The units and weeks feature allows an organisation to add curriculum layout placeholders that divide each curriculum period (Year 1, 2, etc.) into weeks, e.g., Week 1, Week 2, Week N, and assign events to those units in each course. To facilitate this, certain settings have to be in place in the software. If you are not seeing weeks or unit options and you think you should be, please ask a developer at your institution to check the settings table and make sure weeks is enabled.
Using the weeks and units feature requires a couple of steps. First, an administrative user has to build the global weeks for an organisation; next, units can be added to courses and linked with the weeks structure. Finally, events can be linked to a unit. Doing this populates a learner view of Weeks that displays all units across courses and lets learners drill down into a unit to view its objectives, affiliated events, and resources.
Using the weeks feature means that you can also apply weeks as a filter in a variety of places in Elentra. You can use weeks to refine your search results in Curriculum Search, on the Events page, and in the Curriculum Tag Minutes and Mapping Report.
Database Setting
The learner weeks view is accessible from the Weeks tab on the main tab menu. It provides an overview of the weeks and units across multiple courses. By clicking on a unit learners can access a summary of the week including resources, objectives, learning events, and unit tags. Learners have the option to bulk download resources included in the unit and can print a list of all objectives.
“Week Objectives” shows curriculum tags applied to the unit. If learning events have been tagged with a curriculum tag and that curriculum tag has been contextually linked with one of the week objectives assigned to the unit, the curriculum tag and learning event will display under the list of week objectives.
“Unit Tags” shows tags assigned to the unit and any tags contextually-linked to the unit tags (view the latter by clicking on the unit tag to expand a list below it). (This information will only be visible if context-based linkages are enabled in your installation.)
To facilitate the weeks feature, certain settings must be in place. If you are not seeing weeks or unit options and you think you should be, please ask a developer at your institution to check the software settings.
Remember that weeks are global across an organisation. As such, it is recommended you keep the naming fairly generic (e.g., Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, etc.).
Navigate to Admin>Manage Curriculum.
On the Manage Curriculum card on the left sidebar, click 'Curriculum Weeks'.
Click 'Add Week'.
Provide a week title, select a curriculum period (called category on the screen), and provide a week order (leave at default 0 to just add the week at the end of any existing weeks). Week order will dictate the order in which existing weeks will appear in the learner view.
Click 'Save'.
You will see a green success message and be redirected to the list of existing weeks.
Edit any existing weeks by clicking on the week title.
Delete any unwanted weeks by clicking the checkbox beside the week and clicking 'Delete Selected' at the bottom of the list of weeks.
Weeks must be set up at the organisational level before you can add weeks to a course. See above for more information.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Courses.
Search for the course you want to work with.
From the cog to the right of the course name, select 'Units'.
Ensure you are in the correct curriculum period and, if needed, switch it using the dropdown menu.
Click 'Add New Units'.
Provide the required information noting the following: Unit Code: This will display to learners in the weeks overview and be in the title of the unit page. If you use this, it is recommended that you maintain parallels between week and unit names. Unit Title: This will display to learners in the weeks overview and be in the title of the unit page. Unit Description: This will be visible to learners when they click on a unit to view it. Week: Select a week to apply this unit to. Week Chair: Begin to type a name, click on the desired name and then click 'Add'. This will be visible to learners. Unit Order: This defines the order in which the unit will display to learners. It is recommended that you keep this at 0 and let the week order dictate the display order.
Add any desired curriculum tags to the unit by clicking on 'Select Curriculum Tags' and drilling down to the appropriate tag.
These unit tags will be displayed in two places on the learner week view: the Weeks Objectives and the Unit Tags list. If you later contextually link sessional objectives to your Unit Tags from an event page, those linkages will be available to view under the Unit Tags list on the Weeks summary view.
If your organisation has enabled context-based curriculum tag linking (that is, you can link curriculum tags to each other at the unit and event level), you can click on any curriculum tag added to the unit to add additional curriculum tags under it. More information about context-based curriculum tagging is available in the Curriculum>Context Based Linkages help section. Note that you can use the weeks function without using context-based curriculum tagging.
Click 'Save'.
Note that in a course, you can only link one unit to a week and have it display properly to learners.
After units have been added to courses and linked with weeks, you can link events to each unit through an event Setup page. This will create the connections to have learning events show up on the Weeks summary view.
If you are manually adding a new event through Manage Events you will add a Course Unit on the Adding Event screen.
If you have an existing event and you want to link it to a unit navigate to the event Setup page and add the Course Unit. You can find a specific learning event via Admin>Manage Events or using the Curriculum Search feature (if you know the event title).