A gradebook entry can have a portfolio attached to it. Doing this allows graders for a course to access specific portfolio artifacts, and grade them inline with an assessment form, thereby populating the entry in the gradebook.
Access a course gradebook through the course page or Admin>Manage Gradebook.
Click the pencil icon beside the assessment you want to attach to a portfolio to; this will take you to the edit assessment page.
Scroll down to Assessment ePortfolio and click 'Attach ePortfolio'.
Select the appropriate portfolio and click 'Attach Selected ePortfolio'.
If no ePortfolios appear for you to select from, make sure you are working in the correct curriculum period and that the affiliated cohort has an active ePortfolio.
Additional information about using the gradebook is available in the Gradebook help section.
To enable learners to use portfolios, a portfolio and folders must be created for the group of learners. If the portfolio is to include required items, spaces to upload artifacts can also be created.
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click 'New Portfolio'.
Designate a cohort for the portfolio and set appropriate start and end dates.
By default learners are allowed to export their ePortfolio; if you wish the change that, uncheck the Allow exporting box.
Click 'Add'; the new portfolio will be shown in the list of portfolios.
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click on the name of the portfolio you want to work in.
Click 'Add Folder'.
Provide a folder title and description.
Allow Learner Artifacts: This controls whether learners can upload artifacts in addition to any required artifacts. Check it to enable this setting.
Click 'Save'; the folder and its description will show up on the screen.
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click on the name of the portfolio you want to work in.
For the folder you wish to edit, click the blue pencil icon.
Edit the folder as required and click 'Save'.
To delete an existing folder click the red trash can icon beside the folder name.
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click on the name of the portfolio you want to work in.
Within a specific folder, click the green plus button.
Provide a title and description (required).
You can also add start and finish dates which limit when users will be able to access this artifact.
Allow commenting: Check this off if you want faculty advisors and learners to be able to comment on artifacts.
Click 'Save'.
Edit an existing artifact by clicking on the blue pencil icon beside the artifact name.
Delete an existing artifact by clicking on the red trash can icon beside the artifact name.
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click on the name of the portfolio you want to work with.
Click the down arrow beside the Add Folder button; select 'Edit Portfolio'.
Adjust the portfolio start and end dates as needed and click 'Update'.
You will get a green success message on the screen.
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click on the name of the portfolio you want to work with.
Click the down arrow beside the Add Folder button; select 'Copy Portfolio'.
Designate a cohort for the portfolio and set appropriate start and end dates.
By default learners are allowed to export their ePortfolio; if you wish the change that, uncheck the Allow exporting box.
Click 'Copy'; the new portfolio will be shown in the list of portfolios.
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click on the name of the portfolio you want to work with.
Click the down arrow beside the Add Folder button; select Delete Portfolio.
Confirm you decision by clicking 'Delete'.
The portfolio will disappear from the list of portfolios.
Learners can access their portfolios through their user profile and are shown an overview of portfolio requirements complete and incomplete.
From the learner dashboard, click on the user name in the top right.
From the Profile card on the left sidebar, click on My ePortfolio.
From the My ePortfolio dashboard, learners see an overview of required artifacts, completed artifacts/completed artifacts approved by advisor, and a list of artifacts that require entries within a specific folder.
Learners can change which folder they are looking at by clicking on the blue button on the left displaying a folder name and selecting a different folder from the dropdown menu.
Learners can upload artifact entries directly on the ePortfolio dashboard or can navigate to specific folders.
Learners can click on My Artifacts to see an overview of artifacts and due dates.
When adding artifact entries, learners must choose and entry type (e.g., reflection, file, or url). A reflection will allow the learner to enter information through a dialogue window in Elentra.
Once an artifact entry has been posted, it will automatically be available via the gradebook if a portfolio is linked to the gradebook. Learners can remove access to the artifact from the gradebook by clicking on Used for Assessment which will change the label to Not Used For Assessment.
To create their own artifacts, learners can click My Artifacts and select Create My Own Artifact at the bottom of the list. If this option does not appear it is because the folder was set up to not allow learner artifacts; in this case learners can only add entries to required artifacts.
After clicking Create My Own Artifact learners enter an artifact title and description and save. Then they can click on the My Artifacts button again and at the bottom of the list the artifact will appear. Click on it to open it and upload an entry.
After advisors have reviewed artifacts, learners will see the appropriate notes on each artifact entry. These might include "Reviewed by my advisor" and "Flagged by my advisor".
Portfolio advisors can access learner artifacts through Manage ePortfolio in order to review and comment on them. If a gradebook has been configured to include a portfolio and specific assessments rely on portfolio entries, faculty can also access the portfolio there.
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click 'Review'.
Click on the down arrow beside Portfolio to select a cohort.
Click on a learner name.
Click on the appropriate folder title.
For any entry, read the reflection, download a file, or visit a url.
Advisors can mark the entry as Reviewed by clicking on the blue button, can flag an entry, can add a comment, and can mark an artifact entry as used for assessement or not.
Comments will be recorded with the author name and a time and date stamp. Comments can be deleted by the comment author by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the comment.
If an assessment is flagged the learner name will show up in a list of Flagged portfolios. Access the list of flagged portfolios by selecting a cohort and then clicking the Flagged tab (navigate back to a list of all learners in the cohort by clicking 'All').
A faculty member must have access to the course gradebook and be assigned as a grader for the specific assessment in order to use this tool.
Navigate to Admin>Gradebook.
Search for and click on the appropriate course name.
Adjust the curriculum period if needed.
Click on an assessment title.
Click on the Grade column beside a learner name to open the portfolio and assessment form.
Switch folder views if necessary using the 'Choose a portfolio folder' dropdown menu.
View the portfolio entry and complete the assessment form.
Click 'Save and Close' or 'Save and Go to Next'.
If a custom grade is required click the checkbox and then enter the appropriate grade.
Portfolio advisors can be created to enable faculty to access learner portfolio artifacts and comment on them.
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click on the Advisors tab.
Any names that appear on the left are existing advisors.
To add additional advisors, click the green Add Advisor button.
Begin to type a name and select a name from the available options; click 'Add'.
When you have added all the required names, click 'Add Advisors'.
Note that the advisors list is not portfolio specific. Any advisor added to the list can be matched to one or more portfolios. Also note that once an advisor is linked to a learner, s/he can see all artifacts posted by the learner. There are not currently tools through the user interface to grant access to one part of the portfolio but not another.
There is no user interface to delete advisors at this time.
Assigning a learner to a faulty member allows that faculty member to see all artifacts uploaded to the learner's portfolio.
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click on the Advisors tab.
Click on an advisor name.
Click 'Add Student'.
Begin to type a name and select a name from the available options; click 'Add'.
When you have added all the required names, click 'Add students'.
The learners will show up in a list.
Navigate to Admin>Manage ePortfolios.
Click on the Advisors tab.
Click on an advisor name.
Click the trash can icon beside a learner name to remove the learner from the advisors list.
The learner name should disappear from the list.
The ePortfolio provides a space where learners can upload materials or artifacts for a variety of purposes. Learners can keep a record of volunteer experiences, academic projects, or personal experiences for their own benefit, or learners can post required artifacts to share with faculty advisors. Within the portfolio learners can be grouped and assigned to specific faculty members and those faculty members can comment on artifacts. Additionally, a portfolio can be linked to a gradebook allowing graders to access portfolio artifacts and assessment forms simultaneously and easily post grades. At present there are limited tools through the user interface to report on portfolio completion.
Please note that the portfolio module will be rebuilt in Spring 2018. If you are considering piloting the porfolio or there is interest in developing new features within the portfolio it is recommended that you wait until the rebuild is complete.