Updated in ME 1.25!
The Assessment Plan Builder now supports more complicated CV requirements by allowing you to define dependencies between CV responses. This feature enhancement must be enabled by a database setting (cbme_assessment_plan_form_dependencies).
The Assessment Plan Builder does not currently support Smart Tag Forms. If a course/program relies heavily on Smart Tag Forms, the assessment plan builder (and hence the program dashboard) may be of limited use.
The assessment plan builder allows you to specify minimum requirements for assessment forms on a per-EPA basis. These plans are leveraged to generate resident progress reports in the CBME Program Dashboard.
Currently, the assessment plan builder supports Supervisor Forms, Field Notes, Procedure Forms, PPAs (with global entrustment item), and Rubric Forms (with global entrustment item). These forms must have an item mapped to an EPA for it to show up on the Assessment Plan. As of ME 1.18, you are now able to build plans for forms that were deleted or retired.
The assessment plan builder does not currently support PPA or Rubric forms that do no have a global entrustment item added.
You must be in an administrative role and have access to a specific program to use the Assessment Plan Builder.
Navigate to Admin > Manage Programs/Courses.
Beside the appropriate program/course name, click the gear icon and click "CBME".
Click the Assessment Plans tab.
Click "Add Assessment Plan".
When you click “Add Assessment Plan” you are creating a container for all EPA-specific assessment plans in your curriculum. Each assessment plan container is scoped to a single curriculum version (i.e., if you have multiple versions of your EPAs, you can create different assessment plans for different EPA versions).
To add an assessment plan, select the “Version” and create a title for your assessment plan container. Adding a description is optional.
Click “Save Plan.” You will now be redirected to the new assessment plan container. You can use one container for all of your EPAs within a version.
The assessment plan container will load all EPAs for the selected curriculum version. You can use a free-text search to find a particular EPA, or scroll down to the EPA of interest.
Each EPA has a circular icon that indicates the EPA plan status.
A green checkmark indicates that an assessment plan has been published for this EPA.
A grey circle indicates that no assessment plans have been started for this EPA.
An orange exclamation mark indicates that an assessment plan has been saved in draft mode for this EPA. Changes may need to be made before publishing.
Click on the EPA you wish to add an assessment plan for.
Add a title and an optional description. These are not visualized to other users at this time and are for admin purposes only.
Click on "Assessment Tools" to load all tools that have been tagged to this EPA.
Date ranges are listed for tools that have been deleted or retired.
A single creation date is listed for active tools.
Select the tool(s) you wish to include in this assessment plan. You can add one plan for each tool, or optionally combine the requirements across tools.
Note that deleted and retired tools are only listed when at least one assessment has been completed with them.
The combine tools feature allows you to combine multiple tools/forms within the same assessment plan, as long as there are shared contextual variables and the entrustment question is the same. You can then set the plan requirements for the shared variables & scale, and the system will use assessments from all of the selected tools to feed into the dashboard. For example, if you require 4 assessments to be completed at "meets expectations" or above, and it can be either a Field Note or a Supervisor form, the combine tools feature is an easy way to do this.
To combine tools:
Click "Assessment Tools"
Select all of the tools that you wish to combine
At the top of each tool card, click the checkbox at the top right
Click "Combine Tools"
Enter the plan requirements, as outlined below
Please note: For procedure forms, a completion of any of the procedures related to the selected form (built from the same template), will count towards meeting the "minimum number of assessments" and "minimum number of assessors" requirements. **** You may define additional requirements using the "Procedure" variable when your assessment plans require it. Otherwise, you do not need to select any specific procedures.
Minimum number of assessments: Enter the minimum number of assessments required for this EPA using this tool. This number is linked to the global entrustment rating, which means that completed assessments must be equal or higher than the selected rating scale response in order to fulfill the plan. This is a mandatory field.
Rating scale responses: Select the minimum level of entrustment or supervision that is required for this EPA. The number entered in the field before this is linked to this response. For example, this EPA required 3 assessments scored at "Almost" or above. This is a mandatory field.
Minimum number of assessors: Enter the minimum number of assessors required to complete assessments on this EPA. This is a mandatory field.
Contextual Variable Types: Choose how you wish to track your contextual variable responses for this form. You can select multiple contextual variable types as needed (e.g., ‘spread’ and ‘specific’ requirements) within the same assessment plan (either single form or 'combined' form plan). For example, for Form A, I want to use "Specific" and "Group - Spread". i.e., I need the resident to see "cystic fibrosis" (specific) and any 4 of the other diagnoses (Group - Spread).
See below for detailed descriptions of each contextual variable type.
Contextual Variables: Select which contextual variables you need to track for this form. Only the contextual variable categories that are on the selected form will be loaded in this dropdown. Depending on the contextual variable type you selected, you will have different options appear to track the responses.
Combine Tools: See notes above.
The assessment plan builder leverages the grouping functionality within contextual variables. Within a given contextual variable, you are can create groups of responses. There are four different ways to track contextual variable responses with the assessment plan builder: spread, specific, group (spread), and group (specific).
To create Contextual Variable Groups you need to be in Admin > Manage Courses > CBME > CV Responses.
The Spread function allows you to check off a selection of contextual variable responses and indicate how many unique responses are required from that list. In the above image, any 4 unique responses must be assessed at least once to meet the plan.
The Specific function allows you to check off a selection of contextual variable responses and indicate how many times each of the selected responses need to be assessed to meet the plan.
The Group: Specific function allows you to check off a selection of contextual variable responses within a contextual variable group and indicate how many times each of the selected responses need to be assessed to meet the plan. You can select responses from multiple groups within the same contextual variable.
The Group: Spread function allows you to select contextual variable groups and indicate how many discrete/unique responses from the group need to be assessed to meet the plan. You can add each response from the group individually as needed. The number of responses required must be equal to or less than the number of CV responses in the group. The learner needs to have a CV response present in their assessments just once to start meeting the requirement.
In the example above if you set the requirement to 4, the learner would be required to collect 4 unique contextual variable responses from the "Complex" group list displayed (for example: genetic syndrome, developmental delay, neurologic problem, AND hemotology/oncology problem).
You can add multiple groups from within the same contextual variable.
You can also use multiple contextual variable types (e.g., ‘spread’ and ‘specific’ requirements) within the same assessment plan (either single form or 'combined' form plan). For example, for Form A, I want to use "Specific" and "Group - Spread". i.e., I need the resident to see "cystic fibrosis" (specific) and any 4 of the other diagnoses (Group - Spread).
You can optionally define dependencies between contextual variables in an assessment plan. This requires a database setting to be enabled (cbme_assessment_plan_form_dependencies).
You can now specify dependencies between contextual variables so that requirements must be collected as a combination.
Add a contextual variable to a plan.
Add a second contextual variable.
You will see both contextual variables display on each other's cards.
Use the "Dependencies" checkbox to have one CV (the one where "Dependencies" is checked") require the other.
After you've checked off one CV to make it a dependency, the corresponding CV box will disappear from the other CV card.
The view on the CBME progress dashboard will reflect these assessment plan requirements grouped together if they are used as combination/dependencies.
Once you have entered all of the contextual variable requirements, you can"Save Draft" to return to it later or "Publish Plan". Only a published plan will get reflected on the CBE program dashboard.