After your Elentra installation is active, you'll need to configure some system settings before using other modules and features of the platform. Users with the group and role of Medtech>Admin or Staff>Admin will be able to access System Settings. Here you'll be able to configure things like assessment types, location management, grading scale, departments, and user disclaimers. Generally this is content that will remain consistent across an entire organisation and will not be frequently changed. Note that you set system settings at the organisation level in Elentra so you can have different system settings for undergraduate and gradaute medical education programs running of the same installation of Elentra.
Which system settings you configure really depends on how you will be using Elentra. See the list below for some quick start ideas.
If you want to add users: configure departments before importing users (especially faculty)
If you want to create courses: configure curriculum layout and periods first (note that this has moved from Admin>System Settings to Admin>Manage Curriculum)
If you want to schedule learning events: configure learning event types and locations (you'll need courses via Admin>Manage Courses and for rotation scheduling you'll also need to build blocks in the relevant curriculum period but that is done in Admin>Manage Curriculum)
If you want to input grades: configure assessment types (you'll need to configure curriculum layout and periods, and build courses as well but that will be completed elsewhere)
If you want to report using the curriculum inventory: configure assessment and learning event types, and curriculum layout and periods (you'll also need courses, events, and gradebooks setup but those are managed elsewhere)
Instructions for managing some system settings are included here. Other instructions are included with their related module. See a sample list of system settings below.
In Elentra, organisation refers to an entity using and managing its own curriculum layouts, tags, courses/programs, learning events, gradebooks, etc. Examples of organisations include undergraduate medicine and postgraduate or graduate medicine. Another example could be nursing or rehabilitation therapy.
You can add and manage organisations through Admin:System Settings. While Medtech:Admin and Staff:Admin users have access to System Settings ONLY Medtech:Admin can add a new organisation.
Note that this tool is only available to Medtech:Admin users.
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
Click 'Add New Organisation'.
Provide the required information noting the following: Interface Template: Stock Elentra has one default interface. If you are testing things on an installation with dummy data provided by Elentra and have different interface options available we recommend using them only if it has been recommended to you.
Click 'Save'.
Additional interface template information: The Elentra template is entirely configurable by a developer and if you would like additional interface templates, that is customization that your institution can do. Many schools apply their own branding to the look of Elentra or you might create different templates for different organisations using your installation of Elentra (e.g., undergraduate and postgraduate or graduate medical education organizations).
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
Click on the name of the organisation you want to manage.
Click on the pencil icon and 'Edit' in the top right to change the existing information.
Make the required changes and click 'Save' in the bottom right.
Assessment characteristics should be configured if you plan to use course gradebooks. Within a gradebook you will need to define the assessment characteristic for each assessment added. Each assessment type has different extended options for recording data (e.g. the type of included questions for quizzes and exams, or whether to track late submissions for papers and projects).
Elentra comes with a set of assessment types. These include assessment, exam, paper, presentation, project, quiz, rat, rating, and reflection. Within each assessment type you can further specify assessment characteristics (e.g. oral exam, written exam, OSCE). While there is no user interface to change the list of assessment types, the assessment characteristics list is completely configurable through the user interface. Assessment characteristics can also be mapped to MedBiquitous Assessment Methods if required by an organisation. Whatever is created as an assessment characteristic can later be applied to the assessments listed in a course gradebook (see image above).
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
Click the name of the organisation for which you want to manage assessment characteristics.
Click 'Assessment Types' from the left sidebar. A list of existing assessment characteristics grouped by assessment type will be displayed.
Click 'Add Characteristic' to add a new assessment characteristic.
Complete the required fields. The description is optional and is not often seen in other parts of Elentra. (It's possible that in the future if you mouseover an assessment characteristic you'll see it's definition but that is not a current feature.)
Click 'Save'.
The newly added assessment characteristic will now appear on the Assessment Types list.
To modify an existing assessment characteristic click on it.
Edit it as needed and click 'Save'.
To delete existing assessment characteristics click the checkbox beside the characteristic you wish to delete.
Click 'Delete Selected'.
Confirm your choice.
You will be returned to the list of Assessment Types.
Location Management allows organisations to maintain a list of the sites, buildings and rooms relevant to their institution. In this context site could refer to an institution, organization, or governing body. Site is the top tier of the location management system; within a site you can add buildings, and within a building you can add rooms. Some examples are provided below.
Site: University/College Name, Hospital Name
Building(s): New Medical Building, Abramsky Hall, Student Athletic Centre
Room(s): 201A, 201B, 430, 431, The Caldwell Room
Using the locations feature is useful to you if you plan to schedule clinical rotations or learning events in Elentra. Rotations and their corresponding blocks/slots can be assigned to sites, and learning events can be assigned a site, building and room. The building and room code will be displayed to event attendees so make sure the short codes you use are logical.
Log in as Medtech:Admin or Staff:Admin.
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
If you have access to multiple organisations, click on the name of the organisation you want to manage locations for.
Click 'Location Management' from the left sidebar.
From the Location Management screen click 'Add New Site'.
Provide the required information noting the following: Site Code: The site code will display with the name on dropdown menus when you are assigning a site (e.g., in a learning event or rotation). Province/State: This option will only be available after you have selected a country.
Click 'Save'. You will be directed to enter buildings for your new site.
When you return to the Sites page, the sites will be listed in the order they were added to the system. There is currently no user interface to reorder the list of sites.
To edit an existing site click on its name from the Location Management screen and then click the pencil icon beside the site name.
To delete an existing site click the checkbox beside the site from the Location Management screen. This will cause a delete button to appear. Click 'Delete Selected' and confirm your choice.
From the Location Management screen click on an existing site.
Click 'Add New Building'.
Complete the required information noting the following: Building Name and Code: Both of these will be displayed on the list of buildings and in learning events. City, Country, and Province: These will default to the same information as the site but you can change it as needed.
Click 'Save'. You will be directed to a page to add rooms to the building.
When you return to the Buildings page, the buildings will be listed in the order they were added to the system. There is currently no user interface to reorder the list of buildings.
To edit existing buildings click on a building name and then click the pencil icon beside the building name.
To delete existing buildings, click the checkbox beside the building name from the list of buildings. This will cause a delete button to appear. Click 'Delete Selected' and confirm your choice.
From the Location Management screen click on an existing site.
Click on an existing building.
Click 'Add New Room'.
Provide the required information noting the following: Room Number: This can represent the numbering customs in the building. Room Description: This is a required field that collects information. At present users will not see this information. Room Max Occupancy: This collects information and at present will not be displayed to users elsewhere in the system.
Click 'Save'.
The room will appear on the Building Rooms list.
When you return to the Rooms page, the rooms will be listed in the order they were added to the system. There is currently no user interface to reorder the list of rooms.
To edit existing rooms click on a room name and an edit window will open.
To delete existing rooms, click the checkbox beside the room name. This will cause a delete button to appear. Click 'Delete Selected' and confirm your choice.
A list of departments, divisions, faculties, schools or units can be maintained in Elentra and applied in user profiles. This information is in turn used in some reporting tools (e.g. Faculty Teaching Report By Department).
As of Elentra ME 1.12, if you import users using a csv you can include a column for department and add multiple departments as needed.
Log in as Medtech>Admin or Staff>Admin.
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
Click on the name of the organisation you want to manage departments for.
Click 'Departments' from the left sidebar.
Click 'Add Department' to add a new entry.
Complete the required information noting the following: Department Type: You can select a department type from a dropdown menu. The options include department, division, faculty, school, and unit. There is no user interface to change this list.
Click 'Save'.
To delete existing entries, click the checkbox beside the item name and then scroll down and click 'Delete Selected'; confirm your choice.
The list of departments will display alphabetically.
As of Elentra ME 1.12 there is no user interface to link departments and divisions. There is space in the database to create a relationship between a department and its affiliated divisions and a developer with access to the database can do this work if it is required by your organisation. In a user profile you can assign someone to multiple departments and divisions in order to show their multiple affiliations.
Each department can configure custom profile fields to collect additional information from their members. This allows an administrator to define the custom profile field in terms of the type of information to collect and then create a space in the user's profile for them to provide said information.
In an administrator role, navigate to Admin>System Settings, pick the appropriate organization if required, and click Department from the left sidebar.
Click on the appropriate department.
Click Department Profile Fields
Click Add Field
Provide the relevant information, noting the following:
Field Type allows you to customize how information can be collected. The options are:
Rich text
Plain text
One Line text
External URL (e.g. for people to provide a link to their research project page)
Click Add
The newly created field will display on a list of custom profile fields. You can edit, delete, or reorder the custom profile fields using the pencil and trash icons or the Reorder button.
Users can complete their custom profile fields in their user profile, accessible by clicking on the user's name in the top right. Within their profile options they will see a Department Specific Information tab and can provide the required information there. In the example below there is a checkbox item and a one line text item.
Event Types describe all the different things you might include in scheduled events managed through Elentra. Examples include lectures, labs, directed independent learning, exams, lunch, etc. and the list of event types is customizable. Event types are used several ways:
any event added to a schedule must have an event type defined; you can add multiple event types to one scheduled event
the audience of an event will see its type
there is a report to summarize the use of different events types within a course
You must be logged in as an admin. user to manage event types.
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
If you have multiple organisations, click the name of the organisation for which you want to manage event types.
Click 'Learning Event Types' from the left sidebar. A list of existing event types will be displayed.
Click 'Add Event Type' to add a new event type.
Complete the required fields, noting the following: Description: This field is optional however it is visible to users when they create events so you may wish to provide it. When users add events to the system through Admin>Manage Events, they can mouseover event types and view the provided description (see above). Medbiquitous Instructional Method: If you plan to use the Curriculum Inventory Reporting tool to report to the AAMC it is recommended that you map your organisation's event types to the Medbiquitous Instructional Methods. If you don't, the CIR tool will omit events with unmapped event types.
Click 'Save'.
The newly added assessment characteristic will now appear on the event types list.
To modify an existing event type click on it.
Edit it as needed and click 'Save'.
To delete existing event type click the checkbox beside the event type you wish to delete.
Click 'Delete Selected'.
Confirm your choice.
You will be returned to the list of event types.
Evaluation response categories are used to create rubrics in a relatively old Clerkship Evaluation feature. It is strongly recommended that instead of the Clerkship Evaluations feature you use the more recent Assessment and Evaluation module.
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
Click the organisation for which you want to manage the evaluation response descriptors.
Click 'Evaluation Response Descriptors' from the sidebar.
Click 'Add Descriptor' to add a new descriptor.
Add the response descriptor and set the display order (required).
By default, response descriptors are not made available in reports so tick off the box if you wish to make them available in reports.
Click 'Save'.
To delete descriptors, tick off the box beside the descriptor you wish to delete and then scroll down and click 'Delete Selected'.
Use the search function to quickly look for existing descriptors. Results will appear as you type.
Assessment response categories (e.g., excellent, good, needs improvement) are used when creating items in the Assessment and Evaluation Module. The categories can also be applied to specific rating scales and when those rating scales are applied to items the response categories will pre-populate.
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
Click the name of the organisation for which you want to manage assessment response categories.
Click 'Assessment Response Categories' from the left sidebar.
Click 'Add Category'.
Enter the response category.
By default, all categories will be available in reports so uncheck the box if you don't want the category to be available in reports.
Click 'Save'. Remember your new category will be added to the end of the list.
Response categories are displayed in the order they were added to the system, so use the search function to quickly look for existing categories and prevent creating duplicates. Results will appear as you type.
If multiple categories have been created and are overly similar, or you have imported data from another tool and have duplicate categories, you can merge selected categories. To do this, click the checkboxes beside the categories to merge, then scroll down and click 'Merge Selected'.
To delete categories, click the checkbox beside the category you wish to delete and then scroll down and click 'Delete Selected'.
Use of assessment response categories in scales
Use of scales when building assessment and evaluation items
The grading scale is not a required feature of Elentra and does not currently link with other modules. Eventually, this could be used to configure display options and to show students their grades using the grade scale instead of a raw score. For example, if a learner scores 14/20 they would see the corresponding grading scale grade (e.g. 70% or 2.7).
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
Click the name of the organisation for which you want to manage the grading scale.
Click 'Grading Scale' from the left sidebar.
A default grading scale is provided and it may be fastest to modify the existing scale to suit your organisation's needs. If so, click on the default scale to edit it.
To add an entirely new scale, click 'Add New Grading Scale'.
Complete the required information noting the following: Applicable Date: Set the applicable date for the relevant grading scale. This ensures that learners see the grading scale relevant to their enrolment and experience. Ranges: Click 'Add Range' to add additional rows. Begin with the lowest range because the system is set up to require a range that starts at zero (you will be able to reverse the display order later). Note that you do not enter a number to denote the top of the range. After you've added a range starting at zero you'll be able to add additional ranges at various starting percentages and the starting values defines the end of the previous range.
To delete a range click the red minus icon in the remove column of the appropriate row.
When you've added all the required information, click 'Save'.
To reverse the display order of the range start values, click the arrow beside Start %.
To edit an existing grading scale click on its title.
Make the necessary changes.
Click 'Save'.
To delete an existing grading scale click the checkbox beside its title.
Click 'Delete Selected'.
The restricted days tool allows you to indicate days that are restricted within an organization. Once set up, users who try to schedule an event on one of these days when using the recurring event feature will receive a warning notifying them that something is a restricted day (users can ignore the warning and schedule an event anyway if desired).
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
Pick the organization you want to work in if necessary.
Click Restricted Days in the left sidebar.
Click Add Restricted Days.
Add the appropriate days noting that you can add a specific date (e.g. Dec. 25), a weekly day (e.g. every Friday), a monthly day (e.g. the first Wednesday of the month), or a yearly date (e.g. the last Monday of May).
Click Submit.
The newly created restricted day should display on the list of restricted days.
If you are creating a recurring event schedule and one of the dates conflicts with a restricted day, you'll see a warning. Users can ignore the warning and still schedule an event on that day if they so desire.