions tab.
Find the appropriate distribution and click on it or use the cog icon and select 'View Distribution Report'.
Click on a tab (e.g., Not Started) to view tasks.
Check the box under the trash can icon on the right side of the task table.
Click 'Delete Task(s)'.
You are required to provide a reason for deleting the task and can optionally provide additional notes.
The reason entered will be displayed when tasks are viewed on the Deleted tab.
Click 'Remove Task(s)'.
You will get a success message.
Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Toggle to the Assessment or Evaluations view as needed.
Click the Deleted tab.
Filter the task list as necessary to find the task you want.
Click on a task to view it.
Click 'Reopen Task'.
Provide a reason for reopening the task.
Click 'Reopen Task'.
The task will now display under the Outstanding tab and the admin dashboard and will be set to in-progress for the task owner. New notifications will not automatically be sent.
Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Click the Distributions tab.
Find the appropriate distribution and click on it or use the cog icon and select 'View Distribution Report'.
Click on a tab (e.g., Not Started) to view tasks.
Check the box under the trash can icon on the right side of the task table.
Click 'Recover Task(s)'.
You will get a success message and the task will appear as active on the task list.
Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Filter the task list as necessary to find the task you want.
Check the box under the bell icon on the right side of the task table.
Click 'Send Reminders'.
You will see a summary of the reminders that will be sent (e.g. assessor name and number of notifications).
Click 'Confirm Reminders'.
You will get a success message. Close the success message to return to the A & E Dashboard.
Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Click the Distributions tab.
Find the appropriate distribution and click on it or use the cog icon and select 'View Distribution Report'.
Click 'Manage Distribution' and select 'Send Reminders'.
You will get a confirmation message and see a summary of the reminders to be send (e.g. assessor name).
Click 'Confirm Reminders'.
You will get a success message. Close the success message to return to the Distribution Report.
New in ME 1.25!
Staff:pcoor users now have the ability to set a Reviewer for a task they are initiating
Forms must be permissioned to specific courses to be triggered using this tool.
Administrative users have the ability to trigger an assessment to send tasks on an as needed basis. This might be useful if a specific learner does not have enough assessments in a specific area or there is a reason to prompt a specific assessor to complete a task on a specific learner.
Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Click 'Trigger Assessments'.
Select a learner.
Select an assessor.
Define a form type (e.g. CBME or Generic).
Set a Start and End Date for the Assessment (this defines the period of time the assessment addresses).
Optionally set the assessment as mandatory. (This means the asessor will not be able to delete the task.)
Optionally indicate if feedback is required for the assessments. If you check this off it will add an item to the form asking the assessor whether or not they met with the trainee to discuss their performance (see sample text below). The target will also be asked to answer this question.
Optionally set prompted response notifications. This allows you to decide whom to contact if any answer on the form is designated as a prompted or flagged response option. (For example, if you have an item asking about student completion of a procedure and "I had to do it" was set as a prompted/flagged response.) You can optionally select to email the Program Coordinators, Program/Course Directors, or add a Custom Reviewer. If you select to add a Custom Reviewer you can select their name from a searchable list of users.
Click 'Get Tools'.
Search for the appropriate tool as needed.
Click 'Preview This Form' to confirm you have the form you want or click 'Send Assessment' to send the assessment to the selected assessors.
You will be prompted to optionally provide an Assessment Cue. This can be a short note to explain the context of the assessment. The text entered will display at the top of a form when the assessor is completing it.
Click 'Send Assessment.'
A green success message will display at the top of the page and you will be returned to the beginning of the bulk trigger assessment process to repeat if needed.
Forms must be permissioned to specific courses to be triggered using this tool.
Administrative users have the ability to trigger bulk assessments to send tasks to multiple assessors, for multiple targets, in the combinations required.
Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Click 'Trigger Bulk Assessments'.
Select a course/program.
Select an assessor and target(s) as required. Note that to search for targets you will need to filter by curriculum period.
For each target you can set a start and end date to reflect what the assessment period should be.
To add additional assessors (and targets) click the 'Add Assessor' button.
Optionally set the assessments as mandatory.
Optionally indicate if feedback is required for the assessments. If you check this off it will add an item to the form asking the assessor whether or not they met with the trainee to discuss their performance (see sample text below). The target will also be asked this question.
Optionally set prompted response notifications. This allows you to decide whom to contact if any answer on the form is designated as a prompted or flagged response option. (For example, if you have an item asking about student completion of a procedure and "I had to do it" was set as a prompted/flagged response.) You can optionally select to email the Program Coordinators, Program/Course Directors, or add a Custom Reviewer. If you select to add a Custom Reviewer you can select their name from a searchable list of users.
Click 'Tools'. The tools returned will be those that are permissioned to the course/program you selected at the top of the page.
Click 'Preview This Form' to confirm you have the form you want or click 'Send Assessment' to send the assessment to the selected assessors.
You will be prompted to optionally provide an Assessment Cue. This can be a short note to explain the context of the assessment. The text entered will display at the top of a form when the assessor is completing it.
Click 'Send Assessment.'
A green success message will display at the top of the page and you will be returned to the beginning of the bulk trigger assessment process to repeat if needed.
If an administrator is looking at a task with an expiry date, she can extend that date if needed. (This option will display when the task was initiated on-demand by a user AND an organization has their database setting to apply automatic expiry dates to on-demand forms enabled.)
Click 'Reset Expiry' in the top right
Check the date indicated as the new expiry date
Confirm by clicking 'Reset Expiry'
You will return to the view of the task
If users view the task from their Assessment & Evaluation badge, they'll see the updated expiry date on their task card.
Staff have quick access to review their assessment and evaluation tasks and those of their affiliated learners and faculty through the Assessment and Evaluation badge accessed in the top right.
When viewing results on any of the tabs in A&E, you can:
Use the search bar to look for a specific task by name and click the down arrow to limit your results by applying search filters like distribution method (date range, delegation, learning event, rotation schedule), curriculum period, course, and task status (pending, in progress, completed), and task type (mandatory/optional).
Sort by Delivery Date or Expiry Date (select one from the drop down selector and then enter the desired start and end dates).
Remember to click 'Apply Filters' to apply your choices.
Remember to click 'Remove Filters' to clear filters and view all results.
This tab shows users all pending tasks for which they are responsible. Mandatory tasks are indicated with a red highlight with a bold red "Mandatory" title on the card.
This is particularly important for curriculum and program coordinators because of the delegation type distributions. If a distribution was created and set as a delegation to be sent to a program admin., s/he can access that delegation here and assign the task to the appropriate faculty (or other user).
View and complete a task by clicking on it.
Remove a task by clicking 'Remove Task' and providing a reason for its removal.
Download individual forms, or download multiple forms by clicking the download checkbox on each card and then clicking 'Download PDF(s)' at the top right. When users do this they will be able to choose whether to download all tasks as one file or as multiple files.
This tab displays all tasks completed on the user and which s/he has been given access to view. This can be controlled in the creation of a distribution.
The user can view all completed tasks and again, download an individual file or download multiple files at once.
The My Learners tab will allow administrative staff to access a variety of information for learners associated with them. This list of available options will vary depending on which modules are in use in Elentra but could include CBME Dashboard, Assessments (refers to tasks managed through Assessment and Evaluation), Learner Explorer (refers to course gradebooks), Schedule (i.e., rotation schedule) and Log Book.
Note that in a CBME-enabled organization, program coordinators can optionally see the CBME Program Dashboard when they click on the My Learners tab.
From the My Learners tab, users can:
Download a list of all learners associated with them by clicking 'Download Enrolment'. A pdf title "learners-for-name" will download and list all learners, including their primary email and learner level (if learner levels are in use).
Search for an individual by beginning to type his/her name in the search learners area; the learner cards displayed will automatically display to reflect the searched name.
Refine the list of learners by switching the curriculum period using the dropdown menu on the far right.
Click on the appropriate tab to view the desired information.
Curriculum/program coordinators associated with a course will be able to access a tab listing faculty. Faculty will appear on this list if they have been the assessor in a distribution or the target or assessor of a triggered form associated with the same course as the program coordinator.
Hide cards of external faculty by clicking Hide Card. Bring hidden cards back into view by clicking 'Show Hidden Faculty'.
Update external faculty emails by clicking on Update Email and providing revised information.
Program coordinators will be able to view the Current Tasks, Completed Tasks, Upcoming Tasks, and Tasks Completed on Faculty tabs for the available faculty.
Program coordinators can send reminders, remove tasks or download tasks. (From this screen there is an option to select all and send reminders.)
From the Tasks Completed on Faculty tab the program coordinator can also view Reports for this Faculty.
This tool allows the program coordinator to view and download a pdf report (with or without comments) that aggregates evaluations of the selected faculty in one report. Program coordinators can also use the Options dropdown menu to quickly view the form and the individual evaluations.
Responses and comments aggregated in these reports are de-identified.
Click group by distribution as desired to sort the forms by distribution. If the same form has been used across multiple distributions this will tease apart each distribution and you can report on forms completed in a single distribution.
This tab will only display if the user has Prompted Responses to manage. Prompted Responses is also an optional setting in Elentra so may not be on for your organization.
When building items for use on assessment or evaluation forms, administrators have the option to identify response selections as prompted responses; then, they can identify on a distribution who should be notified by email if a prompted response is selected. The Prompted Response Notifications tab allows recipients of prompted response email notifications to review and interact with the form that includes the prompted response.
When you click on your Assessment & Evaluation badge, you will see a Prompted Responses tab.
Once you have clicked the Prompted Response Tab, you will see a table displaying a list of your prompted response notifications, the course it belongs to, and the owner, target, and review the status of each task.
You can sort the table by clicking on any of the headers.
Search for a specific prompted response by using the search field.
Clicking on the title of the task will allow you to interact with the form.
Once you are viewing the form:
Click in the comment box to add in your comments about the assessment, if you have any.
Comments can only be viewed by other prompted response recipients and administrators associated with the course/program.
If you do not wish to add comments to a form, you can simply click the Submit Review/Comment to mark it as reviewed.
Prompted Responses on forms can also be configured to send email notifications. If users are the recipients of Prompted Response notifications, they will see the prompted response indicated in the email notification.
To view information from forms completed on oneself, the user can click My Reports on the right hand side.
Set the date range.
Remember that the creator of a distribution can set whether a user can view reports on a distribution, so not every distribution completed on a target is available for the target to view.
When building a distribution a reviewer can be set in Step 5 of the Distribution Wizard. This person will need to review and approve, reopen or hide all tasks before the tasks are completed as required. The use case for this might be providing an intermediary reviewer who checks the appropriateness of narrative comments on course and faculty evaluations or peer assessments.
For more information on setting up a reviewer on a distribution, please see the page for the distribution type you are working with.
If you have been set as the reviewer for a distribution, click your Assessment and Evaluation badge and you'll see tasks with a Reviewer label under your Assessment Tasks tab.
Click View Task.
Review the form contents.
Choose one of three options:
Reopen the task: This will send the task back to the assessor/evaluator and it will remain in their pending/in progress task list until they complete it. If you reopen a task you will get a message indicating that the task has successfully been reopened.
Approve the task: This will essentially mark the task as finalized and release the task to the target (if allowed by the parameters of the distribution).
Hide the task: This will hide the task from being viewed by the target. The person who completed the task gets no feedback. If you hide a form, you will be prompted to enter a reason for why you hid the form. Note that hiding a form does not remove its data from reports generated about this form and distribution.
Note that currently, there is no user interface to retrieve all hidden forms or to view the comments about why the form was hidden.
One of the distribution methods supported by Elentra is a delegation. This can be used with a date-based or rotation-based distribution to send tasks to a delegator to send to the appropriate assessor/evaluator at a later date. If there are multiple targets for a delegation, users will be able to forward some tasks to one assessor, and other tasks to another assessor.
If a distribution was created using a delegation, the designated user needs to complete the delegation by assigning assessors.
Log in as the delegator.
From the Assessment Tasks tab, click on the relevant assessment.
You'll see a list of targets in a table.
Click the checkbox beside a target name.
At the bottom right click 'Select Assessors'.
Search for as assessor and click the checkbox beside the assessor name.
If you need to add an additional internal and/or external assessor you may do so by clicking the 'Add Additional Assessor' button. This will allow you to enter the name of an internal user and/or email address of an existing external assessor. You can even add a new external assessor if necessary.
After adding the required assessors, click 'Proceed to Confirm Assessments'.
If you wish to mark the delegation as complete, click the checkbox. This will move the task to the delegator's My Completed Tasks list. If you have targets without assessors/evaluators, you will receive a warning. If you'd rather that the task to stay on the Assessment Tasks tab, do not click the checkbox.
Confirm your choice by clicking 'Create Assessment Tasks'.
The list of targets and assessors/evaluators will be updated with the newly entered information.
In the date range based delegation above, the delegator has assigned 2 targets to Alex Adams and 2 to Bennett Adkins. The rest of the tasks will be assigned at a later date.